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المحدثون والسياسة
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Oct 12, 2019 12:58AM

La dure loi du karma
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by Mo Yan
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Lewis Thomas
“it is illusion to think that there is anything fragile about the life of the earth; surely this is the toughest membrane imaginable in the universe, opaque to probability, impermeable to death. We are the delicate part, transient and vulnerable as cilia. Nor is it a new thing for Man to invent an existence that he imagines to be above the rest of life; this has been his most consistent intellectual exertion down the millennia. As illusion, it has never worked out to his satisfaction in the past, any more than it does today.”
Lewis Thomas, The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher

أبو العتاهية
“اشرب فؤادك بغضة اللذات**واذكرحلول منازل الأموات
لا تلهينك عن معـادك لذة**تفنى وتورث دائم الحســرات
إن السعيـد غدا زهيـد قانع** عبــد الإلـه بأحسن الإخبات”
أبو العتاهية, ديوان أبي العتاهية

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