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Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Audit of UNHCR Operations in Yemen (AR2004-131-03), 25 Mar 2005

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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN OIOS) 25 Mar 2005 report titled "Audit of UNHCR Operations in Yemen [AR2004-131-03]" relating to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The report runs to 12 printed pages.

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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services
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March 25, 2005
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Simple text version follows

                      UNITED NATIONS

                Office of Internal Oversight Services
                       UNHCR Audit Service

Assignment AR2004/131/03                                22 March 2005
Audit Report R05/R002


                           Nikolai Grigoriev
                              Ide Ahmed


     UNITED NATIONS                                                   NATIONS UNIES

                           Office of Internal Oversight Services
                                  UNHCR Audit Service


                                EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

In September 2004, OIOS conducted an audit of UNHCR Operations in Yemen. The audit
covered activities with a total expenditure of US$ 3.2 million in 2002, 2003 and 2004. A
memorandum containing Exit Conference Notes and Recommendations was shared with the
Representative in October 2004, on which comments were received in November 2004. A draft of
the report was sent to the Representative on 20 January 2005, whose comments were received in
February 2005 and reflected in the final report. The Representative has accepted all of the
recommendations contained in the final report and is in the process of implementing them.

                                       Overall Assessment

 �   OIOS assessed the UNHCR Operation in Yemen as average, it was adequately run but
     although the majority of key controls were being applied, the application of certain important
     controls lacked consistency or effectiveness. In order not to compromise the overall system
     of internal control, timely corrective action by management is required.

                                     Programme Management
 �   For the three partners reviewed, reasonable assurance could be taken that UNHCR funds
     were properly accounted for and disbursed in accordance with the Sub-agreements. However,
     CSSW's accounting system needed further improvement, as bank and petty cash books were
     not maintained.
 �   In 2003, the project financial monitoring performed by the Sub-Office Aden was inadequate.
     UNHCR did not verify the 2003 final SPMRs and did not sign them for acceptance. Also, a
     more structured approach with regard to financial verification was required. In 2004, the
     Sub-Office made considerable improvements in this area.

                                        Supply Management

 �   The procedures in place at Sub-Office Aden needed improvement, as formal bidding process
     was not followed for purchases of US$ 5,000 and above.
 �   Further efforts are required at Sub-Office Aden to correct and update AssetTrak to ensure
     data are reliable. In the local AssetTrak database, the total net value was overstated by at


    least US$ 2.6 million due to inaccuracies in recording.
�   Non-food items and drugs, covering the needs of more than 20,000 refugees, at an estimated
    value of US$ 60,000, were stored in UNHCR warehouse in Aden without insurance, which
    represents a risk.

                                      Security and Safety
�    OIOS assessed the security and safety measures in place in Yemen as generally satisfactory.
     However, some additional measures are required, such as installation of blast mitigation
     barriers, CCTV system and bulletproof windows at the reception at Representation in
     Yemen. Further tightening of security and safety is required at Sub-Office Aden with the
     installation of CCTV cameras, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.

�   In the areas of administration and finance, the UNHCR Offices in Yemen generally complied
    with UNHCR's regulations, rules, policies and procedures and controls were operating
    effectively during the period under review. However, improvement and strengthening of
    internal controls were required in the following areas:
�   Delegation of financial authority at Sub-Office Aden was not properly established.
�   Medical Insurance claims were generally processed in accordance with the MIP guidelines.
    Nonetheless, UNHCR was not in a position to query unreasonable or excessive charges, as a
    list of doctors and pharmacies, where MIP participants are recommended to seek medical
    treatment, was not maintained.
�   For Medical Evacuation cases hotel bills were not always available and essential control
    documentation required under MEDEVAC rules was not maintained. OIOS identified
    overpayments and payments not substantiated by a claim totalling more than US$ 4,000. The
    Representation has initiated recoveries.
�   At Sub-Office Aden, salary advances were granted as a matter of routine, disregarding
    applicable rules.

                                                                             - March 2005-


                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

CHAPTER                                              Paragraphs

  I.    INTRODUCTION                                    1-4

 II.    AUDIT OBJECTIVES                                 5

 III.   AUDIT SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY                     6-8


        A. Review of Implementing Partners              9-18
        B. Other Programme Issues                      19-20
        C. Supply Management                           21-24
        D. Security and Safety                           25
        E. Administration                              26-34

 V.     ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                 35


                                  I.      INTRODUCTION

1.      From 18 September to 1 October 2004, OIOS conducted an audit of UNHCR's
Operations in Yemen. The audit was conducted in accordance with the International
Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. OIOS reviewed the activities of
three of its implementing partners and the activities of the UNHCR Representation in Yemen
and its Sub-Office (SO) in Aden.

