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FAQ About Licensing of List & Label

Questions concerning our licensing? Below you will find our answers to frequently asked questions. Additionally, we recommend that you read the License Agreement. Should the FAQ contradict the License Agreement, and in the case of misunderstandings, the License Agreement takes precedence.

Editions and Subscription

How much does List & Label cost me?

The license costs depend on the total number of developers involved in your software application. Our editions differ in terms of technical features and services. You can find a comparison here: Edition overview List & Label

There are no additional license fees for distribution of e.g. the Designer within your application for most applications. Your costs are therefore clearly calculable. You can find our price list here: Pricelist List & Label (PDF)

Can I test List & Label for free?

Yes, there’s no catch. Beside the free, fully functional 30 day trial, we offer a satisfaction guarantee in form of a 100 day money-back policy, valid from date of purchase. For reimbursement, all we need is a written non-use and deinstallation confirmation.

Is the Standard Edition sufficient for my requirements?

You’re always up-to-date with the affordable standard edition, which includes access to the latest major releases, feature updates and service packs. Support via the forum is free of charge. Telephone support and help via the support portal are billed according to actual time required.

The standard edition is available in English or German and not all features are included. A comparison of the different editions can be viewed here: List & Label Editions Overview.

When do I choose the Professional Edition?

With the golden mean, you make only a few technical compromises. In addition, with the subscription included, you also opt for an edition that includes maintenance and a 12-month support flat rate. You’ll always be up to date, not only with service packs, but also feature updates and new major releases.

This does not automatically include the use in the area of server/webserver applications and localization in other languages. Designer and Manuals in English and German are included (version 25 and higher), but if you need additional languages, the Enterprise Edition might be the better option. With an active subscription, you can switch to the Enterprise Edition at any time. You can find a comparison here: Edition overview List & Label

In which languages is the List & Label Designer available?

The List & Label Designer is available in various languages. If support is required for further languages in addition to English and German, you’ll need the Enterprise Edition.

In the Professional and Enterprise Editions, the List & Label Designer and documentation are always available automatically in both German and English (as of version 25). In the case of the Standard Edition, one of these two languages must be selected.

The List & Label Designer is available in additional languages such as French, Italian and Spanish in the Enterprise Edition. An overview of all languages currently available for the Enterprise Edition can be found here.

Which edition do I need for web development?

You’ll need the Enterprise Edition if you want to integrate List & Label into an ASP.NET MVC-based web application. Amongst other things, this includes the browser-based Web Report Designer, the desktop-based Web Designer, the Web Report Viewer and the Report Server.

You can easily publish your web application – via Docker containers as well –to platforms such as Azure App Service, Amazon Web Services or even on your intranet.

Assistance in deciding whether you need List & Label or the Report Server is offered in our article entitled List & Label or Report Server: when do I need which reporting tool?

When do I need the Enterprise Edition?

All-round carefree, especially in the web area. This is what the Enterprise Edition stands for. This includes an unlimited server/webserver license, i. e. an unlimited number of servers and end users. Also included: all available designer languages, special long term support, .NET source code as reference. And as a big plus: the combit Report Server.

What is the combit Report Server and what do I have to pay for it?

In addition to List & Label integration, the combit Report Server provides you as an Enterprise customer with a ready-to-use, browser-based reporting solution. Out of the Box, without additional costs and unlimited in terms of the number of installations and users.

The combit Report Server can also be used without a List & Label enterprise application. In this case, each customer simply needs at least one individual List & Label Enterprise Edition.

What does the combit Report Server do for me?

Implement projects at short notice without making changes to your standard application: The Report Server is fast to start, flexible, powerful and intuitive to use.

Thanks to the flexible connection to all important data sources, you can quickly bring existing reports “into the cloud” with the combit Report Server.

As a web application, combit Report Server works in any modern browser on all devices. In this way, you receive a cross-platform reporting solution and are therefore much faster on the market.

Your customer would like to assess other data sources? A very simple Ad-hoc Designer? Time-controlled reports that are also sent immediately? If you pass on the Report Server with your application, you do not need to implement these functions yourself.

Even if your own programming effort is considerably reduced: this does not mean that the Report Server is an island. You can access it via API and use existing List & Label projects with the same database as the basis for your new Report Server templates.

Can I really redistribute the Report Server for free?

Yes, as a List & Label customer with an active Enterprise Subscription, you can use the combit Report Server to an unlimited extent yourself and, in combination with a List & Label Enterprise application, distribute it as a reusable component to your own customers without additional licensing costs.

