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Pick My Book 2018 > PMB - Elsa&Marla - 2022

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message 1: by Elsa (last edited Dec 05, 2017 03:15PM) (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla here's our folder
and here is my link


Jan - The Blood of Angels (Divine Vampires, #1) by Selena Kitt 1/11 - 3 stars

Feb- Operation Valentine by Loretta Hill 4/11 - 3 stars

March- Wild Irish Heart (Mystic Cove, #1) by Tricia O'Malley 4-10 - 3 stars

April - Dating Daisy (Dating Daisy #1) by Joanne Hill 4/6 - 3 stars

May - Passport to Happiness by Debbie White - DNF

June- Somewhere on Maui (Accidental Matchmaker, #1) by Toby Neal 7/10 - 3 stars

July - Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon, #1) by S.M. Reine 8/6 - 4 stars

August - The Summer of Shambles (Ondine #1) by Ebony McKenna 8/17 - 3 stars

September - Bluebells on the Hill by Barbara McMahon 9/27 a 3 stars

October - Willa Wicked by Angela M. Hudson 11/23; 4 stars

November - For the Love of Big Orange (Bluegrass Country #1) by Leta Gail Doerr 11/5; 3-stars

December -

message 2: by Marla (last edited Jan 08, 2018 07:52AM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Hey Elsa!

Here is my link: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list...


January 2017
I read: The Body Finder (The Body Finder, #1) by Kimberly Derting I pick: The Blood of Angels (Divine Vampires, #1) by Selena Kitt
Date read: 4/24/17
Rating: ★★★★★

February 2017
I read: Back by Sunrise A Young Readers Urban Fantasy (Eternal Light Book 1) by Justin Sloan I pick: Operation Valentine by Loretta Hill
Date read: 3/18/17
Rating: ★★★★

March 2017
I read: When a Scot Ties the Knot (Castles Ever After, #3) by Tessa Dare I pick: Wild Irish Heart (Mystic Cove, #1) by Tricia O'Malley
Date read: 6/28/17
Rating: ★★★★

April 2017
I read: Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries, #9) by Meg Cabot I pick: Dating Daisy (Dating Daisy #1) by Joanne Hill
Date read: 3/30/17
Rating: ★★★

May 2017
I read: The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3) by Dan Brown I pick: Passport to Happiness by Debbie White
Date read: 9/14/17
Rating: ★★

June 2017
I read: A Perfect Evil (Maggie O'Dell, #1) by Alex Kava I pick: Somewhere on Maui (Accidental Matchmaker, #1) by Toby Neal
Date read: 7/4/17
Rating: ★★★

July 2017
I read: Unspeakable by Sandra Brown I pick: Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon, #1) by S.M. Reine
Date read: 9/24/17
Rating: ★★

August 2017
I read: Storm (The SYLO Chronicles, #2) by D.J. MacHale I pick: The Summer of Shambles (Ondine #1) by Ebony McKenna
Date read: 10/14/17
Rating: ★★★★

September 2017
I read: The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen I pick: Bluebells on the Hill by Barbara McMahon
Date read: 10/15/17
Rating: ★★★★

October 2017
I read: The Hanging Hill (Haunted Mystery, #2) by Chris Grabenstein I pick: Willa Wicked by Angela M. Hudson
Date read: 11/11/17
Rating: ★★★

November 2017
I read: It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2) by Lisa Kleypas I pick: For the Love of Big Orange (Bluegrass Country #1) by Leta Gail Doerr
Date read: 12/6/17
Rating: ★★★★★

December 2017
I read: At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3) by Jeaniene Frost I pick: My Christmas Fiancé (Love Comes Later, #1) by Serenity Woods
Date read:

message 3: by Marla (last edited Dec 31, 2016 05:48AM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Okay in keeping with the holiday season, I pick The Blood of Angels (Divine Vampires, #1) by Selena Kitt

message 4: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments I'm also keeping with the season and found a perfect on that fits the season if not the holiday.

without further ado I picked for you (drum roll) lol

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4) by Marissa Meyer .

message 5: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Elsa wrote: "I'm also keeping with the season and found a perfect on that fits the season if not the holiday.

without further ado I picked for you (drum roll) lol

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4) by Marissa Meyer."

Good pick Elsa, I've been wanting to read it, but putting it off because it's so long.

message 6: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla I'm finished.

Thanks for the pick

Did a small review the link is below, I gave it 3 stars. Not bad but not great. Still enjoyed reading it.


message 7: by Elsa (last edited Jan 19, 2017 07:28PM) (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla you have two great books for Valentines but there not on your buddy list.

The Bridge at Valentine by Renee Thompson & Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani

If you find one that's on any of my shelves that you see you want to pick for me let me know and I will move it over. So far I located 3 on my buddy list

Operation Valentine by Loretta Hill , Valentine in Love by Addison James & The Valentine's Arrangement (Hard Feelings, #1) by Kelsie Leverich

message 8: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Elsa wrote: "Marla you have two great books for Valentines but there not on your buddy list.

