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Military unit name: 32 MEDLOG
Expanded name: 32 MEDLOG (WBHVA0)
Unit Identification Code: WBHVA0
Service: Army
Theater: Iraq
Information valid as of:April 20, 2007

Other units of group WBHV

        See also

        Equipment as per battle planning leak of April 2007

        NATO Supply Classification Item name Quantity Price each LIN NATO Stock Number PBIC Type DND
        Guns, through 30mm MACH GUN 5.56MM M249 4 2653 M09009 1005011277510 T TPE N
        Miscellaneous Weapons RACK STOR SA M12 1 252.5 ZA9569 1095004070674 H LTT N
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK UTIL 1-1/4T M998 13 34735 T61494 2320011077155 N TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TR C 2 1/2T M1078 3 4626 T60081 2320013543385 N TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK TRACT 6X6 M1088 3 142132 T61239 2320013554332 N TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK CGO MTV W/E M1083 3 128076 T61908 2320013543386 N TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TR 1 1/4T 4X4 M998P1 2 54313.7 T11722 2320015231314 N TPE N
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK CARGO M1078P1 2 98341 T67578 2320015231432 N TPE N
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK UTIL 1-1/4T M998 1 34735 T61494 2320011077155 T TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK UTIL M998A1 1 36076 T61494 2320013719577 T TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK CGO D/S M923A2 1 67139 X40794 2320012300307 T TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK CGO D/S M925 1 75278 X40931 2320010478769 T TPE Y
        Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK TRAC M818 1 73827 X59326 2320000508984 N TPE N
        Trailers TRLER FLAT BED M1082 2 34569 T96564 2330014491775 H LTT N
        Trailers STLR LB 22-1/2T M871 1 17549 S70027 2330001226779 N TPE Y
        Trailers STLR 22-1/2T M871A1 1 14921.68 S70027 2330012260701 N TPE Y
        Trailers SEMITRAILER LOW BED 1 33156 S70027 2330014586865 N TPE Y
        Trailers TLR CGO 3/4 T M101A2 1 3894 W95537 2330011024697 H LTT N
        Saws and Filing Machines TABLE SAW: DW7445 2 LB0577 340501C030513 9 INS N
        Bending and Forming Machines SHRINKING-STRETCH MAC-(1447) 2 5944.13 LB4139 3441005289062 9 INS N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF FK 4K W/O CAB 3 43894 T49255 3930013308907 H LTT N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF FK 4K W/O CAB 3 43894 T49255 3930013308907 N TPE N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRUCK FORKLIFT:7 SERIES 4-WHL EL 2 LF3002 393001C023625 9 INS N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRUCK FORKLIFT: ELECTRIC PICKER 2 LF3002 393001C031204 9 INS N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF 10000 LB-(PD-88VRG/70) 2 57018.12 LF3006 3930013018250 H LTT N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF 6000LB RT 2 72370 T48944 3930011580849 H LTT N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled FORKLIFT: HYSTER A150 1 LF3002 393001C023432 9 INS N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRUCK FORKLIFT: DIESEL 4K TOYOTA 1 LF3002 393001C031205 9 INS N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRUCK FORKLIFT: TOYOTA 5K 1 LF3002 393001C031523 9 INS N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF 6000LB RT 1 72370 T48944 3930011580849 N TPE N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF DD IHC M-10A 1 75923 T49119 3930010543833 H LTT N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF DD IHC M-10A 1 75923 T49119 3930010543833 N TPE N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF DD MDL M4K 1 23659 T49255 3930010764237 N TPE N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF DD MDL M4K 1 23659 T49255 3930010764237 T TPE N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LFT FK VAR RCH RT 1 100199 T73347 3930014172886 N TPE N
        Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRCTR WHL WHSE DED PT 1 17352 W89557 3930013822567 H LTT N
        Refrigeration Equipment ICE MAKER: DISPENSER 4 SA109H 411001C042374 9 INS N
        Refrigeration Equipment REFRIG MECH BLD BANK 2 R61868 4110014226809 H LTT N
        Refrigeration Equipment REFRIGERATOR SOLID ST 2 11012.1 R64126 4110014512356 9 INS N
        Refrigeration Equipment REFRIGERATOR MECHANICAL BLOOD BA 2 SA1009 4110012494476 9 INS N
        Refrigeration Equipment FREEZER MECH BLD PROD 1 F03326 4110013201699 H LTT N
        Refrigeration Equipment REFRIG MECH BLD BBR37 1 R61868 4110011173902 H LTT N
        Refrigeration Equipment REFRIGERATOR: ARABIC WBR-100 1 SA1011 411001C033771 9 INS N
        Refrigeration Equipment REFRIGERATOR: WHITE 1 SA1011 411001C036304 9 INS N
        Refrigeration Equipment FREEZER: UGUA 4162 1 SA1074 411001C034170 9 INS N
        Air Conditioning Equipment AIR COND 54000 BTU 2 3762.18 A26852 4120011508112 H LTT N
        Fans, Air Circulators, and Blower Equipment VENTILATION: BPI VENT HOOD 900CF 2 SA406S 414001C047698 9 INS N
        Compressors and Vacuum Pumps COMPRESSOR AIR: CPF6020 1 SB1000 431001C025805 9 INS N
        Compressors and Vacuum Pumps AIR COMPRESSOR: 160 1 SB1027 431001C034823 9 INS N
        Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Shop Specialized Equipment JACK HYDRAULIC: 72000D NORCO 3 MB108N 491001C040206 9 INS N
        Prefabricated and Portable Buildings SOLAR SYSTEM TY I-(5-4-09696) 2 2494 EB1048 5410015197041 N TPE N
        Rigid Wall Shelters SHELTER TACTICAL 1 178001 S01291 5411012953433 H LTT N
        Rigid Wall Shelters SHELTER 1 67626 S01359 5411012949866 H LTT N
        Telephone and Telegraph Equipment TELEPHONE-(23400-502) 19 809.35 FA0513 5805011599691 9 INS N
        Telephone and Telegraph Equipment TELEPHONE SATELLITE: 9500 IRIDIU 6 FA0510 580501C026742 N TPE N
        Telephone and Telegraph Equipment TELEPHONE CELLULAR: SAGEM MYX-1 2 FA0508 580501C022708 9 INS N
        Telephone and Telegraph Equipment PHONE: 7940 CISCO 1 FA0573 580501C020495 9 INS N
        Teletype and Facsimile Equipment RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER, FACSIMILE: 1 FA1500 581501C007263 9 INS N
        Radio and Television Communication Equipment, Except Airborne RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS: IC 12 FA2017 582001C019354 N TPE N
        Radio and Television Communication Equipment, Except Airborne RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER RADIO: ASTR 6 FA2012 582001C017917 N TPE N
        Radio Navigation Equipment, Except Airborne NAVIGATION SET: SAT 1 2148.22 N95862 5825013953513 N TPE N
        Night Vision Equipment, Emitted and Reflected Radiation NIGHT VIS AN/PVS-7D 51 2748 N05482 5855014225413 H LTT N
        Miscellaneous Communication Equipment MODEM:PAIRGAIN CAMPUS RS 2 70222N 589501C035055 9 INS N
        Switches CATALYST, CISCO 3560: 3560G CISC 2 FB3053 593001C020183 9 INS N
        Switches CATALYST SWITCH: 48 PORTS CISCO 1 FB3082 593001C027042 9 INS N
        Antennas, Waveguides, and Related Equipment MODEM: PARGAINS CAMPUS 5895 1 70222N 598501C035618 9 INS N
        Antennas, Waveguides, and Related Equipment ANT GRP OE-254()/GRC 1 405 A79381 5985010631574 T TPE N
        Electrical Control Equipment PANEL PWR DISTR 1 17711 P60558 6110012486671 T TPE N
        Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical GEN SET M116A2 PU-798 1 17730 G42170 6115013199032 H LTT N
        Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical GEN SET DED TM:PU-802 1 19080 G53778 6115013172138 H LTT N
        Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical GEN ST DSL MEP-803A 1 6979 G74711 6115012755061 9 INS N
        Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY, TYX: PS44 1 63026N 613001C018905 H LTT N
        Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY, TYX: BK65 1 63026N 613001C018916 H LTT N
        Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating CHARGER,BATTERY-(PP4127AU) 1 6212 70069N 6130007826983 9 INS N
        Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating BACK-UPS: ACG2500M/52B 1 FD3003 613001C032109 9 INS N
        Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating BATTERY CHARGER: BC121N 220V 1 FD308J 613001C027205 N TPE N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies ANALYZR BLOOD:CULFINK 8 NA1586 651501C035224 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies OXIMETER PUL SIM:INDEX 2 7 NA155P 651501C035223 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies DEFIBRILLATOR:IMP 4000 6 NA1559 651501C035221 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies PUMP INFUSION: IPT 1 5 NA1525 651501C035220 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies CALABR ANALYZER:VTL 5 NA158H 651501C035228 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies ANALYZER GAS: 8020 2 NA150E 651501C035225 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies ANALYZER OXYGEN:5120 1 NA153R 651501C035226 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies ANALYZER ELEC:RF302 1 NA1567 651501C035230 9 INS N
        Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies ANLYZR ELEC SAF:601PRO 1 NA1585 651501C035227 9 INS N
        Imaging Equipment and Supplies: Medical, Dental, Veterinary ULTRASOUND UNIT DIAGNOSTIC HAND 3 NA2507 6525014964229 9 INS N
        Imaging Equipment and Supplies: Medical, Dental, Veterinary CAL & VERIF SYS METER 2 C05856 6525015020504 9 INS N
        Imaging Equipment and Supplies: Medical, Dental, Veterinary DESITOM 9 V BAT:07-423 1 NA258S 652501C035222 9 INS N
        Hospital Furniture, Equipment, Utensils, and Supplies MIXER BLOOD COLLECTION RECHARGEA 2 NA302Q 6530014332720 N TPE N
        Ophthalmic Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies AUTOMATIC REFRACTOR/KERATOMETER: 1 NA4087 654001C019212 H LTT N
        In Vitro Diagnostic Substances, Reagents, Test Kits and Sets TONOMETER: TONO-PEN XL MEDRONIC 1 NA5085 655001C018746 H LTT N
        Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments DATA LOGGER SYSTEM: VERITEQ INST 3 FG254L 662501C045815 9 INS N
        Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments WATTMETER 2 7500 FG2558 6625014558322 9 INS N
        Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments MULTIMETER: FLUKE 8050 1 75177N 662501C035219 9 INS N
        Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments CNTR E R: AN/USM-459A 1 1273.5 C19266 6625012713012 9 INS N
        Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments TEST SET SINGLE PHASE 1 T77263 6625012550839 9 INS N
        Laboratory Equipment and Supplies INCUBATOR BACTERIOLOGICAL ELECTR 2 FG4007 6640014161385 N TPE N
        Liquid and Gas Flow, Liquid Level, and Mechanical Motion Measuring Instruments TACHOMETER,MECHANIC-(1726) 1 170.86 FG8003 6680002439977 9 INS N
        Combination and Miscellaneous Instruments METER FOOT CANDLE 1 M38443 6695013030294 9 INS N
        Training Aids SIMULATOR PATIENT:215M 1 XA1073 691001C035302 9 INS N
        ADPE System Configuration COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 10 70210N 701001C008250 9 INS N
        ADPE System Configuration COM SE AN/TYQ-107(V)1 8 3600 C18277 7010014704746 N TPE N
        ADPE System Configuration COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 7 70210N 701001C030871 9 INS N
        ADPE System Configuration COM SE AN/TYQ-106(V)1 5 3000 C18345 7010014701197 N TPE N
        ADPE System Configuration COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 2 70210N 701001C010873 9 INS N
        ADPE System Configuration COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 1 70210N 701001C003783 9 INS N
        ADPE System Configuration COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 1 70210N 701001C010058 9 INS N
