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A CO 203 BSB (WJD2A1)

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Military unit name: A CO 203 BSB
Expanded name: Air Defense Artillery Company 203 Base Support Battalion (WJD2A1)
Unit Identification Code: WJD2A1
Service: Army
Theater: Iraq
Information valid as of:April 20, 2007

Other units of group WJD2

See also

Equipment as per battle planning leak of April 2007

NATO Supply Classification Item name Quantity Price each LIN NATO Stock Number PBIC Type DND
Guns, through 30mm MT TPD MG CAL .50 M3 5 757 M75577 1005003229716 T TPE N
Guns, through 30mm MOUNT GUN RING M66 2 5313 M74364 1005007012810 T TPE N
Guns, through 30mm MG 50 M2 HB FL GD/VEH 1 8493 L91975 1005003229715 T TPE N
Guns, over 30mm up to 75mm MT MAC GUN 40MM MK93 2 2541 M12647 1010013832757 T TPE N
Camouflage and Deception Equipment CAM NET SY AN/USQ-159 72 1200 C89480 1080014750696 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TR W/W M1977P1 11 180000 T82446 2320015231153 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK TRACT M1088A1P1 11 98341 T88847 2320015231490 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK,UTILITY-(XM1165A1) 10 107000 Z00958 2320015402017 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK W/O MHE M1075P1 5 311532 T54918 2320015231049 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK TRACTOR M1088P1 4 98341 T88847 2320015231427 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRK TRA W/W M1088A1P1 3 98341 T59165 2320015231426 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK,UTILITY-(M1152A1) 3 104000 Z01013 2320015402007 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled CONTAINER HDLING UNIT 2 34613 C84862 2320014458266 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK TRA W/W M1088P1 2 98341 T59165 2320015231428 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TR P L W/MHE M1074P1 2 323137 T82696 2320015231047 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK TANK W/O W W/AOA TBPS KIT 2 YF2009 232001X000038 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK UTILITY M1152 1 62665 T11588 2320015187332 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK CARGO M1083A1P1 1 98341 T45051 2320015231488 T TPE N
Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled TRUCK CARGO M1078A1P1 1 98341 T67578 2320015231429 T TPE N
Trailers TLR PLS 8X20 M1076 28 46731 T93761 2330013035197 T TPE Y
Trailers TLR CGO HI MOB 3/4 TON 9 11930 T95992 2330013875443 T TPE N
Trailers SEMITRAILER, TANK M969A1P1 W/ SP 8 90610 T09344 2330015274879 T TPE N
Trailers STLR LB 25T M172A1 7 7729 S70517 2330003176448 T TPE Y
Trailers SEMITRAILER, TANK M969P1 W/ SPRA 4 90610 T09344 2330015274878 T TPE N
Trailers STLR VAN SUP M129A2C 3 27591 S75175 2330007886289 T TPE N
Trailers SEMITRAILER, TANK M969A2P1 W/ SP 3 90610 T09344 2330015274880 T TPE N
Trailers SEMI TR 12T M129A4 2 84466 S75175 2330013725642 T TPE N
Trailers TLR CGO HI MOB 11/4T 2 11930 T95924 2330013875426 T TPE N
Trailers DOLLY SET M1022 1 26160 D34883 2330011677262 T TPE N
Trailers STLR VAN SUP M129A1C 1 7061 S75175 2330007529752 T TPE N
Trailers TRAILER WTR M149A2 1 12955 W98825 2330011087367 T TPE N
Wrapping and Packaging Machinery SEAL IRN 120V125-150W 1 338.25 S65414 3540002224336 T TPE N
Miscellaneous Construction Equipment REELING MACH CA RL-39 15 55.15 R59160 3895004988343 T TPE N
Miscellaneous Construction Equipment AXLE CBL RL RL-27D 1 230.81 B07126 3895003563937 T TPE N
Miscellaneous Construction Equipment REELING MAC HND RL-31 1 936.77 R59023 3895002526896 T TPE N
Conveyors CONVR RLR GRAVITY 5 410.76 F07657 3910009578694 T TPE N
Conveyors CONVR RLR 600 LB 4 332.7 F07794 3910009578693 T TPE N
Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LFT FK VAR RCH RT 6 100199 T73347 3930014172886 T TPE N
Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled TRK LF DD MDL M4K 1 23659 T49255 3930010764237 T TPE N
Miscellaneous Materials Handling Equipment BED CGO FLTTRK IPF M1 31 16633 B83002 3990014061340 T TPE Y
Miscellaneous Materials Handling Equipment BED CGO PLS M1077A1 8 9286 B83002 3990013077676 T TPE Y
Miscellaneous Materials Handling Equipment FLATRACK PALLETIZED 2 7876 B83002 3990014505671 T TPE Y
Power and Hand Pumps PUMP CTRF GD FM 125GM-(125GM) 5 1574 SB2006 4320005423347 T TPE N