2.      OIOS' previous audit of UNHCR in Yemen, which was conducted in January 2000,
covered 1998 and 1999 programme activities and 1998 administrative expenditure. Internal
control weaknesses were noted over the cash grant payments, which were charged directly to
the budget code and cheques were made payable to UNHCR on behalf of refugees.

3.      UNHCR operations in Yemen focus on protection and providing basic material
assistance to some 21,000 Somali refugees in Kharaz camp and Basateen, as well as
community assistance to urban refugees. UNHCR also provides protection to refugees from
Ethiopia, Iraq, Palestine and Sudan. Special emphasis is put on self-sufficiency projects,
income generation and vocational training for both camp and urban refugees.

4.       The findings and recommendations contained in this report have been discussed with
the officials responsible for the audited activities during the exit conference held on 1 October
2004. A note containing our preliminary findings and recommendations were shared with the
Representative in October 2004. A draft of the report was sent to the Representative on 20
January 2005. The comments, which were received in February and March 2005, are reflected
in the final report. The Representation has accepted all of the audit recommendations made
in the final report and is in the process of implementing them.

                                II.    AUDIT OBJECTIVES

5.     The main objectives of the audit were to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of
controls to ensure:

   �   Reliability and integrity of financial and operational information;
   �   Effectiveness and efficiency of operations;
   �   Safeguarding of assets; and,
   �   Compliance with regulations and rules, Letters of Instruction and Sub-agreements.

                     III.    AUDIT SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY

6.      The audit focused on 2002 and 2003 programme activities under projects
02,03/AB/YEM/CM/201 with expenditure of US$ 2.1 million. Our review concentrated on
the activities implemented by Triangle Generation Humanitaire (TGH) - expenditure of US$
368,000 (the figure pertains to 2002 only; there was a scope limitation for TGH since the
supporting documents for 2003 expenditures amounting to some US$ 202,000 were not
available for review, see also para. 11); Society for Humanitarian Solidarity (SHS) -
expenditure of US$ 765,000; and Charitable Society for Social Welfare (CSSW) �



expenditure US$ 329,000. We also reviewed activities directly implemented by UNHCR
with expenditure of US$ 648,000.

7.      The audit reviewed the administration of the office of the Representation in Sana'a
and of Sub-Office in Aden with administrative budgets totalling US$ 1.1 million for the years
2002, 2003 and 2004 (up to August) and assets (as recorded on Headquarters AssetTrak) with
an acquisition value of US$ 1.3 million and a current value of US$ 343,000. The number of
staff working for the UNHCR Operation in Yemen was 35. This included 9 Professional staff
and 26 General Service staff.

8.      The audit activities included a review and assessment of internal control systems,
interviews with staff, analysis of applicable data and a review of the available documents and
other relevant records.


                              A. Review of Implementing Partners

9.      For the three partners reviewed, reasonable assurance could be taken that UNHCR
funds were properly accounted for and disbursed in accordance with the Sub-agreements.
OIOS assessed that internal controls of most partners were generally in place and operating
effectively. However, OIOS identified certain areas where further improvements were
required, especially for CSSW.

10.    Audit certificates for 2002 sub-projects were available for all partners with unqualified
opinions. For 2003 sub-projects, unqualified opinions were given for TGH and CSSW while
the audit certificate for the sub-project implemented by SHS, a local NGO, which was due six
months after the liquidation period, was still pending as of 30 September 2004. UNHCR
Representation confirmed that the audit certificate with an unqualified opinion was
subsequently received.

(a)    Triangle Generation Humanitaire (TGH)

11.     The supporting documentation pertaining to the 2003 sub-project, with a total
expenditure of US$ 202,000, was not available for review. The documents had been sent to
TGH Headquarters in France for external audit purpose and no copies had been made and
kept in Aden. OIOS recommended that in future TGH should consult UNHCR prior to
sending the original supporting documents to Headquarters and ensure that at least copies of
the documents are available at the field office. TGH agreed with the recommendation.

