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Around the World discussion

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2012-2023 Discussions > Where in the World Have You Been?!?! (Book Finished and Review Linked)

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message 1: by Mikki (new)

Mikki Hi Everyone! It looks as if we are well into our travels which is exciting to see. As ordered by "The Big Cheese", I am creating a new thread solely for reviews. We will continue to use "Where in the World Are You?!?!" to post current countries being visited and the books being read. Hope that this simplifies things!

Happy Travelling.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

message 3: by Chel (last edited Jan 03, 2012 04:27AM) (new)

Chel | 187 comments My reviews are brief and there are no spoilers. I just left Italy. The author is Italian writing about a Frenchman in the 1800's who travels to Japan repeatedly to buy silkworms as part of the silk trade of that era. There are terrific romances involved and a stunning moment of revelation. This is a brief 93 page work that was terrific, powerful, and concise in its use of language. Ultimately, it is a love story. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars. The book is Silk.

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

What's the book?

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Mikki, isn't there already a review thread? If "Where in the World Are You?!?!" isn't being used for reviews anymore, its heading needs to be changed to omit "(Post Reviews / Links to Reviews in this Thread)".

message 6: by Chel (new)

Chel | 187 comments Sho wrote: "What's the book?"

I added the link to my post, thanks.

Jenny (Reading Envy) (readingenvy) | 1309 comments I just left Croatia, or some other unnamed former Yugoslavian country. The review for The Tiger's Wife is here. If you follow the links to the blog, you can also see the Croatian cookies I made while I was there! I'm packing my things and heading for the South Pacific!

message 8: by Mikki (new)

Mikki Sho wrote: "Mikki, isn't there already a review thread? If "Where in the World Are You?!?!" isn't being used for reviews anymore, its heading needs to be changed to omit "(Post Reviews / Links to Reviews in th..."

Yes, Barry will be editing that thread to remove the heading regarding posting reviews. This way everything will be separate and easier to navigate people's reading journeys.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Great. That makes good sense.

message 10: by Anne (new)

Anne  (reachannereach) Jenny wrote: "I just left Croatia, or some other unnamed former Yugoslavian country. The review for The Tiger's Wife is here. If you follow the links to the blog, you can also see the Croatian cookies I made w..."

Great first blog on The Tiger's Wife and the pepper cookies! Great start and with a 5-star book!

message 11: by Constance (new)

Constance (Lieber) | 54 comments I just left Australia ("Mascara" -- a very strange book) and am in South Africa via the Night Library.

message 12: by Simon (new)

Simon Barton | 4 comments I started in South Africa with summertime by Coetzee and have now flown onto Switzerland with might train to lisbon by Pascal Mercier (noting that I am trying to go via where the author was born rather than where the book is based)

message 13: by Vicky (new)

Vicky (thesevagabondshoes) | 155 comments Argh, confusing! Can this thread be used only for reviews, links to blogs, and comments on them, and posts like the two above be put in the other thread then? Will make it easier to find things.

message 14: by Vicky (new)

Vicky (thesevagabondshoes) | 155 comments My Cuba selection: The Opposite House by Helen Oyeyemi

My Jamaica selection: Small Island by Andrea Levy

Both of which acutally turned out to be set mainly in London.

message 15: by Janice (new)

Janice (jamasc) I just finished my first ATW 52 read: The Oracle of Stamboul. My review is here.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

message 17: by Pragya (new)

Pragya  (reviewingshelf) | 253 comments Getting confused by all the different threads.

I have been to Russia - Crime and Punishment- Review here - http://reviewingshelf.wordpress.com/2...

China - Snow Flower and the Secret Fan- Review here- http://reviewingshelf.wordpress.com/2...

Botswana - The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency- review here - http://reviewingshelf.wordpress.com/2...

message 18: by Vicky (new)

Vicky (thesevagabondshoes) | 155 comments @Pragya, I like your blog and great reviews.

message 19: by Pragya (new)

Pragya  (reviewingshelf) | 253 comments Vicky wrote: "@Pragya, I like your blog and great reviews."

