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ash ౨ৎ

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A Song to Drown R...
ash ౨ৎ is currently reading
by Ann Liang (Goodreads Author)
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ash ౨ৎ ash ౨ৎ said: " the second aps are over yall 🙏🙏 "

"the writing is gorgeous" Jun 26, 2024 10:37PM

The 48 Laws of Power
ash ౨ৎ is currently reading
by Robert Greene (Goodreads Author)
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"need to gaslight someone, look away guys 🫣" May 08, 2024 01:36PM

The Queen of Nothing
ash ౨ৎ is currently reading
by Holly Black (Goodreads Author)
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See all 4 books that ash ౨ৎ is reading…
“Just because the stars fell doesn't mean they weren't worth wishing on.”
Lancali ., I Fell in Love With Hope

Ocean Vuong
“I was a boy, which meant I was a murderer of my childhood.”
Ocean Vuong, Time Is a Mother

R.F. Kuang
“She learned revolution is, in fact, always unimaginable. It shatters the world you know. The future is unwritten, brimming with potential. The colonizers have no idea what is coming, and that makes them panic. It terrifies them.

Good. It should.”
R.F. Kuang, Babel

Ocean Vuong
“he slammed / into me & / we hugged / for the first time / in decades. It was perfect / & wrong, like money / on fire.”
Ocean Vuong, Time Is a Mother

Ocean Vuong
“just two boys lying in the snow & you’re smiling because the stars are just stars & you know we’ll only live once this time”
Ocean Vuong, Time is a Mother

1242833 Readers and Activists for Palestine — 354 members — last activity Jul 10, 2024 01:16PM
This is a safe place for pro-Palestinians Reader’s and Activists for Palestine is a goodreads community created by a group of friends aiming to ...more