12.    OIOS assessed as generally satisfactory the manual accounting system operated by
TGH to report on UNHCR funds. Trial balance and detailed general ledger were maintained
on Excel spreadsheets per UNHCR coding structure. Internal controls were also in place and
working effectively. However, TGH needed to strengthen its cash management function.
OIOS found that significant cash in hand (reaching US$ 20,000) was regularly kept during
extended periods of time (exceeding ten days). The auditors also carried out a surprise cash
count during the visit to TGH, which disclosed a discrepancy of US$ 562 in the cash in hand.



TGH explained that salary advances to staff were not reported in the cashbook and were
maintained in a separate spreadsheet. OIOS recommended that all transactions should be
properly supported by debit and credit entries in the cashbook. TGH agreed to improve the
cash management by reducing the cash in hand and record debit and credit entries in the
petty cash book.

(b)    Charitable Society for Social Welfare (CSSW)

13.    CSSW operated a basic manual accounting system, which required further
improvement as bank and petty cash books were not kept. A general ledger was, however,
maintained as per UNHCR budget lines, which allowed OIOS to reconcile it to the SPMRs
submitted to UNHCR for 2002 and 2003 sub-projects.

14.     Further, CSSW did not open a separate bank account for UNHCR funds and was using
a pool account. The account was operated on joint signatory basis and, in the absence of a
bankbook, bank reconciliation was not performed. In view of the weaknesses and limited
capacity of CSSW in financial reporting, OIOS recommended that the UNHCR
Representation in Yemen request CSSW to implement a sound accounting system and to open
a separate bank account for the UNHCR project.

15.    The Representation stated that, as of January 2005, CSSW opened a separate bank
account for UNHCR funds. Sub-Office Aden has provided CSSW with a computer and
requested another national Implementing Partner, SHS, to help them in implementing a sound
accounting system.

16.    Also, OIOS noted instances where ineligible expenditures were charged to the
SPMRs. This was the case for lunches of the Director and two accountants (three cases in
March 2002 and February 2003), which were charged to the budget line for "Supplementary
Food". OIOS cautioned CSSW to refrain from making ineligible expenditure under UNHCR
funds. UNHCR Yemen fully supported this approach.

(c)     Society for Humanitarian Solidarity (SHS)

17.     OIOS found the manual accounting system operated by SHS satisfactory and noted
that internal controls were operating effectively. SPMRs could be reconciled with the detailed
general ledger maintained according to UNHCR coding structure and expenditures were
properly authorised and adequately supported.

18.    SHS did not adopt a clear and consistent policy on per diem and the rate paid to staff
was determined at the Project Director's discretion. In some instances, the per diem rate
corresponded to 4 per cent of the staff salary. This was the case for the Project Director who
was paid ten times more than project staff per night in Kharaz in May 2003. SHS agreed to
adopt a consistent policy on per diem and harmonise the amount paid to staff.



                                  B. Other Programme Issues

19.     Project financial monitoring was the task of Sub-Office Aden. OIOS found the
financial monitoring performed in 2003 inadequate since the final SPMRs for that year were
not verified and not signed for acceptance. OIOS recommended that UNHCR Sub-Office,
Aden with the support of Representation in Sana'a increase the scope and periodicity of
financial verification and always sign final SPMRs before they are processed in FMIS. Also,
OIOS suggested that at least one in-depth review should be undertaken each year. OIOS noted
that in 2004 the Sub-Office Aden made considerable improvements in financial monitoring
and, in August of that year, Sub-Office Aden carried out a comprehensive review of the
procedures and systems in SHS and CSSW, which enabled to identify weaknesses and
deficiencies. The Representation stated that final SPMRs would be subject to verification
periodically to ensure that an appropriate financial control system is in place.

20.     Also, in order to strengthen and improve their programme implementation capacity
Sub-Office Aden organised for the implementing partners a workshop on Programme
implementation and Related Issues in Aden in October 2003. Another training session was
also scheduled for December 2004. However, implementing partners also expressed the need
to have more support from the Sub-Office in terms of financial reporting and preparation of
budget proposals, and UNHCR should consider to organise a training session on accounting
and financial reporting. The Representation stated that two training sessions were conducted
in January 2005.