The Report Server is one of the “redistributable components”. However, this also means that you can only redistribute it to customers who use your application with List & Label integration. Further distribution, e. g. by your customers, is not permitted.

Can our project group use one Enterprise or Professional and several Standard Editions?

No. A project group has to decide on a single edition: Standard, Professional or Enterprise.

How long is the subscription period?

The duration of the subscription and the associated support is one year. If you do not terminate the subscription in writing with a notice period of 3 months to the end of this contract year, it will be automatically renewed for a further contract year.

Why should I keep my subscription active after the first year?

The subscription is a contract which covers both maintenance and support. You can relax and rest assured that you always have access to the latest service packs, bug fixes and new major releases. Support services are included in all editions, although they differ with regard to content. The support services offered in the various editions can be compared here. The major releases included in the subscription can also be used concurrently.

If you decide to cancel your subscription, maintenance of your license is fully discontinued in the future. After your subscription has expired, we provide support billed on the basis of actual time required. Of course, you’re still entitled to use your licenses actively and distribute your application to your customers with List & Label.

Reactivation or updating to a new major release after a subscription has expired is only possible by purchasing a new subscription at full price. In contrast, a further year costs only half the price of the initial year and, in addition to support services, always includes all current major releases and feature updates.

About Licensing in General

Which license terms apply?

The combit license agreement applies by default. It also forms the basis for List & Label pricing. Certain points are not included in the license agreement. However, the license agreement can generally be amended in line with your project’s needs. Please contact us if you require an amendment.

Where can I find the combit license agreement?

  • Under legal notice on the combit website.
  • In the product itself. During installation, you’re requested to read the license agreement and explicitly agree to its terms.

What is included in the List & Label license?

Each List & Label license is valid for a single developer, for installation on a single personal computer, and may not be transferred without combit’s consent. That means that each List & Label license may only be used by one registered developer on one computer. If a company – one legal entity – buys one license, one specific person within the organization must be designated to use this List & Label license.

With List & Label you choose a developer component. According to the documentation, you may integrate the defined, redistributable components into your own software applications and pass them on to third parties. Further distribution by your customers is not permitted. You may distribute or sell the List & Label runtime modules only together and as part of the software program. Always assuming you have a sufficient number of List & Label licenses.

How many licenses do I need?

Every developer involved in an overall project or product requires a separate List & Label license. This is independent of whether each of these developers works with List & Label or not and also includes quality assurance staff (“testers”) who need to compile the application. For example: If you develop an ERP system with your colleagues and integrate List & Label, all developers working on this ERP system need their own personal List & Label developer license. This also applies to colleagues who only develop rights management or data import from the ERP system, for example. For development teams we offer very attractive team discounts.

Can more than one developer use List & Label, as long as no two people use it at the same time?

No. Each member of the development team needs a separate license. This also applies if, for example, you share a work center or act as a holiday replacement.

Can I install my List & Label license on my notebook?

Yes, if your List & Label license is newer than version 19. For older versions please ask us for further information.

Can I use my List & Label license additionally on a network?

Yes, as long as technical means are used to ensure that only a properly licensed List & Label developer has access to the List & Label license and the development possibilities. Then you can use a List & Label license in the network and thus also on a build server.

How can I avoid receiving warnings?

Warnings are only given if the same List & Label license is used more than once in the network for development or if a developer’s access is not covered by one license. Both represent a serious violation of the combit software license agreement. You avoid the warnings if you have purchased and installed a sufficient number of List & Label licenses.

As a license protection measure, an internal message is distributed to other stations in the network from each List & Label license used for development.

There are ten developers in our team, but I am the only one working on the logic for printing with List & Label. How many licenses do we need?

10 licenses. Even if you are only working on the actual implementation of the print logic with List & Label, every developer involved in the overall project and/or product needs a List & Label license. The basic List & Label conditions are fair, but not calculated in such a way that you can equip large projects with a single license.

We plan to implement things like reporting, labelling, printing or export area of our solution as a separate module and offer this as an option. What do I have to consider?

If you would like to develop a report, labeling, printing or export module, please contact combit before starting your development. This is not provided for in our standard license agreement and requires an individual agreement

We would like to develop a printing solution based on List & Label. Is that possible?

It is not permitted under the standard license agreement to use List & Label for the development of such applications. Our license costs are calculated on the basis of the total number of developers involved in the development of an application. We assume that you would like to extend a new or existing application with List & Label functionality. If your application is primarily located in the printing area, so that the primary purpose is to create or distribute output, an additional agreement must be made.

