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Artifact Space
Akshay is currently reading
by Miles Cameron (Goodreads Author)
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Jul 11, 2024 09:03PM

The Walking Dead,...
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Steven Erikson
“-(...) There's towns, Urb. An' the closer we get t'Letheras, the more of them. Wha's in towns, Urb? Taverns. Bars. So, we're not takin' a straight, pre-dic-table route.
- We're invading Lether from tavern to tavern?
- Aye.”
Steven Erikson, Reaper's Gale

Joe Abercrombie
“The beauty o’ making yourself a promise is that no one else complains if you break it.”
Joe Abercrombie, A Little Hatred

Steven Erikson
“Courting is the art of growing like mould on the one you want.”
Steven Erikson, The Crippled God

Steven Erikson
“Sympathy was like water in the desert. Hoarded, reluctantly meted out in the barest of sips. And he, Taralack Veed, could walk a thousand deserts on a single drop.”
Steven Erikson, The Bonehunters

Steven Erikson
“Now, invite me in, before I lose my temperature.’

‘Temper, you mean.’

‘No, temperature. It’s getting chilly.”
Steven Erikson, Toll the Hounds

135241 Read Runners — 1473 members — last activity 11 hours, 38 min ago
We are 'Read Runners' - measuring our lives by pages read, books completed, and discussions had. Join us, if you enjoy reading - whether slow or quic ...more
729 Indian Readers — 17074 members — last activity 12 hours, 33 min ago
"For Indians /non Indians/Earthlings/Aliens, who have a zeal to read and are passionate about books" says the Creator of this group :) To add to it, ...more
152306 SFF Readalongs led by Kitty G — 363 members — last activity Mar 10, 2017 02:12AM
A group dedicated to the reading of SFF books :)
85396 The Malazan Fallen — 1532 members — last activity Jul 04, 2024 09:37PM
For those of us who have fallen for the Malazan series and need a place to read or re-read, discuss and dream. We did a massive reading of the Book o ...more
154778 Year of Cosmere — 530 members — last activity Jan 01, 2023 07:18PM
Throughout 2015, we will be hosting read-a-longs for all of Brandon Sanderson's novels, novellas, and short stories that take place within his fiction ...more
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