                                    C. Supply Management


21.     Implementing partners were only entrusted with limited procurement. The procedures
in place needed further improvement, as bidding process was not always followed. The
UNHCR Representation carried out little procurement during the period under review.
Nonetheless, Sub-Office Aden did not always comply with UNHCR rules and procedures.
Formal competitive bidding exercises were not undertaken for purchases valued at US$ 5,000
and above. OIOS recommended that competitive bidding procedures be strengthened. The
UNHCR Representation commented that it was taking action to improve procurement
procedures. A Local Committee on Contracts had been established.

22.     Sub-Office Aden has been using the services of a local contractor for the maintenance
of computers. The agreement signed with the contractor did not contain relevant clauses such
as the nature of services, the periodicity of the service or number of computers to be
maintained. In order to avoid any misunderstanding, which may lead to disputes, the nature
and the extent of the services to be provided should be clearly spelled out in the contract.
OIOS recommended that Sub-Office Aden use the UNHCR contract format as outlined in
Annex 8.6, Chapter 4 of UNHCR Manual. UNHCR Representation in Yemen responded that
action had already been taken on this matter. Three bids had been received and a new
contract was being prepared with the qualified bidder. The contract would contain all the
recommended elements, such as the details and the number of equipment to be maintained.



Asset Management

23.     AssetTrak system was operational in both UNHCR offices in Yemen. While
AssetTrak was working effectively at Sana'a, OIOS found AssetTrak data inaccurate and not
up-to-date in Aden. For instance, for the assets under CSSW custody, the local AssetTrak
database showed a total acquisition value of US$ 125,832, while the total current value
amounted to US$ 2.7 million. This was due to the input error, which occurred while updating
the entries and which resulted in the overstatement of the net asset value by almost US$ 2.6
million. Also, the results of the physical checks had to be better documented. Further efforts
are therefore required to correct and update AssetTrak to ensure data on assets are reliable.
OIOS suggested that training on AssetTrak might be necessary to make staff familiar with it.
UNHCR indicated that a Regional Information System Officer undertook a mission to the
Sub-Office Aden, had updated the AssetTrak system, and all necessary corrections had been
made accordingly.


24.     UNHCR's warehouse in Aden contained non-food items and drugs for some 20,000
refugees with an estimated value of US$ 60,000. Our review found that the procedures for
receipt and issue of goods were satisfactory, with adequate controls in place. However, the
stock was not insured, which presents a risk. OIOS recommended that the Representation
assess the value of stock of non-food items and drugs in the warehouse and, in consultation
with SMS, consider insuring these stocks. Sub-Office Aden is in the process of identifying a
qualified insurance company.

                                     D. Security and Safety

25.     Security and safety arrangements at the UNHCR offices in Yemen were generally
satisfactory. However, OIOS noted that some staff had not yet completed the Basic Security
in the Field training, periodic drills to test emergency and evacuation procedures were not
conducted at Sub-Office Aden. Further tightening of security and safety is required at the Sub-
Office with the installation of CCTV cameras, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. Also,
UNHCR, Sana'a has to finalize projects on installation of blast mitigation barriers, CCTV
system and bulletproof glass for the reception premises in Sana'a. The Representation stated
that Sub-Office Aden still needed to install CCTV cameras in order to fully comply with the
recommendations. UNHCR Sana'a had installed all of the equipment as per the OIOS

                                       E. Administration

26.    In the areas of administration and finance, the UNHCR offices in Yemen generally
complied with UNHCR's regulations, rules, policies and procedures and controls were
operating effectively during the period under review. However, OIOS identified some areas
where further improvements were required.

Medical Insurance Plan (MIP)



27.     MIP claims were generally processed with accuracy and in accordance with the
guidelines. We noted however that UNHCR Representation did not maintain a list of
hospitals, pharmacies and doctors, where MIP participants are recommended to seek medical
treatment. In the absence of lists and rates for medical treatment, UNHCR was not in a
position to query unreasonable or excessive charges.

28.     As a temporary measure and while establishing a list of recommended hospitals and
pharmacies in conjunction with other UN organisations, OIOS recommended to refer medical
bills exceeding a certain value or specialised cases to the UN Doctor in order to determine the
reasonableness of the charges.

Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC)

29.     The UNHCR Representation in Yemen did not maintain documentation required
under IOM 85/2001 & FOM 83/2001 for monitoring of MEDEVAC cases. Further, in several
instances, OIOS could not obtain assurance that the correct DSA rate was applied, since hotel
bills were not always available. For MEDEVAC within country of recruitment, UNHCR did
not apply the correct DSA rate for two national staff in Aden, resulting in overpayment of
US$ 400. The Representation recovered the overpayments and agreed to apply, henceforth,
the correct rates.

