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Led by Faith: Rising from the Ashes of the Rwandan Genocide

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For three months in the spring of 1994, the African nation of Rwanda descended into one of the most vicious and bloody genocides the world has ever seen. Immaculée Ilibagiza, a young university student, miraculously survived the savage killing spree that left most of her family, friends, and a million of her fellow citizens dead. Immaculée’s remarkable story of survival was documented in her first book, Left to Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust.In Led By Faith, Immaculée takes us with her as her remarkable journey continues. Through her simple and eloquent voice, we experience her hardships and heartache as she struggles to survive and to find meaning and purpose in the aftermath of the holocaust. It is the story of a naïve and vulnerable young woman, orphaned and alone, navigating through a bleak and dangerously hostile world with only an abiding faith in God to guide and protect her. Immaculée fends off sinister new predators, seeks out and comforts scores of children orphaned by the genocide, and searches for love and companionship in a land where hatred still flourishes. Then, fearing again for her safety as Rwanda’s war-crime trials begin, Immaculée flees to America to begin a new chapter of her life as a refugee and immigrant—a stranger in a strange land.With the same courage and faith in God that led her through the darkness of genocide, Immaculée discovers a new life that was beyond her wildest dreams as a small girl in a tiny village in one of Africa’s poorest countries.It is in the United States, her adopted country, where Immaculée can finally look back at all that has happened to her and truly understand why God spared her life . . . so that she would be left to tell her story to the world.

256 pages, Paperback

First published September 16, 2008

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About the author

Immaculée Ilibagiza

24 books465 followers
Today Immaculée is regarded as one of world's leading speakers on peace, faith, and forgiveness. She has shared her universal message with world dignitaries, school children, multinational corporations, churches, and at many conferences. Immaculée works hard to spread her message and to raise money for her Left to Tell Charitable Fund which directly benefits the children orphaned by the genocide.

Immaculée Ilibagiza is a living example of faith put into action. Immaculée's life was transformed dramatically during the 1994 Rwandan genocide where she and seven other women spent 91 days huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor's house. Immaculée entered the bathroom a vibrant, 115-pound university student with a loving family - she emerged weighing just 65 pounds to find her entire family had been brutally murdered (with the exception of one brother who had been studying out of the country).

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Profile Image for booklady.
2,465 reviews64 followers
November 28, 2017
If you read Immaculée’s riveting autobiographical account of her survival of the Rwandan genocide, Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust, and wondered if her troubles were over, think again. They had only just begun.

Led by Faith is her painful personal account of life after the massacre of over a million Tutsi during the span of three months in 1994. Officially the killing spree was over, but the suffering, dying, hatred and bigotry went on. As did the unending need for forgiveness.

Even so, thanks to her Amazing Faith—substitute the word “Faith” for “Love” in the familiar song and you have Immaculée—in her Awesome God, and her beautiful prayers, she overcame daunting obstacles, and withstood threats from friends and foes alike, which eventually led her to a new life in America.

Don’t want to spoil the entire book so I won’t say more, except, if you ever need a pick-me-up, read it. Yes, despite everything, this is an amazingly affirming book. It is like a mini-lesson in Prayer. Her prayers were a guide and inspiration for me. We must truly believe He hears our every prayer and wants more than we do to answer us if our faith is firm.

Best of all, Immaculée is guest speaker at our Catholic Women’s Conference in 2018, so I will finally get to meet her!


Sept 15, 2008: Saw the author interviewed by Raymond Arroyo on EWTN tonight. Her survival story during the Rwandan genocide of 1994 is riveting. Although I can't read this anytime soon, I do want to read it!
Profile Image for Kirsten Weaver.
81 reviews2 followers
November 3, 2014
I read Left To Tell the month before moving to Rwanda. It was remarkable to see the incredible faith of someone who had lived such tragedy, but a little difficult to imagine the reality. Reading Led By Faith was a different experience altogether.

I currently live across the street from Pastor Murinzi's house where Immaculee hid for three months. When she speaks of killers in the street, it is almost impossible to really believe that she is literally talking about the dirt road in front of my house. Hearing the names of the places I go on runs, or where I like to my spend days off...it really hits a different chord with me.

I realize how grateful I am to be here and to witness a Rwanda so unlike the one she suffered in. It is the most beautiful country in the world, full of people who greet you in the street and watch out for you like family. Immaculee speaks the truth when she writes about the Rwanda now--this country built from the ashes of genocide.

Forgiveness plays a role in all 11 billion people living in this tiny country. Even if they didn't witness the genocide, they live it out in different ways. If I didn't know the tragedy, that most of my village and the surrounding villages were wiped out completely in 1994, I would never imagine there had ever been a war or even a disagreement.

