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Jenny (Reading Envy)

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An Offer From a G...
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May 09, 2022 10:41PM

Think Again: The ...
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Jenny (Reading Envy) Jenny (Reading Envy) said: " Reading this with a work group, one part a month, so this will linger a while and I'll just add some bits I marked.

"To unlock the joy of being wrong, we need to detach. I've learned that two kinds of detachment are especially useful: detaching your p
...more "

  (page 160 of 307)
"Work book club discussing part II today.

To me the biggest takeaway is the idea of strong yet fewer arguments if trying to win a debate - it runs counter to how the old LD debates were scored, where I'd lose points for every opposing point I didn't refute. But it was the same idea I was trying to communicate to my physical therapisit when he was trying to sell me on their services - less is more."
Feb 15, 2022 05:00PM

Pema Chödrön
“And that can never be a mistake--to fly instead of staying in the nest with all the poop and everything that's in there.”
Pema Chödrön, Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better

Lawrence Durrell
“When you are in love you know that love is a beggar, shameless as a beggar; and the responses of merely human pity can console one where love is absent by a false travesty of an imagined happiness.”
Lawrence Durrell, Mountolive

“It's because I'm tired of being branded a terrorist; tired that a human life lost in my country is no loss at all.”
Hannah Allam, Our Women on the Ground: Essays by Arab Women Reporting from the Arab World

Zahra Hankir
“That day, I came to a stark realization. I was afraid of men, and the harder I fought, the more intense the fear became. I can't think of an experience that is more harrowing than a woman being sexually harassed or assaulted by a man.”
Zahra Hankir, Our Women on the Ground: Essays by Arab Women Reporting from the Arab World

Patricia Lockwood
“All my life I have overheard, all my life I have listened to what people will let slip when they think you are part of their we. A we is so powerful. It is the most corrupt and formidable institution on earth. Its hands are full of the crispest and most persuasive currency. Its mouth is full of received, repeating language. The we closes its ranks to protect the space inside it, where the air is different. It does not protect people. It protects its own shape.”
Patricia Lockwood, Priestdaddy

4170 The Sword and Laser — 21984 members — last activity 5 hours, 42 min ago
Online discussion forum for the Sword and Laser podcast and monthly book club pick. Subscribe to the audio podcast: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podca ...more
187001 Newest Literary Fiction — 1293 members — last activity 58 minutes ago
Discover and share your discovery of the most recently published literary fiction. If you love reading novels before anyone else decides they are good ...more
53809 Around the World — 1845 members — last activity 3 hours, 17 min ago
Each year we look at our to-be-read shelves and choose which countries of the world we want to travel through. Some of our members map their journeys ...more
213993 Reading Envy Readers — 259 members — last activity Dec 14, 2023 03:47PM
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3183 Tournament of Books — 2257 members — last activity Jul 10, 2024 11:55PM
This book group was established for those interested in participating in The Morning News's Tournament of Books. Please do not feel the need to finish ...more
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