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Connect Excel to Data from Anywhere

Connect Excel to real-time data from 100+ enterprise SaaS, NoSQL, and Big Data sources.

Try CData Connect for Excel


Easily connect Microsoft Excel to data from anywhere:
  • adp
  • api
  • actcrm
  • acton
  • activedirectory
  • activecampaign
  • acumatica
  • adobeanalytics
  • adobecommerce
  • airtable
  • athena
  • dynamodb
  • amazonmarketplace
  • redshift
  • amazons3
  • cassandra
  • hive
  • impala
  • spark
  • asana
  • confluence
  • jira
  • jiraservicedesk
  • azureactivedirectory
  • azureanalysisservices
  • cosmosdb
  • azuredatalake
  • azuredevops
  • azuresynapse
  • azure
  • bigcommerce
  • bingads
  • bingsearch
  • blackbaudfenxt
  • bullhorncrm
  • cockroachdb
  • couchbase
  • databricks
  • docusign
  • d365businesscentral
  • elasticsearch
  • epicorkinetic
  • exact
  • fhir
  • facebook
  • facebookads
  • freshbooks
  • freshdesk
  • github
  • gmail
  • adwords
  • alloydb
  • ganalytics
  • bigquery
  • googlecalendar
  • doubleclick
  • googlecontacts
  • googledirectory
  • googlesearch
  • gsheets
  • googlespanner
  • graphql
  • domino
  • hubspot
  • cloudant
  • ibminformix
  • instagram
  • kintone
  • linkedin
  • linkedinads
  • myobaccountright
  • mailchimp
  • mariadb
  • marketo
  • dataverse
  • dynamics365
  • dynamicscrm
  • excelonline
  • exchange
  • office365
  • onenote
  • msplanner
  • msproject
  • sql
  • sharepoint
  • msteams
  • monday
  • mongodb
  • mysql
  • netsuite
  • odata
  • odoo
  • oracledb
  • eloqua
  • oracleerp
  • oraclehcm
  • oraclescm
  • oraclesalescloud
  • oracleservicecloud
  • outreach
  • paypal
  • paylocity
  • greenplum
  • postgresql
  • powerbixmla
  • presto
  • qbonline
  • quickbase
  • raisersedgenxt
  • redis
  • sapbydesign
  • sapbusinessone
  • concur
  • saphana
  • saphybris
  • sapsuccessfactors
  • sage200
  • sagecloudaccounting
  • intacct
  • salesforce
  • salesforcemarketing
  • pardot
  • sendgrid
  • servicenow
  • shipstation
  • shopify
  • singlestore
  • slack
  • smartsheet
  • snapchatads
  • snowflake
  • splunk
  • square
  • stripe
  • sugarcrm
  • surveymonkey
  • tsheets
  • tableaucrm
  • trello
  • twilio
  • twitter
  • twitterads
  • veeva
  • woocommerce
  • wordpress
  • workday
  • xero
  • workflowmax
  • youtubeanalytics
  • zendesk
  • zohobooks
  • zohocrm
  • zohocreator
  • zohoinventory
  • zohoprojects
  • zuora
  • ebay

Frictionless Access to Live Data for Excel Reporting and More

CData Connect Cloud offers instant, always-on access to 100+ data sources and applications to enable comprehensive, agile reporting in Excel.

  • Get started in minutes
  • No code required
  • Supports Excel Online, Windows, and Mac Editions

Discover What's Possible with Your Data in Excel

Real-time data connectivity within the familiar Excel interface enables everyone in the organization to leverage their data, their way.

Say Farewell to Copy/Paste

Real-time, seamless access to data removes the burden of manual data entry in Excel.

Never Rely on Stale Data

Work with live data in Online, Windows, and Mac editions of Excel to create up-to-date reports.

Point and Click Configuration

Integrate data and manage connections with no code or special skills required.

Secure Access and Encryption

Securely govern your data with specific user permissions and built-in TLS / SSL data encryption.

Connect Your Systems to Excel for Improved Business Outcomes

Easily access your CRM, ERP, marketing, accounting, and more departmental data within Excel through CData Connect Cloud.

Bring Data from Storage into Excel

Connect Cloud provides the easiest way to surface data in Excel from wherever it's stored. Easily import tables and columns from Snowflake, Couchbase, MongoDB and more into Excel. The spreadsheet data will be linked with the database to keep your reports consistent.

Unstructured Data Without the Hassle

Getting unstructured and non-relational data into Excel is no longer a challenge. Connect Cloud intelligently creates a relational schema by inspecting a series of documents to populate the Excel table — all without requiring users to write code or perform table adjustments.

Bring Sales Data to Life in Excel

Easily bring your CRM data into Excel for up-to-date insights into your sales pipeline and lead flow with Connect Cloud. Combine that information with your marketing data in Excel to form a complete picture of the customer journey.

Finance and Accounting Reports Made Easy

Stop struggling to get NetSuite, QuickBooks, Sage, FreshBooks, and other accounting data into Excel. Leverage Connect Cloud to quickly populate data from a wide array of accounting systems into Excel to create real-time, consolidated financial reports.

Questions? Our Team Is Here To Help

Ready to unlock the world of BI, analytics, ETL, and reporting for your data? Let us know, and a member of our team will get back to you to discuss your integration challenges.