People carry themselves with love and friendship...and I think this is the message Immaculee wishes to give the world. Although the Rwandan people are truly a Godly people, they are still human. If they can overcome a massacre of such proportions and live on to tell their stories and love their enemies...who are we to say that we have been hurt too greatly? Who are we to withhold forgiveness?

I am inspired daily by this country and the beautiful people who live here...and I am thankful Immaculee has shared her story with the world, so they can see Rwanda as something more, much more, than a genocide.
Profile Image for Linda.
491 reviews52 followers
May 18, 2016
Immaculee is an amazing person with a gift for prayer and a faith that, almost literally, moves mountains. While this follow-up book answers a few questions, I found in disappointing. I think that Immaculee’s point in writing this book isn’t autobiographical. She wants to inspire readers to forgive, pray and trust God. As a Christian, I am inspired by her faith, but after reading Left to Tell, I wanted more of Immaculee. Immaculee is a wonderful storyteller when she is writing about prayer, miracles and her faith, but she doesn’t let us truly get to know her. She writes very little about her relationship with her husband, her children or her friends.

Despite the fact that I wanted more, I would recommend this book, because Immaculee continues to show us how to trust God in everything. Her life is an inspiring example of faith and courage.
Profile Image for Jayli Esber.
10 reviews
June 5, 2022
This is an inspiring testimony of using a life scarred by a genocide for good. While this book focuses on the author's experience after the Rwandan Genocide, it does a good job explaining the context throughout the book. One definitely does not need to know much of the history beforehand in order to follow along. Like the title suggests, it is primarily a personal account of the author's personal faith journey. It is a beautiful and genuine account, but readers should know that the testimony is more emotional than educational. I recommend this book for those wanting to gain a better understanding of the effects of the Rwandan Genocide on the individual level. It rounded out my prior knowledge a bit, and it was certainly inspiring for my own faith.
Profile Image for Vicky.
110 reviews14 followers
October 3, 2020
A heartening sequel to Immaculee's story "Left to tell"where we now see her prayer life blossom and,with forgiveness as its core message, how her first book came to be written.It is clear that for her it is as St Paul once wrote in his letter to the young Corinthian church:

"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up my childish ways.Now we see only an indistinct image in a mirror, but then we will be face to face. Now what I know is incomplete, but then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.
Right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."

Profile Image for Susan.
672 reviews
March 19, 2019
While "Left to Tell" is the story of the horrifying genocide of thousands of Rowandans and Immaculèe Ilibagiza's miraculous survival, this book is the horrifying aftermath. When the "war" ended, it took years for things to get better, but once again God answered the prayers of this most faithful girl. "If the evil that was unleashed here could be conquered with love, where could evil not be conquered? If the hearts of Rwanda could be healed through forgiveness, then what heart couldn't?"
44 reviews
October 1, 2020
Powerful & inspiring! Immaculee’s faith & perseverance & forgiveness only continued to grow after surviving the genocides, & it’s remarkable to see.
Profile Image for Ron Wroblewski.
615 reviews154 followers
August 12, 2017
I met this lady once at a conference sponsored by Wayne Dyer. She is a great lady with a great story. A definite must read.
126 reviews2 followers
April 5, 2019
Beautiful story of a woman and her dependence on God
Profile Image for Gwen.
93 reviews4 followers
July 25, 2009
I actually have a few pages left to finish but I already know this is a spiritual classic for me and goes in my Top-Favorite file.

If you have not yet read Left To Tell , go back and read it (either reading our Lady of Kibeho first or second) and then finish up with Led by Faith.

I could read a book by Immaculee every week. She inspires me and her words recharge my spirit and lead me to strive to bring God into the world along the path that He has given to me. She can't help but to cause gratitude to well up in your heart because rarely will you encounter anyone else who has suffered so much and forgiven such evil actions of her fellow man; her story (especially Left to Tell) also serves to add more depth to my meditations of Christ's sufferings on the Cross.

Led by Faith has a powerful message for all faiths about God's mercy and providence that Immaculee has been uniquely equipped to spread. Nevertheless Catholics will be overjoyed and encouraged to find abundant examples of the Communion of Saints (shown in her mother's comforting presence in her life in times of great sadness), the great power of God in the prayers of the Rosary and mass, and inspiring examples of holy priests and nuns.

These books do not end when the last page has been read. Our Lady of Kibeho and Immaculee are on a mission to bring healing and forgiveness to the whole world.

I would add only one of my own suggestions to the incredible wealth of Immaculee's life of faith and that is to offer masses for the souls of those who have died struggling to forgive those who have done grave harm to them and their loved ones. Whether they were slaves or holocaust and genocide victims their souls await the purification that will unite them with saints in Heaven like the Ilibagiza family. God will give their prayers the grace of conversions and strengthen the Church Militant here on earth!

