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Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Audit of Operations in Darfur (AR2006-115-03), 7 Feb 2007

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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN OIOS) 7 Feb 2007 report titled "Audit of Operations in Darfur [AR2006-115-03]" relating to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The report runs to 18 printed pages.

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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services
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February 7, 2007
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Simple text version follows

                    UNITED NATIONS
               Office of Internal Oversight Services
                      UNHCR Audit Service

Assignment AR2006/115/03                               7 February 2007
Audit Report R06/R003



                        Krishna Menon
                       Guillaume Hendriks


        UNITED NATIONS                                                   NATIONS UNIES

                               Office of Internal Oversight Services
                                      UNHCR Audit Service

             AUDIT OF UNHCR OPERATIONS IN DARFUR (AR2006/115/03)

                                   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

In September 2006, OIOS conducted an audit of UNHCR Operations in Darfur. The audit covered
activities with a total expenditure of US$ 21.7 million in 2005 and 2006. A draft of this report was
shared with the Director of the Bureau for Africa and the Representative on which comments were
received by January 2007. Management has accepted most of the recommendations made and is in
the process of implementing them.

                                       Overall Assessment
�   In Darfur, UNHCR is working in a very difficult and volatile environment. Taking this into
    account along with the positive action taken and/or proposed by management to strengthen the
    internal control weaknesses identified by OIOS, an assessment rating of average has been
    given. Nonetheless, if the proposed action is not taken promptly, particularly over supply
    management activities, the lack of sound internal controls will continue to have a negative
    impact on the effectiveness of the operation.

                                     Programme Management
�   For the three partners reviewed, with the exception of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC),
    reasonable assurance could be obtained that UNHCR funds were properly accounted for and
    disbursed in accordance with the Sub-Project Agreements. Audit certificates for the 2005 sub-
    projects were not yet available.
�   The DRC sub-projects could have been better managed. The 2006 sub-project was terminated
    in the middle of the year following differences in opinion with UNHCR. The original 2005
    accounting records had been transferred to Copenhagen, and only copies of some of the
    vouchers were available for OIOS' review. The main expenditure for expatriate salaries (US$
    420,000) could not be supported and the salary rates paid (over US$ 6,000 per month for long
    periods) far exceeded those allowed under UNHCR's programme management rules and
    procedures. Management confirmed that the salary rates paid were discussed and the project
    proposal accepted by Headquarters.
�   The budget provisions for INTERSOS were not sufficiently detailed. About US$ 620,000 had
    been allocated in 2005 and 2006 without adequately breaking down the costs per activity. This
    budgeting practice resulted in a lack of control and transparency, and gave the partner
    excessive latitude on how to disburse UNHCR funds.
�   The five per cent Headquarters operational support cost had not been correctly computed for
    INTERSOS, as major local purchases were not deducted from the calculation baseline,
    resulting in an overpayment of US$ 76,800 in 2005 and 2006. OIOS has recommended that the


    2006 support costs be revised to yield savings of US$ 38,000. Action was taken, and US$
    38,000 has been recovered from a subsequent instalment.
�    Overall the programme implementation rate was low. At the time of the audit, programme
    expenditures were only about 38 per cent of the funds advanced to partners. Moreover, the
    ABOD costs of US$ 12.3 million in 2005 and 2006 exceeded the programme costs of
    US$ 9.4 million, meaning that ABOD expenditures were 57 per cent of the total expenditure.
    In response to the draft report, management partly attributed the delays to the fact that (a) for
    some time project instruments were processed in Khartoum and not in El-Geneina and (b) the
    instructions received by the SO to dramatically reduce expenditures and therefore the lateness
    of the implementation was not perceived as a major problem.

�   OIOS observed, since its last audit, improvements in the establishment and compliance with
    UNHCR's rules and procedures over administration and finance. For example, although there
    were some delays in the settlement of operational advances, they were monitored and cleared
    on a systematic basis. Such a practice should continue.
�   SO El Geneina set aside, in the office safe, a contingency fund of US$ 100,000 to pay a three-
    month salary advance to local staff in case of evacuation, and the amount was retained in the
    office safe for several months. In OIOS' opinion this presented a serious security risk to the
    office and staff. Also from an accounting perspective the amount was charged directly to
    expenditure even though the funds were not disbursed. The money has since been deposited
    into the bank, and action was being taken to ensure the accounting transactions were
�   The SO spent US$ 100,000 on a new field office building that was never occupied due to
    security concerns. OIOS was concerned, as the building was constructed on leased land,
    whether UNHCR could recover its investment. Management have sought advice from the
    Legal Affairs Section and it is UNHCR's intention to repossess the premises when security

                                        Supply Management
�   Despite their importance to the operation, the supply chain activities, especially asset
    management were weak and required urgent attention. Improvements were also needed for fuel
    management and warehousing.

                                         Security and Safety

�   Security considerations have greatly curtailed UNHCR's ability to operate effectively in
    Darfur. Growing tensions have created considerable insecurity for staff and partners in the
    region. MORSS compliance rates needed improvement, but efforts are underway to enhance
    the level of compliance.