Power and Hand Pumps PUMP CENTRIF PAD125B 2 2267 SB2006 4320013571930 T TPE N
Space and Water Heating Equipment HEATER D 120000BTU/HR 2 11362 H00586 4520014770568 T TPE N
Water Purification Equipment WTR PURIF UN WSPES1 3 74316 W35417 4610012952720 T TPE N
Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Shop Specialized Equipment TOWBAR MOTOR VEHICLE 6 2045 W69528 4910013659304 T TPE N
Lubrication and Fuel Dispensing Equipment FWD AREA RFL EQUIP 1 9093 H94824 4930001333041 T TPE N
Weapons Maintenance and Repair Shop Specialized Equipment BORESIGHT EQUIP M30 1 671 B60351 4933013947781 T TPE N
Hand Tools, Power Driven SAW 3-3/8IN CUT 115V 1 671.24 S36426 5130008898991 T TPE N
Sets, Kits, and Outfits of Hand Tools TOOL KIT CARP ENG SQD 2 1128.05 W34648 5180002932875 T TPE N
Sets, Kits, and Outfits of Hand Tools T/K SA REPAIRMAN ORD 1 968 W51910 5180003577770 T TPE N
Rigid Wall Shelters SHELTER 1 220835 S01359 5411011369838 T TPE N
Storage Tanks TANK FABRIC 90074 2 2377 T19033 5430013594774 T TPE N
Telephone and Telegraph Equipment TELEPHONE S TA-312/PT 12 377 V31211 5805005430012 T TPE N
Telephone and Telegraph Equipment TONE-SIG AD TA-977/PT 1 150 T25726 5805010409653 T TPE N
Communications Security Equipment and Components TAPE READ KOI-18/TSEC 2 161 T40405 5810010269620 T TPE N
Communications Security Equipment and Components D T D ANCYZ-10 V3 1 534.86 D78555 5810013931973 T TPE N
Radio and Television Communication Equipment, Except Airborne SATELLITE SAVI 8146-01 1 FA2029 582001C018662 9 INS N
Radio Navigation Equipment, Except Airborne MT-2012 MOBILE SATELLITE TRANSCE 10 FA2549 582501C020372 T TPE N
Miscellaneous Communication Equipment TELEPHONES AND, ANSWERING EQUIPM 2 FA0502 589501C018999 V TPE N
Antennas, Waveguides, and Related Equipment ANT GRP OE-254()/GRC 5 405 A79381 5985010631574 T TPE N
Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical GEN SET DED MEP 831 6 3074 G18358 6115012853012 T TPE N
Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical GEN ST DSL MEP-803A 2 6979 G74711 6115012755061 T TPE N
Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical GEN ST DSL MEP-802A 1 8145 G11966 6115012747387 T TPE N
Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical GEN SET M116A2 PU-797 1 16256 G42238 6115013320741 T TPE N
Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating PWR SUPPLY PP-6224/U 5 1669 P40750 6130001335879 T TPE N
Wire and Cable, Electrical CA TEL WD-1A/TT DR-8 23 117 C68719 6145011554258 T TPE N
Wire and Cable, Electrical CA TP WD-1A/TT RL-159 1 448 C68856 6145011554256 T TPE N
Electric Portable and Hand Lighting Equipment LT ST GEN ILLUM 25 OT 6 5943 L63994 6230002997077 T TPE N
Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments TEST SET TS-4348/UV 2 262 E03826 6625013239584 T TPE N
Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments RADIO FREQUENCY: CAL-PAK RFR-100 2 FG2503 662501C048497 9 INS N
Chemical Analysis Instruments WATER QUALITY ANALY 2 6048 FG3017 6630014772395 T TPE N
Chemical Analysis Instruments WTR QTY ANAL SET PURI 1 3404 W47475 6630013655588 T TPE N
Hazard-Detecting Instruments and Apparatus DETECTING SET MINE 2 2450 G02341 6665219061023 T TPE N
Hazard-Detecting Instruments and Apparatus RADIAC SET AN/PDR-75 1 2978 R30925 6665012114217 T TPE N
ADPE System Configuration MAGNUS LAPTOP: MTS 8 FJ107D 701001C027829 T TPE N
ADPE System Configuration COM ST DIG OL-604/TYQ 5 14899 C18684 7010014204981 9 INS N
ADPE System Configuration COMP SY AN/UYQ-90(V)3 2 8500 C78851 7010014760934 T TPE N
ADPE System Configuration COM ST DIG OL-603/TYQ 1 14899 C78827 7010014204983 9 INS N
ADPE System Configuration COM ST DIG OL-603/TYQ 1 14899 C78827 7010014204983 T TPE N
ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices MONITOR, COLOR IMPE:17" 1707FP D 3 70223N 702501C030363 9 INS N
ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices MONITOR: DAEWOO 531B 3 70223N 702501C034851 9 INS N
ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices PRINTER LASERJET: T620 LEXMARK 2 70236N 702501C008247 9 INS N
ADP Input/Output and Storage Devices PRINTER BARCODE: Z-4000 LABEL PR 1 FJ2587 702501C009346 9 INS N
Accounting and Calculating Machines RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION ( 1 FK2085 742001C019494 9 INS N
Drums and Cans REP KIT 500G DR 6 IN 2 168 R73791 8110008566246 T TPE N