View the 60 Minutes interview here: http://www.immaculee.com/
Profile Image for Laura.
152 reviews6 followers
August 31, 2011
I didn't think I could possibly like this book as well as her first, "Left to Tell", but I was pleasantly surprised today. Where the first book covers her story during the genocide, this one picks up with her position at the UN and follows her life up to publishing her first book with all the tragedy and miracles she experiences along the way.

So I was thinking. Usually life-altering trials are two-fold, right? There's the initial crisis, say, the hours and days after the tsunami, or the weeks or months during the divorce proceedings, or the early days after the death of a loved one. That's the first book - the crisis. This one moves into the aftermath and confronts the healing process - her struggles with grief and her journey to find a "new normal" for her life as we often say. It took me reading the second to recognize what with just the first her story was incomplete that way and I'm glad she let us in on the rest.

That said there were a few differences. The first book contained a lot of detail from a very short time period while this one covers years with less definition. Also I think going into this one already knowing her devout personality made it only a little less compelling as a story, but the title is appropriate and I closed the book desiring to become a better person. I think although she's amazingly devoted to her faith she does a good job of never coming across as condescending or preachy. I've had issues with that in other books. She just states the way things are, and I like that. Good read.
Profile Image for Monica.
21 reviews
February 5, 2014
Es un libro conmovedor.
En algunas ocasiones me era díficil pensar que lo que relata la autora pudiera pasar en nuestros tiempos, tal pareciera que me estaban contando una historia de una guerra que sucedió hace miles de años y no en 1994.

Me encanta la inocencia (y a veces ingenuidad) que la autora transmite en sus párrafos, era tanta mi curiosidad por saber si lo que se contaba era real que busqué mas de unas vez información acerca de la autora, su ciudad natal, y el genocidio; el sentimiento lo transmite conforme avanzas en la lectura y te hace recordar fuertemente que el poder de la oración es poderoso.

Este fue un libro recomendado por una amiga, y fue muy cierto lo que me dijo...no se necesita leer el primer libro que salió (Sobrevivir para contarlo) para poder leer este segundo libro, así que si alguna vez les llama la atención, no duden en que es una muy buena historia para valorar todo lo que uno poseé y comparte en la tierra, nos hace recordar comunicarnos mas con Dios y nos sensibiliza hacia con las demás personas.
Profile Image for Roxann.
70 reviews
November 14, 2008
Sequel to LEFT TO TELL and I liked it just as much. This is Ilibagiza's account of adjusting to life after the holocaust without losing the faith and spirituality she had attained during three months in hiding. She tells amazing stories about refusing to succumb to hatred and despair in a country ravaged by slaughter and the ensuing economic and social repercussions. She recounts her ability and willingness to rely wholly on God in making decisions and in moving forward along a path that eventually brought her to America. Even her adjustment to her radically altered new life was enabled by her faith. In everything she has achieved, in every accomplishment and triumph, she praises God and gives Him the glory. A remarkable memoir by a remarkable woman of faith.
Profile Image for Sarah.
137 reviews22 followers
June 29, 2017
This one took me a bit longer to read than "Left to Tell." I had to put it down several times because of life circumstances. I even had to recheck it out at the library, because I had renewed it too many times! But it was a very good book, a wonderful witness of her incredible faith. When I sat down to finish it today, I only had about 10 pages left. And even in those last few pages, I welled up with tears. Her life, her love, her forgiveness are such an incredible testimony of who God IS. And she is not afraid to share that truth with the world!
32 reviews
December 25, 2021
Led by Faith, took me on a roller coaster. I took time before I finished it because it took an emotional toll on me. I had to take a break and come back to it, I shed tears.

I love the raw honesty that immaculée shares her story. It's a lot of pain that has been surrendered to God. In turn, she forgives and loves again.

I mean it's too much pain narrated, but shows love conquers all.

I would like to find out, does she harbour any form of resentment for these people who butchered and slaughtered the Tutsis..
Profile Image for Brenda.
522 reviews26 followers
April 20, 2010
A riveting memoir by a survivor of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. I didn't know much about that event before reading this, but you can't find a more eyewitness account. This book focuses mostly on the spiritual effects of the genocide in Immaculee's life (she lost almost her entire family), and her journey to forgiveness. Her beautiful spirit is really inspiring to me and spurs me on to a more intimate and constant relationship with God.
Profile Image for Bob.
51 reviews1 follower
November 6, 2008
This book one a picture of the genocide in Rwanda and one person's struggle to re-kindle her country, her faith and a sense of family. It is horrific, but also gives one a sense of reconciliation that a nation can find.
12 reviews
January 10, 2010
I liked this book even better than "Left to Tell." It taught me that God has a hand in every aspect of our lives and works for the good of those who love Him.
Profile Image for Laura.
203 reviews2 followers
April 20, 2012
This was a really great book. It is an incredible story of the authors life and healing following the horrors of the genocide in Rawanda. The book is just as awesome as "Left to Tell".
Profile Image for Laura.
476 reviews21 followers
May 25, 2023
Immaculée Ilibagiza's story is one of love, faith and perseverance. It is a story that will grip your heart and will show you the most evil and cruel side of humanity while simultaneously showing you the most loving and kind side of humanity.