                                                                                   January 2007


                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

CHAPTER                                          Paragraphs

 I.    INTRODUCTION                                  1-5

II.    AUDIT OBJECTIVES                               6

III.   AUDIT SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY                   7-10


       A. Review of Implementing Partners           11-31
       B. Other Programme Issues                    32-35
       C. Administration                            36-52
       D. Supply Management                         53-65
       E. Security and Safety                       66-67

V.     ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                68


                                       I. INTRODUCTION

1.     From 3 to 9 September 2006, OIOS conducted an audit of UNHCR's Operations in
Darfur. The audit was conducted in accordance with the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. OIOS reviewed the activities of Sub-Office (SO) El
Geneina and of three of its implementing partners.

2.      In July 2005, OIOS had audited the activities of SO El Geneina and reviewed the
partner, INTERSOS. Recommendations were made to reinforce project control and monitoring
activities, and significantly improve asset management and fuel management where urgent
attention was required.

3.      The Sudanese Government and the largest faction of the SLMA (Sudanese Liberation
Movement Army) signed the long-awaited peace agreement aimed at ending the conflict in
Darfur on 5 May 2006 in Abuja (Nigeria). This agreement followed an April 2004 ceasefire
and two peace protocols signed in November 2004. However, since September 2005 the
security situation, especially in West Darfur, has steadily deteriorated. The Sudan-Chad border
area is also increasingly at the centre of heightened security tensions.

4.     The main objective of the Darfur programme is to make the necessary interventions to
ensure that international standards of protection are met for all persons of concern. This also
includes the strengthening of community-based protection mechanisms in camps, host
communities and villages of return. The rapidly worsening security situation has curtailed
UNHCR's capacity to respond effectively to the many challenges.

5.      The findings and recommendations contained in this report have been discussed with
the officials responsible for the audited activities during the exit conference held on
9 September 2006. A draft of this report was shared with the Director of the Bureau for Africa
and the Representative on which on which comments were received by December 2007.
Management has accepted the audit recommendations made and is in the process of
implementing them.

                                     II. AUDIT OBJECTIVES

6.     The main objectives of the audit were to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of
controls to ensure:
�   Reliability and integrity of financial and operational information
�   Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
�   Safeguarding of assets
�   Compliance with regulations and rules, Letters of Instruction and Sub-Project Agreements.

                        III.     AUDIT SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY

7.      The audit focused on 2005 and 2006 programme activities under projects
05-06/SB/SUD/RP/332 with expenditure of US$ 9.4 million. Our review concentrated on the
activities implemented by INTERSOS - expenditure of US$ 3.56 million; Danish Refugee



Council (DRC) - expenditure of US$ 1.33 million and Amel Centre for Treatment and
Rehabilitation (ACTR) - expenditure of US$ 285,000. We also reviewed activities directly
implemented by UNHCR with expenditure of US$ 2.2 million.

8.      The audit reviewed the administration of SO El Geneina with administrative budgets of
US$ 12.3 million for 2005 and 2006. OIOS was unable to obtain accurate data regarding
assets deployed in the operation (a similar situation found in OIOS' previous audit). The
number of staff working for the UNHCR Operation in the offices reviewed in Darfur was 96.
This included staff on regular posts, United Nations Volunteers and staff on mission.

9.      The audit also followed-up on findings and recommendations made in OIOS' July 2005
audit regarding financial and cash management, operational advances and supply management,
in particular asset and fuel management.

10.      The audit activities included a review and assessment of internal control systems, field
visits, interviews with staff, analysis of applicable data and a review of the available
documents and other relevant records.


                             A.       Review of Implementing Partners

11.     For the three partners reviewed, with the exception of DRC, reasonable assurance could
be obtained that UNHCR funds were properly accounted for and disbursed in accordance with
the Sub-Project Agreements. Audit certificates for 2005 sub-projects were not available at the
time of the audit.

(a)    Danish Refugee Council

12.     Due to the security situation in Darfur the original vouchers and supporting documents
for the 2005 sub-project had been transferred to DRC's Headquarters in Copenhagen; a
complete set of copies had not been retained in Darfur. In the absence of the original
documents and accounting records and missing photocopies of expatriate salaries, OIOS was
unable to provide assurance that UNHCR funds had been disbursed in accordance with the
Sub-Project Agreement. For expatriate salaries, only a few contracts were available and this
alone was not sufficient evidence of the disbursements. This accounted for 30 per cent of the
total expenditure. The 2006 records were available for our review.

13.     In 2005, the partner had spent US$ 481,000 of the US$ 660,000 remitted. The balance
of US$ 179,000 was carried forwarded and used for 2006 sub-project activities. Similarly
under the SDD budget, an amount of SDD 39.37 million (US$ 179,000) was carried forward to
the 2006 sub-project. DRC cited an e-mail dated 19 January 2006 from the Senior Programme
Officer as authority to use the 2005 unspent funds for 2006 activities. In some cases, if sub-
projects completed on time and the next year's Sub-Project Agreement has been entered into,
unspent balances may be used/or off-set against the first instalment. This was not the case in
this instance, as no funds were advanced to the partner in 2006. Effectively therefore the 2005
unspent amount remained unadjusted.

