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Infrastructure Change: TLS 1.0 Disablement

ADVAM is updating its infrastructure to meet the latest security protocols.
To view our website properly, upgrade your browser to its latest settings.

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ADVAM is committed to best practice relating to security and compliance.

We adhere to the highest industry protocols, giving you the confidence that your customer’s data is secure and transactions are processed correctly.

PCI DSS solution provider

The ADVAM Gateway environment and our security controls are PCI DSS Level 1 compliant, the industry’s highest level of certification. The security controls are reviewed annually via an intensive assessment that ensures the PCI DSS compliance levels are maintained and adhered to. 

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EMV certified terminals

Ensuring the security of your card present transactions. Our terminals are EMV certified and with our industry expertise we are ready to guide you through the EMV journey. 

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P2PE validated solution

The most stringent protocols for your card present transactions. The end-to-end process delivers security at each step, from terminal configuration, dispatch to payment processing. 

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Privacy Policy and Data Security

The ADVAM Privacy Policy and Written Information Security Program (WISP) provide the latest information in relation to Data Privacy and security controls employed by ADVAM.