        ADPE System Configuration COMP SY AN/UYQ-90(V)2 1 5650 C18278 7010014760935 N TPE N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Analog COMPUTER WORKSTATION: 486 1 70209N 702001C030903 9 INS N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Digital TOUGHBOOK: CF51 7 FJ218P 702101C025071 9 INS N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Digital LAPTOP GATEWAY :450RGH 6 FJ212D 702101C032980 9 INS N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Digital COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 4 70210N 702101C026634 9 INS N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Digital COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 4 70210N 702101C028980 9 INS N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Digital NOTEBOOK COMPUTER SYSTEM, DIG: G 4 FJ2144 702101C031592 9 INS N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Digital COMPUTER, MICRO LAP-TOP PORTABLE 1 70210N 702101C018726 9 INS N
        ADP Central Processing Unit (CPU, Computer), Hybrid MONITOR: HYUNDAI 2 70223N 702201C043145 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices SCANNER BAR CODE HAND HELD: MS95 9 FJ2535 702501C005363 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices PRINTER LASERJET: GENERIC 5 FJ2530 702501C031149 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices MONITOR, COLOR IMPE: BENQ V551 B 3 70223N 702501C018176 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices EPSON SCANNER PRFCTN : 1250 3 FJ252U 702501C027519 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices PRINTER LASERJET: 3700DN HEWLETT 3 FJ2530 702501C006108 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices PRINTER LASERJET: E330 LEXMARK 3 FJ2530 702501C012562 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices SCANNERS (CPU): PHOTO COLOR EPSO 2 70212N 702501C024900 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices MONITOR, COLOR IMPE: L90D HYUNDA 1 70223N 702501C019530 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices MONITOR, COLOR IMPE: 17" LCD VS1 1 70223N 702501C034439 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices RACKMOUNT SERVER : 1U 1 FJ250E 702501C031480 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices PRINTER LASERJET: LASERJET 4200 1 FJ2530 702501C012235 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices SCANNER BAR CODE HAND HELD: LS40 1 FJ2535 702501C018852 H LTT N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices PRINTER, MULTIFUNCTION CENTER/ A 1 FJ2546 702501C018973 9 INS N
        ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices INTERFACE CARD: 3CCFE575CT-D 3CO 1 FJ2583 702501C018926 H LTT N
        ADP Support Equipment DOCKING STATION: ASE-MC02-C1 1 FJ3567 703501C030801 9 INS N
        ADP Components HARD DRIVE, EXTERNAL, MOBILE: 25 1 FJ5004 705001C007390 9 INS N
        Miscellaneous Office Machines DIGITAL SENDER: HP 9100C 1 FK9045 749001C028177 9 INS N
        Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets: Home Type TV: ARCELIK NIR33887LS-TXS 1 98807N 773001C038473 9 INS N
        Boxes, Cartons, and Crates CONTAINER ASSY REF 4 CC4541 811501X010002 N TPE N
        Packaging and Packing Bulk Materials WRAP MACHINE STRETCH AUTOMATIC: 1 WE3546 813501C040741 9 INS N
        Specialized Shipping and Storage Containers CONTAINER SHIPPING AND STORAGE: 14 47028N 814501C008991 9 INS N
        Specialized Shipping and Storage Containers CONTAINER SHIPPING AND STORAGE: 1 47028N 814501C009088 9 INS N
        Armor, Personal INSERT,SMALL ARMS P 250 268.71 DA708G 8470015367227 N TPE N
        Armor, Personal CARRIER ASSEMBLY,UN 125 162 DA709B 8470015370504 N TPE N
        Armor, Personal DLTD AND AXLR UNV CAM 83 318.25 D89418 8470015269163 N TPE N
        Armor, Personal DELTOID AND AXILLAR 13 0 D89418 8470015207209 N TPE N
        Armor, Personal BODY ARMOR INTERCEPT LG 1 521.91 B28123 8470014978597 N TPE N