14.   For 2005, US$ 420,000 was charged for expatriate salaries. The monthly rate paid was
US$ 6,000 for the full year (one was budgeted at US$ 6,300). The salary rate budgeted and



charged far exceeds the amount allowed in UNHCR's rules and procedures. In OIOS' opinion,
the UNHCR standard rates should have applied. OIOS was informed that these higher salaries
were paid in consultation with Headquarters. The office could not provide OIOS with
evidence of the consultation process.

15.     Moreover, in accordance with UNHCR's policy on the payment of implementing
partner's expatriate staff, the lumpsum contribution should cover all costs such as salaries,
benefits and related costs including travel. OIOS observed that in addition to the already high
salaries, a further US$ 83,000 was budgeted for staff travel and medical insurance costs, and
US$ 41,500 was reported as spent on R&R travel, DSA and travel of expatriate staff to
Copenhagen. It also goes against UNHCR's principle whereby salary budgets for partners
should be consistently applied.

Procurement activities

16.     DRC is not pre-qualified to undertake procurement on behalf of UNHCR and therefore
should apply UNHCR's IP Procurement Guidelines. DRC did not always comply with the
required procedures and some exceptions were noted by OIOS in terms of tendering for goods.
Also, adequate supporting documents were not always on file. For example, there was no
evidence that the award of the contract for veterinary items costing US$ 34,910 was done
competitively. DRC stated that the items were of a specialized nature and could only be
sourced from a single supplier. While this might have been the case, OIOS suggested that for
the future, any explanation for non-compliance with the procurement procedures be justified in
writing. OIOS was pleased to note however that in 2006, the situation has markedly improved
with regard to the level of compliance with sound procurement procedures.

UNHCR's relationship with the partner

17.      During the latter stages of implementation of the 2005 sub-project, the partnership with
DRC ran into difficulties. This was mainly as there was a perception within UNHCR that DRC
had failed to meet all the sub-project objectives. The reports produced by DRC under the
information pillar were of limited use and were only belatedly shared with UNHCR and
therefore did not assist UNHCR in addressing protection concerns in a timely manner. While
the rehabilitation projects did make an impact in some areas, the lack of community
participation was noted and commented upon by UNHCR. UNHCR also expressed concern
about the lack of geographical and sectoral coverage of the CBRPs (community-based
reintegration projects). On its part, DRC was concerned about the lack of clear communication
channels with UNHCR, the lack of clarity of messages from UNHCR and staff changes. Also
in their opinion UNHCR did not give them the essential support required to effectively
implement the project, such as vehicles, telecommunication and computer equipment.

18.    In OIOS' view, differences that have a direct impact on the effectiveness of project
implementation should be resolved as they emerge. If regular and effective project monitoring
had been undertaken, the gaps in programme implementation would have been detected early
on and remedial action could have been taken. In OIOS' view, communication with partners
should be improved to ensure problematic issues are identified, discussed and resolved.

19.    Management agreed that there had been problems and misunderstandings with the
partner and that UNHCR had not been getting the protection services that had been agreed.
Management stated that as they had been requested to significantly reduce the operations'
budget due to funding shortages, it was then decided to terminate the partnership with DRC



and focus on other sub-projects more in line with strategic and operational priorities.
           The UNHCR Representation in Sudan should ensure that the
           salaries and remunerations budgeted and paid to partners'
           expatriate staff is within the scales prescribed in UNHCR's
           rules and procedures. The Representation should also ensure
           that differences between UNHCR and its partners are resolved
           sufficiently early on and resolved to reduce any negative
           impact it could have on the effective implementation of the
           sub-project (Rec.01).

20.    Management stated that for the 2007 sub-projects, the salaries and remuneration
budgeted would be within the scales prescribed in UNHCR's rules and procedures. It was also
added that partnership with DRC was likely to resume in 2007. OIOS is pleased to note that
action will be taken. OIOS will close the recommendation when it has received a copy of the
2007 sub-project for DRC where salary and other associated costs have been budgeted in
accordance with UNHCR's programme rules and procedures.


21.    OIOS was able to reconcile from the summary books of account to the expenditures
reported in the SPMR. INTERSOS operated two non-interest bearing accounts for the UNHCR
sub-project, one in local currency and another in US Dollars. The bank account was not
operated on a joint signatory basis, which is contrary to good accounting practices. Internal
controls over the approval and authorization of expenditure were assessed as satisfactory.