She lived through something truly awful, lost most of her family and friends because of a hatred that ran deep during a genocide that should never have occurred. It should've hardened her, it should've broken her, it could've destroyed her. Her faith didn't allow it. Her strength was unmatchable. Her spirit was unbreakable.

Her story should be read by everyone. In the faith of such heinous crimes she remained firm and pushed forward. Her story gives me hope that humanity can survive even the worst times if we only believe that we can. She managed to continue to see the beauty in life even when her world was as dark as one could imagine she managed to find the light in the tiniest of crevices.

Immaculée Ilibagiza is a role model, a hero and an INCREDIBLE woman.

Profile Image for Jasmine.
485 reviews73 followers
March 4, 2018
In Led by Faith Immaculee Ilibagiza continues her story by sharing the aftermath of the genocide and her journey to a new life in a world and country that was forever changed. Rather than a continuous story like Left to Tell, Led by Faith is a collection of vignettes the help to pain a picture of how Immaculee's life changed. The beauty of this book is really seeing the "what happened next" aspect. Often, we are taught about genocide's and wars with a focus on the actions during the events, but this book told the tale of how a country and a people go on after those events. How does a country with so much mistrust and hatred learn to live together and rise to prosper. It was hard to read of how much animosity still existed and the petty acts of revenge, but it was also important to see that healing and forgiveness can take time but do eventually come to pass.
94 reviews
March 26, 2021
This book was incredible. I truly feel like it underlined the power of forgiveness in a way that is so convicting and challenging. It challenged me to understand that forgiveness leads to true reconciliation and that is the ultimate goal. It also shows the miraculous hand of God at work in Immaculee's story, and gives me hope that God is moving in my own story in miraculous ways. It taught me about the power of prayer and faith and how God moves for the good of those who love Him. I suggest to anyone who is struggling with unforgiveness in their heart to read both Left to Tell and Led By Faith. It's truly such a staggering realization to have about what it means to forgive. No matter what has been taken from you, God is still with you. You still have the power to impact people for His kingdom and live on a mission.
Profile Image for Mae.
456 reviews2 followers
December 9, 2017
The follow up book to "Left to Tell" is a great book. As in her first book, Immaculee continues teaching the world about what happened in Rwanda and about faith in God. This book is not just educational but also heart wrenching and enjoyable to read. Immaculee discusses what it was like during the following years after the war began and during the rebuilding of Rwanda. When she writes you can see her love for God, her country and her fellow country Women/men. It's a beautiful tale of faith, growth, love and healing.
Profile Image for Michal Paszkiewicz.
Author 2 books8 followers
April 13, 2019
The exceptional tale continues - how can a genocide survivor live after what has happened in the past? How can one navigate the straits of justice, forgiveness and mercy and find hope for the future.

Immaculee Ilibagiza has the answers for the modern world that struggles so much with the evils of conflict.

I highly recommend reading the first book (left to tell) first - it gives more context to understand how remarkable this book and author is.
Profile Image for Gregory.
87 reviews2 followers
March 23, 2020
This is a good follow up book after "Left to Tell"
In this book, Immaculee Ilibagiza goes into more details on the aftermath of the genocide in Rwanda especially in regard to herself, her family and neighbors. She finds out how some of her neighbors had participated in the murdering of her own family. She also hears of how her brother was killed explicitly because he was a Catholic.
Interestingly, she finds out the hell that the Hutus also went through after they fled from the RPF into Congo.
Profile Image for Uncle Alfred.
81 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2020
Neighbor turned against neighbor, and within 3 months 1 million Rwandans lives were violently ended. This book is written by a Tutsi who was hidden by a Hutu in the midst of the genocide. As a survivor, she writes through the horrific pain and guilt of being alive while her loved ones were buried. She writes about her Catholic faith sustaining her and how the message of Jesus' love and peace can rebuild a war torn country.
Profile Image for Melissa Jones.
60 reviews
May 7, 2017
I could listen to Immaculee all day long. The story of her survival of the Rwandan Holocaust and her ability to forgive her enemies leaves me speachless. It truly is one if the most touching stories I've ever read. She is such an amazing example to me. I read Left to Tell many years ago. I just reread it and discovered that she had written a follow up book. So glad I found this.
Profile Image for Harry.
5 reviews22 followers
April 5, 2019
The faith portrayed by Immaculée Ilibagiza was inspiring. It really shows the power of prayer and how forgiveness is the key to healing. After a genocide, there already has been so much hate. The solution isn't more hate, it's forgiveness and prayer. Only the Lord can change the hearts of the broken.
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