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by David Kleiss | March 23, 2022 | Last Updated: December 06, 2023

CData is a Premier Snowflake Technology Partner for ETL

Snowflake Premier Partner badge

CData is a Premier Snowflake Technology Partner for ETL (extract, transform, load) tasks. As we continue to grow and innovate across our connectivity platform, we're bringing even more value to our customers who use Snowflake.

Snowflake is a leading cloud data warehouse and a popular backbone for enterprise BI (business intelligence), analytics, data management, and data governance initiatives. CData's partnership with Snowflake is a natural fit to help our users easily and securely store, connect, and mobilize their data on-premises or in the cloud.

CData and Snowflake: Better Together

CData's status as a Snowflake Premier Technology Partner highlights our proven track record in simplifying data-driven processes with easy-to-use Snowflake connectivity. Snowflake sets a gauntlet of requirements needed to qualify for a Premier Technology Partner tier upgrade. With our efforts to revolutionize how our customers access and act on their data, we've accomplished them all:

  • Proven our market presence with our diverse, well-established shared customer base
  • Fulfilled a clear need for better data connectivity in the marketplace
  • Sustained a growing roster of referable customer relationships

In addition to backend requirements like technical validation, CData has cultivated a strong working relationship with Snowflake's sales and technology teams. Our close partnership benefits not only CData customers but also Snowflake users who are looking to get the most out of their cloud data storage solution.

Check out this list of other Snowflake ETL partners, and how CData works with them to create a seamless experience for our customers.

  • Azure Data Factory (ADF): CData SSIS Tasks & Components are fully compatible with ADF and can be used to build data flows to migrate data directly into Snowflake warehouses
  • dbt Labs: CData Sync's built-in dbt support means that you can develop, control, and run transformations to build Python models in Snowflake.
  • Google Cloud Data Fusion: CData Connect Cloud allows you to build cloud pipelines in Google Data Fusion to work with all of your data, including Snowflake.
  • Informatica: CData JDBC Drivers allow you to use Snowflake as the destination for your Informatica Cloud ETL tasks.
  • SAP Data Services: CData Connect Cloud enables live connectivity to Snowflake from SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Visual Analtyics.
  • Tableau: CData offers live connectivity to Snowflake through installable Tableau connectors and through CData Connect Cloud.
  • TIBCO: Use the TIBCO DV Adapters to work with live Snowflake data in TIBCO Data Virtualization.

The importance of automation for Snowflake

Snowflake users can significantly reduce the time and effort required to ingest, transform, and analyze data by automating data integration. Integration automation for Snowflake offers several benefits that enhance efficiency, productivity, and data management.

Integration automation reduces manual tasks like building and maintaining custom pipelines, job monitoring, and governing data access. This frees IT teams so they can focus on more critical business functions, in turn reducing operational costs and overhead.

Automated data integration for Snowflake can also improve organizations’ flexibility and agility in the face of growth or change. Modern data integration tools offer out-of-the-box connectivity to hundreds of applications and tools, allowing users to quickly add integrations to new tools and streamline the process of getting their data into Snowflake.

Making an impact

Data-driven insights and actions are at the core of CData and Snowflake's shared vision. Together, we help you leverage the full breadth of your data to:

  • Collaborate on data-driven decisions
  • Centralize your data management
  • Govern your enterprise data and security
  • Automate manual data workflows across systems
  • Analyze data at scale from across your enterprise

Whether you need to transform, integrate, migrate, or sync your data across your organization, CData and Snowflake can help. We work with you to connect your data silos to your Snowflake data warehouse for integrated access anytime, anywhere.

By combining CData technologies with Snowflake storage solutions, enterprises can connect, integrate, and automate data across digital workflows to rethink what your teams can accomplish with your data. Our partnership supports you in any number of data-driven initiatives—whether you're seeking a 360-degree view of your customers, building comprehensive financial reports for leadership, or working to optimize the performance of your inventory and supply chain.

For instance, enterprises such as Office Depot are leveraging CData and Snowflake to modernize their on-premises systems, centralize data access in the cloud, and pave the way for faster reporting.

CData and Snowflake streamlined Office Depot's move to the cloud

Office Depot, a major office supply retailer, faced data connectivity challenges as it transitioned its on-premises data storage to a Snowflake cloud data warehouse.

The Office Depot team required connectivity with their preferred analytics platform, SQL Server Analysis Server (SSAS), but Snowflake could not natively connect with SSAS. They needed an out-of-the-box solution to pull data from Snowflake for analysis—without having to re-architect their multidimensional SSAS cubes.

"We had researched, and we actually really struggled to find connectivity. CData was the only provider that really worked,"
-Terry Campbell, Senior IT Manager at Office Depot.

CData enabled Office Depot to easily and quickly "lift and shift" its data to the new Snowflake instance while maintaining existing SSAS analytics cubes and minimizing disruption to reporting processes. After a simple configuration pointing the cubes to Snowflake, Office Depot employees can pull data from the cloud to build reports at 10 times the speed of their previous queries.

"CData allows us to take that Snowflake data and put it in a cube with that sub-two second response time our end-users are looking for," said Daniel Ligas, IT architect at Office Depot.

Read the full Office Depot Case Study to learn more about Snowflake and CData in action.

Solve your data challenges with CData and Snowflake

The CData team is excited to continue expanding our partnership with Snowflake to bring our customers cutting-edge data solutions in the cloud. Explore our Snowflake ETL solution to learn how you can centralize and share live, governed Snowflake data across the enterprise, with customers, business partners—or with any organization on the Snowflake Data Cloud.

To learn more about our Snowflake connectors work, check out our knowledge base article for guides and tutorials.

Give our Snowflake Drivers a try with a 30-day free trial to run analytics on your stored Snowflake data. Need more drivers? Check out our full complement of CData Connectors and streamline your data today.