Overcharge of support costs

22.     In 2005, local procurement under the SDD budget was SDD 195 million (US$ 796,000)
or 63 per cent out of the total expenditure of SDD 309 million (US$ 1.26 million). This amount
should have been excluded from the headquarters support cost calculation base, with the 5 per
cent support cost recalculated. OIOS' calculations showed that the budgeted amount should
have been US$ 45,500 instead of US$ 84,000. This resulted in an overpayment of US$ 38,500
in 2005. A similar situation occurred in 2006, when local procurement was SDD 205.8 million
(US$ 935,000), 56 per cent of the total budget of SDD 366 million (US$ 1.66 million), and the
overhead support budget should have been US$ 38,000 instead of US$104,800. OIOS
estimated an overcharge of US$ 76,800 for 2005 and 2006. While it may be difficult at this
stage to recover overpaid amounts for 2005, an appropriate readjustment to the 2006 budget
should be made.

23.     This issue had been brought to the attention of UNHCR in OIOS' June 2005 audit. The
corrective measures were not taken and therefore opportunities for cost savings were lost.



           The UNHCR Representation in Sudan should ensure that the
           Programme Unit comprehensively reviews the 5 per cent
           overhead costs budgeted by INTERSOS and makes sure that
           these are in accordance with UNHCR's rules and procedures.
           The amounts over-budgeted in 2006 should be adjusted in
           subsequent revisions. This will result in cost savings estimated
           at US$ 38,000 (Rec.02).

24.     Management stated that the over-budgeted 5 per cent overhead costs estimated at
US$ 38,000 have been recovered from their last instalment. OIOS is pleased to note the
positive action taken and will record this recommendation as implemented on receipt of a copy
of the documents showing that US$ 38,000 has been recovered.


25.    The partner is pre-qualified to conduct procurement on behalf of UNHCR, but opted to
observe UNHCR's IP Procurement Guidelines. OIOS' review found that proper procurement
procedures were not consistently applied. For example, for the purchase of water pumps of
US$ 43,700, while three offers were available, the contract was awarded to the most expensive
offer without any specific reason recorded. For some other purchases there was no evidence of
competitive bidding.

26.      Overall, the documentation supporting procurement should be improved; goods
received notes and waybills evidencing the despatch of goods to field locations were not
always available. Also, in cases where competitive bidding was done, the evaluation and
comparison of offers were not properly documented with no comparative table or listing of the
criteria and factors leading to the award of the contract.

Sub-project Budgeting

27.     The 2005 local currency budget included a lumpsum amount of SDD 67.5 million (
US$ 294,000) for CBRPs (water, sanitation and NFIs) under H.98.j.10999. This budget was
not broken down to reflect the exact activities to be implemented and as a consequence the
partner used considerable latitude in disbursing them. This was repeated in 2006 where a
lumpsum of SDD 75 million (US$ 326,000) had been made for CBRPs. OIOS noted that in
some instances in 2005 unjustified costs were made against this budget line. For instance, the
cost of an expatriate staff member's salary of SDD 2.50 million (US$ 10,900) was charged to
the local sub-project, but these salary costs were already budgeted for in the US Dollar sub-

28.    In the future, in order to improve budgetary monitoring and control, as well as
increased transparency, such lumpsum budgeting should be avoided.



          The UNHCR Representation in Sudan, to improve transparency,
          should ensure that lumpsum budgets are not provided for in partner
          sub-projects. Budgets should have sufficient detail to facilitate the
          monitoring and controlling of expenditures against budgets. The
          Representation should review the validity of the salary costs
          charged to the local currency sub-project, and if it is found that the
          amount was incorrectly charged, it should be recovered (Rec.03).

29.     Since the OIOS mission, Management has had extensive discussions with the partner on
the lumpsum budget submission and it has been agreed that this will not apply in their future
budgets. On the validity of the salary costs charged to the local currency budget, the incorrect
amount has been recovered from the last instalment of the partner. OIOS is pleased to note that
corrective action will be taken. OIOS will keep the recommendation open until a copy of the
2007 sub-project budget has been provided which allows proper monitoring of budget versus
actual expenditure.

(c)     Amel Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation

30.   The accounting system was very basic and consisted of handwritten ledgers in Arabic.
OIOS was however (with assistance) able to agree the list of expenditures incurred to the
SPMR. The expenditures were properly supported and the documents were easily retrieved.

31.     OIOS understands that it has been acknowledged that the partner has done good work,
and the reason for the end of the partnership in July 2006 was the lack of UNHCR funding.
OIOS noted that while the unspent balance at the end of the project period had been refunded
to UNHCR, they still have UNHCR assets in their custody. This includes a minibus, two
motorcycles, two generators and IT equipment. Unless the right of ownership is to be
transferred to the partner, the assets should be recovered.

                                  B.       Other Programme Issues

32.     Staff sent on mission from the Representation satisfactorily carried out project financial
monitoring, but performance monitoring was difficult due to the security situation. OIOS
observed that the programme implementation rates were low, as were the associated
expenditures even though nine months of the 2006 project period had elapsed. As of September
2006 only SDD 217 million (US$ 986,400) of the local currency budget had been remitted to
partners from a budget of SDD 567 million (US$ 2.57 million). From the US Dollar budget,
only US$ 936,000 from US$ 2.37 million had been remitted. This corresponded to a release of
38 per cent of the available funds. Sub-Project Agreements were delayed, resulting in the late
release of instalments to partners, affecting the programme and implementation cycle. The SO
relied on the Office of the Representation to prepare the Sub-Project Agreements, FOBS and
IPRs, as this capacity did not exist in El Geneina.