Thank you so much, Vicky.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Taiwan [Republic of China, disputed]: Fred Lobb: Taiwan Folktales: Proverbs, Folk Sayings, and Folktales from Taiwan

message 21: by Lisa (Harmonybites) (last edited Jan 05, 2012 09:04PM) (new)

Lisa (Harmonybites) | 160 comments Ooops--I think I put my link in for the first review in the wrong place. My first finished book was Smith's The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, set in Botswana, which I found an enjoyable light read:


And I now just finished Hochschild's King Leopold's Ghost, on the Belgian Congo, about which I felt more mixed--important story, but I thought Hochschild's biases were intrusive and left me not entirely trusting him.


message 22: by Kimberly (last edited Jan 05, 2012 05:33AM) (new)

Kimberly | 130 comments Just left Argentina The Disappeared by Gloria Whelan! I'll post the link to my review later.

message 23: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 50 comments I've been to Canada and it hasn't been such a good start for me unfortunately.

message 24: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly | 130 comments I was in France in War Horse by Michael Morpurgo I enjoyed my stay even though it was in WWI.

message 25: by Janice (new)

Janice (jamasc) Miss Wednesday wrote: "I've been to Canada and it hasn't been such a good start for me unfortunately.

As a Canadian, I'm rather surprised at the number of people who chose The Handmaid's Tale. I'm sure that has more to do with my approach to the challenge than the appropriateness of this novel. Yes, Margaret Atwood is a famous Canadian author. My approach is more of the setting of the book, and there are lots of books that portray Canada better than this one.

If you want a quick but fulfilling read, try I Heard the Owl Call My Name.

message 26: by Chel (new)

Chel | 187 comments I can't wait to make or have someone make and eat Jenny's Croatian Pepper Cookies that I saw on her blog. They look tasty!!

message 27: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly | 130 comments Janice wrote: "Miss Wednesday wrote: "I've been to Canada and it hasn't been such a good start for me unfortunately.

As a Canadian, I'm rather surprised at the ..."

I was going to read the Handmaid's Tale but then I remembered that I disliked it a lot....

Jenny (Reading Envy) (readingenvy) | 1309 comments Chel wrote: "I can't wait to make or have someone make and eat Jenny's Croatian Pepper Cookies that I saw on her blog. They look tasty!!"
Let me know what you think! :)

As for me, I was headed to the South Pacific but ended up on a layover in Dublin when the ARC of A Greyhound of a Girl came available. I decided to read it instead of Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha. Review is here. Baked good comes tomorrow. :P

message 29: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 311 comments Just left Trinidad/Central Africa with A Bend in the River by V.S. Naipaul. My review is here, along with a teaser about my next book.

message 30: by Shomeret (new)

Shomeret | 520 comments I was in ancient Greece with Hetaera--Suspense in Ancient Athens. Here's my review. http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

It was a disappointing stay.

message 31: by Mikki (new)

Mikki I was in New Zealand via Janet Frames Faces in the Water. Difficult subject matter (mental breakdown), but informative and beautifully written -- descriptive and lyrical.


message 32: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 50 comments Janice wrote: "Miss Wednesday wrote: "I've been to Canada and it hasn't been such a good start for me unfortunately.

As a Canadian, I'm rather surprised at the ..."

Well firstly I've been wanting to rad this book forever and this challenge seemed a great opportunity to do it. HAd I looked for a book that depicts Canada better, I surely woulnd't have chosen it but I'm rather interested in reading authors that are generally thought to be important at the moment. And Atwood surely counts among them.
I've also been to Canada (it's a wonderful country) and I don't think reading any book will ever equal really being in a country, so that's not my number one priority in choosing books.

Jenny (Reading Envy) (readingenvy) | 1309 comments The Handmaid's Tale is a classic every woman should read, in my opinion. And it is nice to throw a little dystopia into the mix for the year, the imagined future of a country rather than historical fiction, and Atwood is such a standard!

message 34: by mussolet (last edited Jan 06, 2012 02:39PM) (new)

mussolet (sovotchka) | 115 comments I was in Egypt for Apricots on the Nile: A Memoir with Recipes by Colette Rossant.
I loved the recipes, but otherwise I wouldn't read it again because it lacked all kinds of descriptions (for smells, tastes, emotions, ...) and either the author is really not interested in politics or other things or she didn't want to put it in this book, because I now know nothing more about Egypt during the 1940s than I did before. (My review is here).

I'm now heading to Norway ;).

Janice wrote: "If you want a quick but fulfilling read, try I Heard the Owl Call My Name."
I'll definitely try that, I love the name ;).

message 35: by mussolet (new)

mussolet (sovotchka) | 115 comments Gaeta1 wrote: "Thanks, Raindrops--I was wavering between "Apricots" and several other books for Egypt as I have loved Rossant's food articles. This will make my final selection easier."

I'll read her recipe books, because I loved the recipes. But I wouldn't read another novel.

message 36: by Lara (last edited Jan 06, 2012 07:46PM) (new)

Lara (laradyane) I visited Azerbaijan with Ali and Nino: A Love Story: review (5 stars!)