30.     OIOS noted an instance where a staff member (index number 125196) on medical
evacuation to Geneva in September/October 2003 was paid DSA totalling US$ 2,766.
However, the office could not provide a travel claim or other documents supporting the
payment. OIOS recommended that UNHCR Sana'a request the staff member to submit his
travel claim or refund the amount of US$ 2,766. In 2003, two staff members (index numbers:
125196 and 243036) were medically evacuated to their Place of choice, in lieu of the
recognised place. As per UNHCR rules on MEDEVAC, the cost to be borne should not
exceed the amount that would have been paid on the basis of evacuation to the recognised
place. OIOS noted that the extra travel costs, amounting to US$ 436 and US$ 556
respectively, which had resulted from the route deviation, had not been recovered.

               The UNHCR Representation in Yemen should request
               staff member (index 125196) to submit his travel claim
               for DSA totalling US$ 2,766 received for MEDEVAC to
               Geneva in 2003 and recover any overpayments (Rec. 01).
       The Representation is in the process of collecting documents in order to take a
decision concerning other recoveries. Pending the outcome of this matter, OIOS keeps this
recommendation open in its database.

Delegation of financial authority

31.     With the exception of the Head of Office, the delegation of financial authority had not
been established for the other professional staff at Sub-Office Aden as set forth in IOM
67/2000 FOM 69/2000. The Sub-Office agreed to prepare the delegation of authority chart,
as well as signature cards for pertinent staff.



Salary advances

32.    Sub-Office Aden granted salary advances (emergency and special advances) to staff
members as a matter of routine. Staff members were seeking and were granted salary
advances as soon as the previous one had expired. Since in most cases reasons for granting
emergency advances were not properly documented, we could not ascertain whether these
payments qualified for emergency advance. UNHCR Yemen agreed to keep the salary
advances to a minimum and in accordance with relevant rules.

Tax exemption status

33.     It was unclear to UNHCR whether the goods and services purchased locally were
inclusive of VAT and/or other related taxes. OIOS requested UNHCR to enquire about any
tax levied and, accordingly, apply for tax exemption. In their replies, UNHCR stated that no
tax is paid on the purchases. In the view of OIOS, the fact that tax is not explicitly mentioned
on the invoice does not necessarily mean that UNHCR is not charged for taxes. According to
the information received by OIOS, the VAT law has been approved by Parliament, but
currently implementation of the law is delayed. The country is applying "Production,
Consumption and Services tax" levied on all commodities imported, local products and
services, which ranges from 5 to 15 per cent.

               The UNHCR Representation in Yemen should fully assess
               together with the host country authorities its tax
               exemption status (Rec. 02).

        In its reply to the draft report the Representation stated that this matter would be
further investigated to find out whether any tax was levied on goods and services purchased
locally by UNHCR and action would be initiated accordingly. Pending the action taken, OIOS
keeps this recommendation open in its database.

Locally recruited consultant

34.     We reviewed the case of a locally recruited consultant, who served as health
coordinator to supervise the health activities of the implementing partner CSSW at the
Basateen clinic. She was recruited for a period of nine months at a monthly fee of US$ 2,000
without the approval of DHRM. Also, one per cent contribution towards Appendix `D' of the
Rules Governing Compensation in the event of Death, Injury or Illness attributable to the
performance of duties, as per UNHCR IOM/66/2000 and FOM/68/2000, was not applied.
OIOS pointed out that according to Chapter 6, Section 1.2 of the UNHCR Manual no
consultancy contracts shall be issued in the field, irrespective of the contract being charged to
an approved administrative budget or to a project, and irrespective of the consultant being
internationally or locally recruited. A request for consultancy services has to be initiated in the
field and sent to the respective Regional Bureau/Desk, which then makes an official request to
DHRM. The Representation agreed to comply with UNHCR procedures and informed OIOS
that the contract of the health coordinator had been terminated.



                              V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

35.    I wish to express my appreciation for the assistance and cooperation extended to the
auditors by the staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners in Yemen.

                                                    Egbert C. Kaltenbach, Chief
                                                    UNHCR Audit Service
                                                    Office of Internal Oversight Services