33.    The insecurity in West Darfur had rendered most operational sites inaccessible to both
UNHCR and implementing partners. This, combined with the relocation of programme staff to
South Sudan, affected implementation. The SO was also of the view that as the Sub-Project
Agreements were prepared in Khartoum, and due to that office's other priorities, it had a
knock-on effect in the late signing of Sub-Project Agreements with partners. Most of them
were signed in May/June 2006, as opposed to earlier in the year. It was a combination of



these factors that resulted in the low rate of programme implementation in the whole of West

34.     OIOS was pleased to note that the Programme Unit had been strengthened and some of
the tasks previously undertaken in Khartoum were to be managed locally.
           The UNHCR Representation in Sudan should ensure that the
           2006 sub-projects are implemented expeditiously and that the
           programme cycle for 2007 is planned well in advance so that
           Sub-Project Agreements are signed in a timely manner and
           project implementation can begin in the early part of the year

35.     In response to the draft report, management partly attributed the delays to the fact that
(a) for some time Sub-Project Agreements were processed in Khartoum and not in El-Geneina
and (b) directions that the SO dramatically reduce expenditures and therefore the lateness of
the implementation was not perceived as a major problem. Management indicated that to
avoid delays, these issues have been discussed with partners and they were requested to submit
their 2007 proposals by mid December 2006 to enable SO El-Geneina to process the Sub-
Project Agreements by January 2007. OIOS will close the recommendation on confirmation
that Sub-Project Agreements were entered into in a timely manner and sub-project
implementation is well underway.

                                      C.       Administration

36.     In the areas of administration and finance, the SO El-Geneina generally complied with
UNHCR's regulations, rules, policies and procedures and controls were operating effectively
during the period under review. There were a few notable exceptions as outlined below.

(a)    Creation of contingency reserve

37.     In October 2005 and in February 2006, the SO, acting on instructions from the Head of
Office, set aside SDD 22.24 million (US$ 100,000) to pay three months' advance salary to
locally recruited staff in case of a possible evacuation for security reasons. The amount was
never disbursed to national staff and remained in the office safe. The amounts were charged to
the ABOD under Temporary Assistance (032) and General Operating Expenses (415) in both
the years and recorded as expenditure.

38.     OIOS pointed out that the practice of expensing amounts not yet disbursed contravened
UNHCR rules and procedures. Also, considering the volatile security conditions, holding
funds of US$ 100,000 in an office safe was very risky: both in terms of financial loss and
personal security of staff. The Senior Administration Assistant, who was the petty cash
custodian, was given the responsibility of safekeeping the cash, even though there was no
formal record that the cash was in the safe. OIOS considered giving this responsibility to a
local staff member imposed unacceptable levels of risks. OIOS recommended a resolution be
promptly sought, and in the interim the Head of Office should be ultimately responsible for the
funds and the responsibility should not be (and should not have been) delegated to a junior
staff member.



39.     SO El Geneina explained that the retention of money in the safe was a temporary
measure to provide funds to local staff in the event of an imminent evacuation. The SO was
fully aware of the risks involved in keeping three months' salary advance in the safe but had to
balance this against the consequences of a sudden departure whereby no provisions would
have been made for payment of salaries to staff not evacuated and expected to stay behind.
There was also an imminent threat of conflict and given the circumstances, taking measures at
the time seemed the most appropriate course of action to address the needs of staff staying
behind. The creation of the reserve was not only morally justified but necessary. OIOS was
informed that the funds have since been deposited in the bank and the accounts against which
it was initially charged have been credited.

40.     OIOS appreciates that the security situation would have necessitated contingency plans
to be established; whether to maintain cash in a safe was the most prudent option is
questionable. However from an accounting perspective the amount should have been charged
to a VF account, rather than expensed. Also since some of the expenditures pertained to 2005,
appropriate accounting entries for prior year adjustments should have been made. To credit the
full US$ 100,000 against the current ABOD is incorrect. It has the effect of increasing the
current year's ABOD by that extent.

41.     OIOS was also of the opinion that it was not necessarily correct to make a blanket
provision for all national staff. The instructions provide for the identification of a limited
number of national staff who would be essential for running the office and if conditions
deteriorate, other staff would be considered to be on special leave with pay. The three months
salary advance is payable on an exceptional basis to staff at the discretion of the designated
official. Also, other UNHCR offices in the country could have assisted in paying salary
advances instead of holding such large amounts of cash in a safe.
           The UNHCR Representation in Sudan should ensure that any
           contingencies for evacuation salary advances in the field for
           staff is done only after proper consultation. The
           Representation should ensure that the proper accounting
           transactions are posted to correct the accounts of the amounts
           wrongly expensed in 2005 (Rec.05).