The Bridge at Valentine by Renee Thompson & Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani

If you find one that's on any of ..."

Okay Elsa, I choose Operation Valentine by Loretta Hill for you.

Sorry, can you please pick another book for me, maybe's are lower than my tbr's and bbc-suggestion list is my book club book list and we are talking about reading Very Valentine next year.

I hope you can find something on my pick-list. Even if it doesn't say Valentine, I've been reading quite of bit of romance lately, so there are lots of love stories on my list. :D

message 9: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments I like the colors on this cover, to me it says valentine even if the title doesn't. Don't you agree? Pretty Cover?

Hope you enjoy

Back by Sunrise A Young Readers Urban Fantasy (Eternal Light Book 1) by Justin Sloan

message 10: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Thanks Elsa, it is very pretty (and short :)

message 11: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Man, I am behind on my I Pick Reading, but I will get on that!

It's that time again, I choose Wild Irish Heart (Mystic Cove, #1) by Tricia O'Malley for you.

message 12: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Elsa, I just noticed that Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4) by Marissa Meyer got picked twice once by you in January and by Marienn in December. So sorry, could you pick me two books, a different one for January and one for March.

message 13: by Elsa (last edited Mar 09, 2017 03:52AM) (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments OMGoodness Marla. I haven't checked my post in a while.
I will look tonight and I will pick you two books tomorrow.

and thanks for my pick

message 14: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla I found you a good one for this month

When a Scot Ties the Knot (Castles Ever After, #3) by Tessa Dare

enjoy and sorry for being late this month.

for January, how about

The Body Finder (The Body Finder, #1) by Kimberly Derting
because it looks like a big snowflake. LOL

message 15: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Thanks Elsa!

I better get reading!!

message 16: by Marla (last edited Mar 27, 2017 04:31AM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Well, I finished Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4) by Marissa Meyer for December and Back by Sunrise A Young Readers Urban Fantasy (Eternal Light Book 1) by Justin Sloan for February. They were both 4 star books, so thanks for the great picks! I'll try to do 3 books next month.

For April, I choose Dating Daisy (Dating Daisy #1) by Joanne Hill for you.

message 17: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments could find any Easter themed covers for you

but I did find one with the color for Easter.

How about Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries, #9) by Meg Cabot

message 18: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Great pick Elsa, I need that book for another challenge too!! Thank you.

message 19: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla, finished Wild Irish Heart (Mystic Cove, #1) by Tricia O'Malley today gave it 3 stars.

Can you believe that this same book was selected in another challenge for me to read. LOL
What are the chances out of the 900 books I have in my buddy read list it would get selected twice in the same month.

message 20: by Elsa (last edited Apr 12, 2017 05:42PM) (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments I'm all caught up Marla!

Operation Valentine by Loretta Hill 4/11 ; 3

Dating Daisy (Dating Daisy #1) by Joanne Hill finished 4/06; 3

message 21: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla I'm going to go ahead and pick your May selection.

You've had this book on your lists since 2015 so without further ado you May Selection is :

The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3) by Dan Brown

message 22: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Elsa wrote: "Marla, finished Wild Irish Heart (Mystic Cove, #1) by Tricia O'Malley today gave it 3 stars.

Can you believe that this same book was selected in another challenge for me to read. LOL
What are the chances out of..."

That's great! I love it when I get to read one book for 2 challenges!

message 23: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I finished Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries, #9) by Meg Cabot and I needed a #9 book for another challenge, so thanks.

I've been working on a few other challenges, but I will get back to this, since I'm behind.

message 24: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments For May, I pick Passport to Happiness by Debbie White for you

message 25: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla for June I pick for you

A Perfect Evil (Maggie O'Dell, #1) by Alex Kava

message 26: by Marla (last edited Jun 10, 2017 07:36AM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Sorry, I've been so busy...how about Somewhere on Maui (The Somewhere Series, #1) by Toby Neal to get your summer reading going...

I am so excited to read A Perfect Evil!

message 27: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I'm almost done with Perfect Evil, then I'll only be one book behind.

For July, I pick Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon, #1) by S.M. Reine for you.

message 28: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments How about:

Unspeakable by Sandra Brown

message 29: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla, finished June selection, starting on July trying to stay on track.

message 30: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I've gotta read May and July, but that's not bad for me. I hope you enjoy your book!

message 31: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments LOL
I just noticed the title of the book you picked for me

message 32: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I hope you enjoy it Elsa...and for next month, I hope you enjoy The Summer of Shambles (Ondine #1) by Ebony McKenna

message 33: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla, for August I pick

Storm (The SYLO Chronicles, #2) by D.J. MacHale

message 34: by Elsa (last edited Aug 28, 2017 09:27PM) (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Hay Marla, before I forget I'm going to go ahead and pick for September.

