Lemuridae is a family of strepsirrhine primates native to Madagascar, and the Comoro Islands. They are represented by the Lemuriformes in Madagascar with one of the highest concentration of the Lemurs. One of five families commonly known as lemurs. These animals were once thought to be the evolutionary predecessors of monkeys and apes, but this is no longer considered correct.
Lemurids are medium-sized arboreal primates, ranging from 32 to 56 cm in length, excluding the tail, and weighing from 0.7 to 5 kg. They have long, bushy tails and soft, woolly fur of varying coloration. The hindlegs are slightly longer than the forelegs, although not enough to hamper fully quadrupedal movement (unlike the sportive lemurs). Most species are highly agile, and regularly leap several metres between trees. They have a good sense of smell and binocular vision. Unlike most other lemurs, all but one species of lemurid (the Ring-tailed Lemur) lack a tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer in the eye that improves night vision. Historically, activity cycles are either strictly diurnal or nocturnal however, these can widely verily across the mammalian species. Lemur activity has evolved from nocturnal to diurnal. Some lemurs are also cathemeral, an activity pattern here an animal is neither diurnal nor nocturnal, which is common among Lemurdae.
Selena: Bueno?
Hombre: Soy yo mi amor, antes que me cuelgues, no mas
dejame explicar que...
No me vuelvas a llamar,
Tratando de explicar,
Que lo que vi no era cierto.
Verguenza debes tener,
Si me quieres convencer,
Que eres fiel y eres sincero.
Oh, te vi con ella no puedes negar,
Que eran tus labios los que la besaban, Canalla!
No te sirvio de nada, el disimular,
Que solo, charlaban, no mientas mas!
Si me vuelves a llamar,
Yo te vuelvo a colgar,
Ya me canse de escuchar,
Oh excusas, y mas mentiras.
No me vuelves a llamar,
No te voy a perdonar,
Otra oportunidad,
No te la doy,
No vales la pena.
Verguenza debes tener
Si me quieres convencer
Que eres fiel y eres sincero
Oh, te vi con ella y no puedes negar
Que eran tus labios los que la besaban
No te sirvio de nada
El disimular
Que solo charlaban
No mientas mas.
te vi con ella no puedes negar,
Que eran tus labios los que la besaban, Canalla!
No te sirvio de nada, el disimular,
Que solo, charlaban, no mientas mas!