Examples of such printing solutions are labels or labeling software, reporting solutions, analysis tools, barcode solutions, applications for invoice or catalogue printing and much more.

Can I use List & Label to develop a software development tool or component?

No, not on the basis of the standard combit software license agreement. This does not mean, however, that this is excluded a priori. If you would like to create such a product with List & Label, please contact combit prior to the start of your development, so that a possible individual agreement can be clarified.

Am I entitled to encapsulate List & Label functionalities in order to make them available to other developers?

No, not based on combit’s standard software license agreement. In non-technical terms, encapsulation is the use of a module, helper or tool created by a small sub-team within your team. If an encapsulation is desired, a simple addendum to the software license agreement is required – just talk to our sales team.
Even though the main purpose of encapsulation is to make developer licenses literally redundant, it still applies that each developer working on the overall product must have their own license.

We would like to use List & Label for an application, which has been commissioned by, or will be redistributed by another organisation. Who needs to be licensed?

You as the developer, as well as all other developers who are participating in the overall project and/or product, are in need of licenses. If your client receives the source code of our application, or if this application is held and/or redistributed under your client’s legal name, then your client will require at least one license. In general, everybody who theoretically might have access to the source code, is in need of an own license. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, we will work out the perfect constellation for your project.

We'd like to employ another company with the development of an application for our organisation. Who requires a license?

Especially if your project is associated with custom development, outsourcing of development or other development services provided by another organisation, it´s crucial to not only equip the developer team with the right number of licences. It is also important to make sure you have the necessary development and distribution rights. The range of individual case scenarios is very wide – we are happy to discuss your requirements with you, please just get in touch with us.

My customers have questions about the integrated designer. Who can they turn to for help?

List & Label is a component for software developers that is permanently integrated into your own application. However, this also means that we do not have any insight into the type of use of List & Label or the scope of the functionalities provided. Many changes affecting List & Label also require full development access to the application.

Please understand that we are unable to provide end customer support in general. Support services for your program including List & Label functionality must be provided by you as the manufacturer.

What do I need to include in my application once I have integrated List & Label?

You must provide your application with a complete copyright notice in at least one place. This usually happens at the place where such copyright notices are usually located. In addition, the List & Label copyright notice must also appear wherever you have included your own or other copyright notices, i. e. not only in the program itself, but also on packaging, information material, etc., if applicable. The copyright notice must also appear as part of the software product’s splash screen. You can find more information about the copyright notice in the corresponding info file within your List & Label installation.

Serial Number and Registration

Why should I register my List & Label version with combit?
A prerequisite for access to support, service packs and major version updates is always the personal registration of the developer license.
Where do I register my List & Label license?

We recommend that you register your license before it is absolutely necessary. So you don’t waste any time when you contact our support or download a service pack.

Please create a user account if you do not have one yet. Afterwards you can register your license.

Who should be registered on a List & Label license?
We recommend that you always register the license on the developer. This is because only registered users have access to support and service packs. Therefore, it makes no sense to register a commercial director or a company in general. This would unnecessarily complicate and slow down communication. For the security of our corporate customers, it is not easy for a developer to transfer a license to an outsider, such as himself or herself, when he or she leaves the company. License transfers are normally only permitted within the same organization. The registration does not change who owns the license. It remains the property of the company.
Do I need to activate my List & Label license?

Yes, the List & Label license must be activated on your computer after personal registration. The online activation dialog will start automatically. You can find more information about activation in our FAQ on activation.

Can I transfer my license?
In general, yes. Within your company, your List & Label license can be transferred to another developer without any additional costs. When transferring a license, you confirm that List & Label was already uninstalled before a new installation and that the number of existing licenses is still sufficient. We will gladly send you a PDF for the transfer of your license.

For the security of our corporate customers, it is not easy to transfer a license to an outsider. License transfers are normally only permitted within the same organization.

Where can I find the license information for my List & Label license?

List & Label license information always consists of a combination of serial number and product key.

If you receive List & Label on a medium, you will find the license certificate with both information in the product packaging. In case of a download you will find the license information in your personal user account in our online shop.

The serial number can also be found directly in the program. Start a sample application on the developer PC and go to the Designer. There press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F12]. In the following dialog your serial number will be displayed.

I have an active subscription. Where can I find my main version update?

As soon as we release a new main version of List & Label, we will make it available to all customers with an active subscription as a download. The prerequisite is that your current license has been registered online.

Afterwards, you don’t have to worry about anything. We provide you with the license information as well as the new setup automatically in your personal user account in our online shop.

All you need to do is register the very first license you received at the beginning of your subscription. The following major version updates are already registered.

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