42.    Management stated that corrective action would be taken prior to closing 2006
accounts. OIOS will close this recommendation on confirmation that the accounting records
have been duly corrected.

(b)    Operational advances

43.     There were some delays in the settlement and liquidation of operational advances.
Nonetheless, in comparison to OIOS' last audit, procedures had improved. The Finance
Assistant was monitoring advances on a systematic basis, and advances were not accumulated
or carried over into subsequent advances. The outstanding balance in VF 364 pending
clearance was about US$ 25,000 at the time of the audit. Close monitoring and attention should
continue, as some field offices are continuing to operate on the basis of operational advances
paid by SO El Geneina.



(c)    Expenditure on Field Office Kulbus

44.     In 2005 and 2006 an amount in excess of US$100,000 was spent on setting up and
furnishing FO Kulbus. The amounts were disbursed in stages and charged to the various
ABOD expenditure categories. The bulk of it was however allocated to 721, which covers
alterations and improvements to premises. Due to the deterioration of security, UNHCR
abandoned its plans to establish an office in the area. While some of the movable items had
been retrieved, a significant part of the investment in the construction works remained at the
site. Moreover, OIOS learned that the land on which the building was constructed was rented
and therefore the landlord owns the structure. The building is currently occupied by
CONCERN an NGO who have taken over the lease.

45.     OIOS' review observed that the SO had not followed the proper procedures for opening
and closing a UNHCR office. Additionally, the lease deed had not been shared with the Legal
Affairs Section (LAS). Management confirmed that the legal documents have now been shared
with LAS. This was even more important considering that the construction work was done on
leased land. The SO should assess the value of the building and if it cannot be repossessed, this
asset should be written-off after following the applicable procedures and approvals of
LAMB/HAMB. Management stated that the initial decision to start an office at Kulbus was
dictated by operational realities; however subsequent developments on the security front
forced them to abandon the office. It is UNHCR's intention to repossess the premises if the
situation stabilizes, and therefore a write-off is not presently being considered. CONCERN will
continue to use the premises and will be requested to release the office as soon as UNHCR is
allowed to resume activities in Kulbus.

(d)    SOLAR overpayments

46.     SOLAR payments were processed in Khartoum on the basis of claim documents and a
calculation sheet sent by the SO El Geneina for staff in the Darfur operations. With the
payment of SOLAR centralized in Khartoum, it established stronger control compared with
that noted in the South Sudan operation. In general the process was satisfactory and was
operating smoothly. A few errors were noted with reference to payment of SOLAR on sick
leave and paternity leave.

47.     It should be noted that during sick leave spent outside the SOA (other than on
MEDEVAC) the entitlement to SOLAR ceases. Also, SOLAR should be discontinued from the
date the staff member leaves the SOA on maternity or paternity leave. OIOS found that this
was not always the case, and identified overpayments amounting to US$ 10,000 in three cases.
           The UNHCR Representation in Sudan should ensure that the
           SOLAR payments estimated at US$ 10,000 and overpaid to
           three staff members on sick leave outside the SOA or on
           paternity leave are recovered (Rec.06).

48.     The SO informed OIOS that action had been initiated to recover the SOLAR
erroneously paid. The staff members concerned have already agreed that the overpayments be
recovered. Action will be taken prior to the year-end closure. OIOS is pleased to note the
action taken and will close the recommendation on receipt of evidence that the amounts have
been recovered.



(e)    Attendance records

49.    Improvements were required in the maintenance of attendance records. OIOS noted
some discrepancies and recommended that a full review be undertaken and corrective action
taken where necessary. Staff members' leave records were duly corrected.

(f)    Expenditure of security upgrades to private residences

50.     Some staff members in El Geneina preferred staying in private accommodation instead
of the guesthouses maintained by UNHCR. OIOS was informed that this had the approval of
the Representation. While the UNHCR guesthouses are generally MOSS compliant, security
upgrades are often required for private residences to make them MORSS compliant and this
may entail additional cost to UNHCR. OIOS noted that security upgrades to a private residence
of one staff member cost SDD 839,000 (US$ 3,650). This was considerably more than the
permissible amount of US$ 900. Management informed OIOS that four staff members were
living in the house and no generator was provided to them for their use resulting in some

(g)    ABOD costs and staffing levels

51.     In June 2005, OIOS observed that given the level of operations, the existing staff
complement appeared excessive: some of the managerial posts such as Senior Field
Coordinator, Senior Community Services Officer, Senior Programme Officer and Senior
Admin/Finance Officer, did not appear necessary. In its current review, OIOS determined that
even though the scale of operations had increased, many of the planned field offices could not
be opened due to security issues. Accordingly, the level of expected work was far less than
anticipated. OIOS would reiterate therefore that a review of human resource requirements be
done to determine the level of staffing required to sustain and to implement an effective
operation. The ORB has endorsed the new staffing structure that was proposed by the
Representation that took account both the operational requirements as well as the achievements
reached so far in Darfur

52.     OIOS estimated that the ABOD cost for the Darfur operation was US$ 12.3 million for
2005/2006, which was considerably more than the programme costs of US$ 9.4 million for the
same period. OIOS appreciates that the Darfur operations are protection focused, requiring
high staffing presence on the ground. Nonetheless, the rapidly escalating staff costs are a
matter of concern which management should review. Management stated that there were
constant requests to reduce the overall budget and often programme expenditure was curtailed
in order not to compromise UNHCR's presence on the ground and other activities. This meant
that budget reductions were at the expense of programme expenditure.

