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by Jerod Johnson Bruce Sandell Jobin George | December 14, 2022

Forging Solutions with CData Software and Google AlloyDB

Google’s AlloyDB for PostgreSQL is a fully managed PostgreSQL-compatible database service for your most demanding enterprise database workloads. It provides enterprise-grade performance and availability while maintaining 100% compatibility with open-source PostgreSQL.

AlloyDB provides superior performance – 4X faster than standard PostgreSQL for transactional workloads and up to 100X faster for analytical queries than standard PostgreSQL. AlloyDB automates administrative tasks such as backups, replication, patching, and capacity management and uses adaptive algorithms and machine learning for PostgreSQL vacuum management, storage and memory management, data tiering, and analytics acceleration, so you can focus on building your applications.

CData & AlloyDB

As an AlloyDB launch partner, CData collaborated closely with Google to build an integration for our customers. CData's real-time connectivity solutions provide a rich SQL experience for AlloyDB, democratizing access to AlloyDB across your organization.

Line of business users can continue to use the tools and platforms they know and love, and still leverage the best parts of AlloyDB – all without writing any code. Data administrators can easily incorporate AlloyDB into their ETL and ELT processes and, where needed, IT teams and developers can write custom SQL queries to leverage AlloyDB for high-speed data reads and writes.

In this article, we explore some of the ways customers can use AlloyDB and CData together to solve common business challenges.

Join us January 19 for a webinar with Jerod Johnson, Senior Technology Evangelist at CData, and Jobin George, Staff Solutions Architect at Google, to learn how CData and AlloyDB are better together and see a live demo!

Low Lift Cloud Migration

AlloyDB provides an excellent opportunity for organizations to "lift-and-shift" operational data stored in expensive, legacy databases to the cloud. However, most organizations have spent considerable resources building analytics and reporting on top of these legacy systems.

CData connectivity solutions, like the ADO.NET Provider for AlloyDB, offer plug-and-play access to AlloyDB from the tools and applications businesses are already using. This allows line-of-business users to focus on finding value from their data.

Learn how to build SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cubes on top of AlloyDB data for reporting and analytics in our Knowledge Base article.

Forging Solutions with CData Software and Google AlloyDB

Real-Time Cloud Analytics

To making the most of their AlloyDB investment and find value in their data, users require high-performance, real-time connectivity from the tools and platforms they already use. As a real-time, data connectivity-as-a-service platform, Connect Cloud allows users to access all their cloud data – including AlloyDB – from their preferred BI, reporting, and analytics platforms.

Through query federation, businesses can build reports and dashboards that combine data across their organization through a single endpoint, providing a real-time, 360-degree view into their organization.

Check out some of the possible cloud-to-cloud integrations in our AlloyDB cloud integration guides.

Forging Solutions with CData Software and Google AlloyDB

Reliable Data Warehousing

AlloyDB is built as a high-performance operational database, enabling organizations to run their highest volume transactional workloads. The in-memory analytics engine allows customers to get real-time insights from a scalable, highly available database system.

Many businesses keep a data warehouse alongside their operational database for historical reporting and deep analytics. CData Sync provides automated, continuous replication of operational AlloyDB data to a data warehouse like Google BigQuery, letting organizations maintain both real-time and historical records with low IT overhead.

Read more about replicating AlloyDB to Google BigQuery using CData Sync in our

Forging Solutions with CData Software and Google AlloyDB

Ready to Forge your Own Solutions with Google AlloyDB for PostgreSQL?

Join us January 19 for a session with Jerod Johnson, CData Sr. Technology Evangelist and Jobin George, Google Solutions Architect to learn how our technologies work together to solve business problems. We’ll run through a live demo around accessing AlloyDB for PostgreSQL for real-time analytics through CData Connect Cloud. Sign up today!