

Communiqué relating to new notification templates for cross-border activities

On 25 March 2024, the European Commission published a set of new Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS or Commission Delegated Regulations (EU) 2024/911 and 2024/912) and Implementing Technical Standards (ITS or Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2024/910 and 2024/913) related to the notification of cross-border activities of…

MiCA – Questionnaire for financial entities considering an Article 60 notification

Financial entities covered by Article 60 of MiCA (Market in Crypto Assets Regulation) will have the option to provide crypto-asset services in the Union equivalent to the services and activities for which they are authorised under relevant EU law. A questionnaire is published in order…

New transmission method for monthly COREP-FINREP reports (ALM, LCRDA)

As announced in the press release of 5 April 2024 regarding the transmission of procedures directly to the CSSF, the methods for collecting the following monthly COREP/FINREP reports are going to change from 1 September 2024: ALM – Reporting on additional monitoring metrics for liquidity…

FAQ regarding Circular CSSF 02/77

List of questions/answers in relation to the provisions of Circular CSSF 02/77 concerning the protection of investors in case of NAV calculation error and correction of the consequences resulting from non-compliance with the investment rules applicable to undertakings for collective investment. The FAQ on Circular…

Update of the CSSF FAQ providing clarifications for UCITS in relation to shortened settlement cycle in the United States

The CSSF has published today an update of the CSSF FAQ regarding Circular CSSF 02/77 (which will be replaced by Circular CSSF 24/856 as of 1 January 2025) as well as of the CSSF FAQ on the Law of 17 December 2010. In the context…

The new AML/CFT Regulation, the sixth AML/CFT Directive and the future EU AML/CFT supervisor

On 19 June 2024, the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing (‘AMLR’) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. AMLR…

New eDesk procedure - Artificial Intelligence Survey

On 19 June 2024, as part of a joint initiative with BCL (Banque centrale du Luxembourg), the CSSF launches a survey regarding the usage of artificial intelligence adressed to banks, investment firms, payment institutions, e-money institutions and authorised investment funds managers. The questionnaire has to…

Warning concerning the activities carried out by the entity company DHF Capital S.A.

Please refer to the warning for further information.
Warning: Entity claiming to be supervised by the CSSF Company name: DHF Capital S.A. Registered office: 1, Haaptstrooss L – 9806 Hosingen Authorisation in Luxembourg: None Website used: Email address used: Phone number used: /…

Press release relating to basic payment accounts

Press release 24/15
The CSSF reminds that the following institutions must offer consumers, on request, payment accounts with basic features, in accordance with Article 23 of the Law of 13 June 2017 on payment accounts: Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat, Luxembourg; Banque Raiffeisen; BGL…

Administrative sanction of 17 January 2024

Administrative sanction imposed on the alternative investment fund manager Fonds AAA S.à r.l.

Administrative sanction of 17 January 2024

Administrative sanction imposed on the alternative investment fund manager Odysseus Investments GP S.à r.l.

Administrative sanctions of 17 January 2024

Administrative sanctions imposed on three alternative investment fund managers

Administrative sanction of 17 January 2024

Administrative sanction imposed on the alternative investment fund manager NP Capital GP S.à r.l.

Reminder regarding the communication means applicable for AIFM reporting from 1 July 2024

For the attention of alternative investment fund managers
The CSSF press release published on 22 September 2023 enabled the alternative investment fund managers to transmit their AIFM reporting directly to the CSSF either via an API interface (S3 technology) – from 2 November 2023 –…

Publication of the CSSF paper “Macroprudential Policy for Investment Funds: Considerations by the CSSF”

The CSSF publishes today its paper “Macroprudential Policy for Investment Funds: Considerations by the CSSF”. The objective of the paper is to contribute to the current discussions at international and European level on macroprudential policies/tools for investment funds, particularly on whether to repurpose/adapt existing tools…

Profit and loss account of credit institutions as at 31 March 2024 (only available in French)

Press release 24/14
Le résultat avant provisions et impôts du secteur bancaire luxembourgeois1 s’élève à 2.431,9 millions d’EUR pour le premier trimestre de l’année 2024, ce qui représente une augmentation de 19,9% par rapport à la même période de l’année précédente.   Postes en millions…

Public consultation on the review of the investment firms’ prudential framework

The CSSF informs all investment firms and relevant stakeholders regarding the EBA and ESMA discussion paper on the revision of the investment firms’ prudential framework, published on 3 June 2024 on the EBA website1 with the aim to gather relevant stakeholder feedback. Interested stakeholders are…

Critical vulnerability in Check Point VPN (CVE-2024-24919)

The CSSF has been made aware of a recent critical information disclosure vulnerability (CVE-2024-24919) in Check Point VPN, which is actively exploited. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, including key materials, user credentials, and configuration files from the…

Communiqué concerning non-profit organisations and the fight against terrorism financing (only in French)

Au Luxembourg, les évaluations verticales des risques (concernant les personnes morales et les constructions juridiques1 d’une part, et surtout concernant le financement du terrorisme2 (« FT ») d’autre part), publiées par le ministère de la Justice en 2022, appréhendent le niveau d’exposition au risque FT…

Global situation of undertakings for collective investment at the end of April 2024

Press release 24/13
As at 30 April 2024, the total net assets of undertakings for collective investment, comprising UCIs subject to the 2010 Law, specialised investment funds and SICARs, amounted to EUR 5,421.538 billion compared to EUR 5,485.248 billion as at 31 March 2024, i.e.…

Creation of a Pillar 3 publications corner for banks on the CSSF website

The CSSF is pleased to announce the launch of a new webpage dedicated to Pillar 3 disclosures for institutions. This initiative highlights the CSSF’s commitment to enhancing public disclosures by gathering all essential resources for drafting meaningful Pillar 3 reports in one convenient location. Specifically,…

Administrative sanction of 12 February 2024

Administrative sanction imposed on a réviseur d’entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor)

PRIIPS Regulation

Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014, as amended (the “PRIIPS Regulation”) and its supplementing measures (including Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/653, as amended), require “manufacturers” of packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) to review the information contained in the key information document (KID) at least every…

Communiqué on crypto-asset ATMs

The CSSF recommends that persons interested in conducting crypto-asset transactions on ATMs located in Luxembourg verify beforehand whether the providers operating these ATMs are registered as “Virtual Asset Service Provider” (“VASP”) with the CSSF. The list of VASPs is available in the application “Search Entities”.…