                                   D.       Supply Management

53.     Supply management continues to be weak and an area of concern for management.
OIOS' review of supply management showed that widespread shortcomings persisted in the
area of asset and fuel management and this has an impact on the efficiency of operations.

(a)    Fuel management

54.   On two previous occasions OIOS highlighted that the supply of fuel is a crucial
component of the Darfur operation and that it was imperative that reliable and cost effective



arrangements be concluded. In 2005 and 2006 (up to August) the SO procured diesel costing
US$ 300,000. Despite the significant monetary value and quantities involved, adequate
attention had not been given to the procurement, receipt, issue and accounting of fuel. More
than two years into the operation, the SO still procured fuel in drums as they lacked adequate
bulk storage capacity. No initiative had been taken to put in place long-term arrangements.
OIOS was informed that bulk fuel was brought in tankers and transferred to drums. Such a
practice, involving manual handling and dispensing of fuel could expose UNHCR to
considerable loss, short supply and wastage. The problem was compounded as the SO lacked
the means to accurately measure the quantity in the drums.

55.     Stock records reflecting receipts, issues and balances were not available when
requested. At OIOS' request they were prepared for 2006 and for some months in 2005. Our
review of the stock records prepared, were found to be neither consistent, reliable nor accurate.
This was not surprising as the receipt of fuel, a measuring stick, provided by the vendor, was
the tool used. The office did not have any measuring device, and the fuel drums were assumed
on some occasions to contain 198 litres and on others 176 litres. In view of the significant
difference per drum and the absence of opening and closing balances, OIOS considers that
there is a significant likelihood that discrepancies will exist.

56.      OIOS proceeded to analyse the fuel stock records and noted that from 12 November
2005 to 31 May 2006, the SO purchased 62,590 litres of diesel. The consumption records for
the same period showed that 53,029 litres were used. In the absence of a closing balance of
fuel, this implies a discrepancy of 9,561 litres representing 15 per cent of the quantity
purchased. The SO needs to carefully recreate the fuel records so that the apparent shortages
can be explained. A physical verification of stock should be conducted.

57.    The SO also maintained a buffer stock of fuel of 120 drums (21,120 litres) valued at
US$ 22,000. This quantity was not shown in the stock records. Also, strong internal controls
were not in place for controlling fuel usage, whereby an analysis per vehicle and generator
(with explanations for over/under usage) could have been done. OIOS' review noticed that
there were marked differences of kilometres/litre per vehicle and litres/hour for the generators.
The SO was unable to explain the differences.

58.     In response to the OIOS June 2005 audit, assurance had been given that "long term fuel
arrangement either through WFP or UNMIS were being worked on". It was also stated that
bulk storage facilities and measuring devices would be looked into, and the Administration
Unit had been asked to identify funds for immediate procurement. OIOS regrets that no action
was taken despite the assurances given, and there has been no change in the situation for the
past two years. This in OIOS' opinion is not acceptable as a Supply Officer at the P-3 level has
been present in the SO. The SO agreed with OIOS comments regarding the inadequate
attention given to the handling of fuel and all efforts would be made to correct this situation



           The UNHCR Representation in Sudan should significantly improve
           procedures for the procurement, receipt, issue, recording and
           analysis of fuel in Darfur. Immediate arrangements for bulk fuel
           procurement and storage facilities should be instigated in
           consultation with the Supply Unit in Khartoum. Sub-Office El
           Geneina should perform regular fuel stock counts to reconcile
           physical and book balances and undertake regular analysis of usage
           per vehicle and generator (Rec.07).

59.     In response to the recommendation, management stated that a procurement proposal
for fuel bulk storage and handling capacity has been submitted to the Representation.
Procedures have been strengthened and daily issues of fuel are recorded on a spreadsheet and
weekly fuel stock counts are undertaken. OIOS is pleased to note that action. OIOS will
maintain the recommendation as open until OIOS receives confirmation that a bulk storage and
handling system as been implemented, as well as copies of some of the formal records now
established to monitor and control fuel receipts and issuances.