The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen

message 35: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Hi there, Elsa, I pick Bluebells on the Hill by Barbara McMahon for you for September

message 36: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Finished it gave it a 3

message 37: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla for October your pick is The Hanging Hill (Haunted Mystery, #2) by Chris Grabenstein

message 38: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I'm so sorry, I was out of town until tonight.

For October, I pick Willa Wicked by Angela M. Hudson for you because those socks remind me of a witch.

I am actually midway in both Storm (The SYLO Chronicles, #2) by D.J. MacHale and The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen .

message 39: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments No problem Marla, I have other books that I have to read this month as well. So exciting, out of town again, I wish I can get away as often as you do, I'm suck in the same rut.

Thanks for my pick and hope you like the ones I selected for you.

message 40: by Marla (last edited Nov 02, 2017 04:56AM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Storm (The SYLO Chronicles, #2) by D.J. MacHale and The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen were both great.

I travel much more now than I ever have. Usually, out of town is driving to visit my daughter at college, but in October I went out to California as my sister's guest at a conference and then visited my daughter that just moved to Seattle, WA. All my family lives in Hawaii, so I do get to go there every few years too, now that I have an empty nest. Even though my husband doesn't like to travel, my sister and daughters love to travel. And I'm so lucky that my part-time job is very flexible. So that's enough about me, I hope you had a Happy Halloween.

For November, I pick For the Love of Big Orange (Bluegrass Country #1) by Leta Gail Doerr for you.

message 41: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Marla my hubby is the same, he doesn't like to travel but my daughter and I do so when I have extra cash and time we pick where and go. I would love to go to Hawaii one day my granddaughters' other grandmother is there and I would like to take her to visit her. But my love is to travel international. We've been to Italy and Spain and I want to go to France one day saving for that.

Glad you liked your picks. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

Here is your pick for November, I hope you have read book one since you have book two in this folder

It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2) by Lisa Kleypas

message 42: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I have read book #1 and really enjoyed it. Thanks for the pick. I am looking forward to it.

Wow, international is very cool, but so expensive. To celebrate my 50th birthday, 3 years ago, my sister and I took a Mediterranean cruise. It was the only time I've been to Europe and might be my only trip but it was spectacular. We started in Venice and ended in Barcelona. I'd like to go to Paris someday. My daughters want to go to Japan.

message 43: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments finished For the Love of Big Orange (Bluegrass Country #1) by Leta Gail Doerr

I gave it 3 stars

message 44: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments Man, Marla another year has gone by!! Can you believe it? It's been fun getting to know you. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Will we be doing this again next year?

For now let me give you your selection for December:
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3) by Jeaniene Frost (it has snow on the cover lol)

message 45: by Marla (last edited Dec 02, 2017 10:34PM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments As I was clicking on this link, I couldn't believe that it's been another year. I'm up for 2018 if you are Elsa, I've enjoyed reading what you picked for me this year.

I finished The Hanging Hill (Haunted Mystery, #2) by Chris Grabenstein last month and I'm currently reading It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2) by Lisa Kleypas .

I pick The Christmas Dog by Melody Carlson for you.

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

We are busy with the last minute details for my daughter's Dec 23rd wedding. I'm trying to read a bunch of novellas to finish my 2017 quota.

message 46: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments It's on like Donkey Cong then.


Here is to looking forward to 2018 with you as my Buddy again!
I'll get the wine and toast for real latter.

Thanks for my pick
but amazon says I don't own it... that's odd.
Can you pick me another one.

oh and I did finished Willa Wicked by Angela M. Hudson it was a happy ending sort of story. Retelling kind of but not really, had characters from a fairy tail and the author mixed it around and put them in the real world. It was fun to read.

message 47: by Marla (last edited Dec 13, 2017 06:48AM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I'm sorry, I don't know where I got that book from.

How about the appropriate to my life: My Christmas Fiancé (Love Comes Later, #1) by Serenity Woods

It seems like I randomly pick a book that's not on your list once a year. Sorry...I'll try to do better next year :D

message 48: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Carrion (ecarrion) | 594 comments I definitely got that one.
Thanks Marla.
No worries, we are doing great!
Next year, you mean in three weeks

message 49: by Marla (new)

 Marla | 468 comments Happy New Year!!

I guess they aren't going to give us a new thread for 2018, so I'll just continue here. I'm going to use the same link as last year.

Your first book for 2018 is *drum roll*... Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1) by Kristin Cashore .

I hope you like it, there were a few things that I didn't care for, but for the most part, I really enjoyed it, but I was unimpressed with the rest of the series.

message 50: by Marla (last edited Feb 02, 2018 11:09PM) (new)

 Marla | 468 comments I decided to move my tracking thread to the next page... : )

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