My visit to Japan was cut short--I just couldn't finish 1Q84. Back to the drawing board for Japan!

message 37: by Wendy (new)

Wendy (wendywoo) | 75 comments Warnie B. wrote: "I visited Azerbaijan with Ali and Nino: A Love Story: review (5 stars!)

My visit to Japan was cut short--I just couldn't finish 1Q84. Back to the drawing board for Ja..."

I've been wanting to get to

Ali and Nino: A Love Story for a while now. Glad to hear it is good. You should check out The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous Life which is aobout the author. I most unusual story!

Currently I am in Ethiopia on my audio book w/ Cutting for Stone and in Palestine w/ the book I am reading w/ In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story.

message 38: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 50 comments My visit to Japan was cut short--I just couldn't finish 1Q84. Back to the drawing board for Ja..."

Didn't you like it? Just asking because I'm planning to read it, too.

message 39: by Anne (new)

Anne  (reachannereach) Wendy wrote: "Warnie B. wrote: "I visited Azerbaijan with Ali and Nino: A Love Story: review (5 stars!)

Glad you liked Ali & Nino. This is my pick for Azerbaijan. Nice review, btw.

message 40: by Lara (last edited Jan 06, 2012 08:05PM) (new)

Lara (laradyane) Miss Wednesday wrote: "My visit to Japan was cut short--I just couldn't finish 1Q84. Back to the drawing board for Ja..."

Didn't you like it? Just asking because I'm planning to read it, too."

I didn't, but it seems to be one of those books people either absolutely love or absolutely hate. And more people seem to love it than hate it, so don't be put off by my negative experience! It was my first Murakami book, so he may just not be my cup of tea.

And yeah, I'm looking forward to reading The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous Life, Wendy! Sounds like that guy had quite an interesting life!

message 41: by Wendy (new)

Wendy (wendywoo) | 75 comments Definitely let me know what you think of it when you get to it. Glad you are planning to read it too.

message 42: by Mikki (new)

Mikki Gaeta1 wrote: "I've been meaning to read Frame since "An Angel at my Table", but I've wanted to read The Bone People for even longer; she's my fall-back if I can't get through my selection.."

Gaeta, I wavered between the two also. Still plan on reading The Bone People at some point.

Jenny (Reading Envy) (readingenvy) | 1309 comments Warnie B. wrote: "I didn't, but it seems to be one of those books people either absolutely love or absolutely hate. And more people seem to love it than hate it, so don't be put off by my negative experience! It was my first Murakami book, so he may just not be my cup of tea."

Add me to the list of people who absolutely loved it! But it is a bit much to squeeze in on this challenge. I found myself wanting breaks between the books of the book (it was originally published as 3).

message 44: by Lara (new)

Lara (laradyane) Jenny wrote: "Warnie B. wrote: "I didn't, but it seems to be one of those books people either absolutely love or absolutely hate. And more people seem to love it than hate it, so don't be put off by my negative ..."

Yeah, it might have worked out a little better for me if I had done that. Maybe once I've had some time away from it I'll get curious about how it ends and try to give the second half another chance! :)

message 45: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly | 130 comments Went to NYC last night in The Beautiful Between by Alyssa B. Sheinmel ... will have to write my review later still thinking about how I feel about it.
Also did a trip to Afghanistan in Earth and Ashes by Atiq Rahimi and I have to write that review too. I didn't like this book at all.

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

A short, representative Japanese novel is Mishima, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea. Plenty of Japanese literature available in English, though.

message 47: by Mikki (last edited Jan 06, 2012 11:39PM) (new)

Mikki Kimberly wrote: "Also did a trip to Afghanistan in and I have to write that review too. I didn't like this book at all."

No? That's disappointing. Was it the language, the plot? I'm still going to order it, so let's trade thoughts later.

message 48: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly | 130 comments Mikki wrote: "Kimberly wrote: "Also did a trip to Afghanistan in and I have to write that review too. I didn't like this book at all."

No? That's disappointing. Was it the language, the plot? I'm still goin..."

Mk :) I won't spoil it incase you like it.

message 49: by Lara (new)

Lara (laradyane) Sho wrote: "A short, representative Japanese novel is Mishima, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea. Plenty of Japanese literature available in English, though."

Oh, that looks really interesting--thanks! Looks like my library has it, so I'll definitely give that one a try!

message 50: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Huston (telynor) | 101 comments My entry for Japan: Shizuko's Daughter, alas, it didn't quite work for me. Longer review here:

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