(b)    Asset Management

60.     OIOS observed and previously reported in 2004 and 2005 that the management of
assets should be considerably improved. Despite assurances by management of the
implementation of corrective measures, very little has been done. AssetTrak printouts were not
available in SO El Geneina and only a spreadsheet listing assets was provided to OIOS. Even
though an AssetTrak printout was later obtained from Khartoum, the listings did not provide an
accurate and complete record of the assets in Darfur. Marked differences were noted, for
example, there were 79 Toyota Land Cruisers recorded, while only 49 were operational in the
field. There was no up-to-date listing of assets kept by implementing partners, and there were
cases of assets not returned by former partners. For instance, Amel Centre still had a UNHCR
Toyota Minibus, two motorcycles, two generators and assorted IT equipment, and DRC had a
significant number of UNHCR assets. Right of Use Agreements with partners had not been
updated. OIOS also noted that some assets were not bar-coded, including several generators
and IT equipment. A complete and comprehensive physical verification of assets had not been
carried out, though OIOS was informed that verification of assets in a few locations such as
Nyala and Zalingei had been done. The SO acknowledged the weaknesses in this area and
asserted that requisite action would be initiated.
           The UNHCR Representation in Sudan should, as a high
           priority, improve asset management in Darfur. To reduce its
           reliance on the Representation in Khartoum, AssetTrak should
           be installed in Sub-Office, El Geneina and asset data up-
           loaded. To ensure reliable and complete information is
           recorded, a full physical inventory should be undertaken,
           including assets used by implementing partners. Assets with
           partners no longer working with UNHCR should be returned
           with immediate effect (Rec.08).

61.    Management subsequently reported that AssetTrak has been installed in El Geneina. A
physical verification of assets for UNHCR and IPs was ongoing and, with the completion of



this exercise, the database would be updated and validated. Partners no longer working with
UNHCR have been requested to return UNHCR's assets. Discrepancies would be corrected
and efforts would be made to ensure that the SO was in compliance with UNHCR's rules
procedures governing asset management. OIOS is pleased that this work has been done, and
will maintain the recommendation until confirmation that the exercise has been completed and
AssetTrak has been up-dated and assets with former partners have been returned.

(c)    Warehousing

62.     OIOS' review of warehouses in El Geneina showed that stacking of goods stored in the
three warehouses was unsatisfactory. There was a risk that some of the stacks would collapse.
In other sections of the warehouse access to goods was difficult, and due to disorderly stacking,
OIOS was unable to test count many of the items. This may have been the reason why periodic
stock counts were not undertaken by UNHCR. This lack of internal controls over stock in
storage means there is a higher risk of unauthorized removal/theft. Also, pallets had not been
used and items stored at the lowest levels could be prone to deterioration. The Supply Officer
in El Geneina should have helped resolve many of these problems and ensured good
warehouse procedures were in place.

63.     Stock records are not up to date and differences were noted. As estimated by OIOS, the
value of inventory stored in the warehouse was about US$ 250,000 although OIOS could not
ascertain the value of some of the IT and Telecommunication equipment. OIOS recommended
that in order to safeguard against the possibility of loss, goods in the warehouse be insured.
OIOS did note however that the procedures for receipt and issue of warehouse goods had
improved since the previous review.

64.    The responsibility for IT/Telecommunication items stored in the warehouse was vested
with the units themselves and they were responsible to undertake all aspects of transactions
such as receipt, recording and issue of IT/Telecommunication equipment. The segregation of
duties was not in place and should be introduced.
           The UNHCR Representation in Khartoum should ensure that
           the physical layout of the warehouse in El Geneina is
           improved and that the goods are stacked in a manner that
           would facilitate retrieval and physical count. Stock records
           should be maintained properly and a physical inventory should
           be undertaken every six months. The warehouse contents
           should be insured against loss and theft (Rec.09).

65.     Management reported that a physical count of items and systematic restacking has
been completed for the El-Geneina warehouse and that action for the Nyala warehouse would
follow. Vendors for wooden pallets would be identified for both locations and ITBs issued.
OIOS is pleased to note the action taken and will close the recommendation upon confirmation
that the physical count for Nyala has been completed, wooden pallets have been purchased and
are in use, records are all up-to-date and goods insured against loss and theft.



                                  E.     Security and Safety

66.    UNHCR staff in Darfur operate in a volatile and unstable environment and this has
influenced the operations. The movements of UNHCR and implementing partner staff have
been greatly curtailed owing to security restrictions and this has affected project
implementation. Recent reports indicate growing tension in the area and even some fatalities
for NGO staff working in Darfur: this has created considerable insecurity among staff
members. For security reasons some international staff were briefly relocated to the South
Sudan operations, while some local staff were evacuated from phase IV to phase III areas in
Darfur. Security upgrades to UNHCR offices and guesthouses have been ongoing.

67.     Management stated that despite serious constraints considerable efforts had been made
to improve security for staff in Darfur. It was added that UNHCR offices in Darfur were
among the most MOSS compliant UN offices in the region. A Field Safety Adviser is assigned
to the Darfur operations and he works in close cooperation with other agencies in the area,
constantly monitoring, updating and improving security requirements.


68.    I wish to express my appreciation for the assistance and cooperation extended to the
auditors by the staff of UNHCR and implementing partners in Darfur.

                                                         Eleanor Burns, Acting Chief
                                                         UNHCR Audit Service
                                                         Office of Internal Oversight Services
