An alderman is a member of a municipal assembly or council in many jurisdictions founded upon English law. The term may be titular, denoting a high-ranking member of a borough or county council, a council member chosen by the elected members themselves rather than by popular vote, or a council member elected by voters.
The title is derived from the Old English title of ealdorman, literally meaning "elder man", and was used by the chief nobles presiding over shires.
Similar titles exist in Germany and in Scandinavian countries, such as the German Ältermann, the Swedish Ålderman and the Danish Olderman, which all mean "elder man" or "wise man".
It is possible that this harkens back to tribal societies, but since these terms were often used before written history, it is unknown how ancient they are. An Olderman could be a retired chieftain, or otherwise important member of the tribe who had retired due to old age. Such an elder was believed to have the advantage of the knowledge and experience of an old leader within a field, without having to challenge the new leader.