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Gmail rejects sometimes big chunks of e-mails from the ALSA server for undetermined reasons. They do not communicate. Our recommendation is to change your e-mail provider for the open source e-mails.

Their site reports ~100% DKIM, ~100% DMARC, ~100% SFP verification for the domain, but the used IP address falls in their "spam" bag.

Big Warning

We have continuous problems with e-mail spammers. The ALSA server does not accept an e-mail from open relays and rejects e-mails using HTML contents.

Please, do not complain directly to any ALSA administrator. Your messages will be silently ignored.

linux-sound at

The mailing list for ALSA kernel driver developers. ``[open]``

For kernel related threads.


alsa-devel at

The mailing list for ALSA developers. [open, unmoderated for subscribers, moderated for others]

For user space related threads.

If you would like to work on the library or an ALSA application subscribe to alsa-devel here.


alsa-user at

The mailing list for ALSA users. [open, unmoderated for subscribers, moderated for others]

If you need a help with the installation of ALSA packages etc subscribe to alsa-user here.

To unsubscribe from the old alsa-user mailing list, send an e-mail to < alsa-user-request-old at > with the body 'unsubscribe <email_address>'.

Archives on other hosts