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The World of Beatrix Potter #11

The Tale of Tom Kitten

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The Tale of Tom Kitten is set in the cottage garden Beatrix created herself at Hill Top, the farm she owned near the village of Sawrey. Tom and his sisters look so smart in their new clothes. When their mother sends them outside while she waits for her visitors, she couldn't possibly guess what kind of mess they are going to get themselves into!

57 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1907

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About the author

Beatrix Potter

2,924 books2,021 followers
Helen Beatrix Potter was an English author, illustrator, mycologist, and conservationist who is best known for her children's books, which featured animal characters such as Peter Rabbit.

Born into a wealthy household, Potter was educated by governesses and grew up isolated from other children. She had numerous pets, and through holidays in Scotland and the Lake District, developed a love of landscape, flora, and fauna, all of which she closely observed and painted. Because she was a woman, her parents discouraged intellectual development, but her study and paintings of fungi led her to be widely respected in the field of mycology.

In her thirties, Potter published the highly successful children's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit and became secretly engaged to her publisher, Norman Warne, causing a breach with her parents, who disapproved of his social status. Warne died before the wedding.

Potter eventually published 24 children's books, the most recent being The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots (2016), and having become financially independent of her parents, was able to buy a farm in the Lake District, which she extended with other purchases over time.

In her forties, she married a local solicitor, William Heelis. She became a sheep breeder and farmer while continuing to write and illustrate children's books. Potter died in 1943 and left almost all of her property to The National Trust in order to preserve the beauty of the Lake District as she had known it, protecting it from developers.

Potter's books continue to sell well throughout the world, in multiple languages. Her stories have been retold in various formats, including a ballet, films, and in animation.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 344 reviews
Profile Image for Spencer Orey.
595 reviews185 followers
February 4, 2019
My kid's grandma bought us a 12 book set of the original Beatrix Potter books. I'll be reviewing them at random and out of order.

This one's been on loop at my house for the last few days. It's a general mix of typical Beatrix Potter kinds of child abuse, with an oddly light tone to it.

The mother cat forces the kittens to get dressed up for a party she's throwing, but then she puts the kittens outside to play while she readies the house. They immediately get dirty. Then they lose all their clothes to some funny ducks. Then their mom kitten finds them, beats them in anger, and locks them in their room for the night of the party.

Like I said though, it's pretty light hearted somehow. At least the ducks are funny?
Profile Image for Annet.
570 reviews883 followers
October 27, 2019
Traditionally I start the year with a Beatrix Potter, I believe this is my 7th story now... so several more to go. As a child, although loving to read, I was not familiar with the Beatrix Potter books, so I'm catching up.
This is a sweet little story about three naughty little kittens up to mischief, helped by a couple of ducks, in short :-)
I admire Beatrix Potter for her career, her creativity and I love the cute little drawings. 3.5 stars for me.
Profile Image for Paula Mota.
1,270 reviews420 followers
April 17, 2024
#every day is caturday

De certeza que alguém algures cancelou ou vai cancelar os livros infantis de Beatrix Potter, pela brutalidade de algumas histórias, por antropomorfizar os animais vestindo-lhes roupinhas e tudo, por pôr a mãe a dar umas palmadas nos filhos, como no caso do Tó Gatinho e das suas irmãs que foram desobedientes. Eu que só me cruzei com eles em adulta, adoro-os sobretudo pelas ilustrações clássicas, pelos tons pastel e pela paisagem rural inglesa.
(Estava a ser sarcástica, mas fui confirmar por descargo de consciência e, sim, os Woke já andam de olho na avozinha Beatrix!)
Além de ter escrito 23 livros para crianças e de ter criado um dos ícones mais reconhecidos do universo infantil, Peter Rabbit (Pedro Coelhinho), cuja imagem comercializou, tornando-se assim uma pioneira do merchandising, Potter foi uma micologista e conservacionista que adquiriu vastos lotes de terra a fim de preservar a paisagem tal como era, que agora constituem grande parte do Lake District National Park, no noroeste de Inglaterra. Apesar de ser uma empresária de sucesso e uma cientista, há-de sempre ficar associada à candura das suas ilustrações e às desventuras das suas personagens.

Quando os três gatinhos estavam prontos, a Senhora Gasta Malhadinha foi imprudente e mandou-os brincar para o jardim, para que não a atrapalhassem enquanto fazia as torradas com manteiga.
- Não sujem as roupas, meninos! Têm de andar nas patas de trás. Não se aproximem do balde das cinzas, da Silvina Galinha-Ladina, da pocilga e dos Patos Pataniscas.
Profile Image for Stacy.
1,004 reviews91 followers
April 14, 2018
I love the Beatrix Potter stories, and this is no different. Tom Kitten and his siblings, Mittens and Moppet are sent outside to play until their mother's company comes for tea. They get dirty and lose their clothes. The kittens miss out on tea, and are sent to their rooms in punishment. Naughty kittens!
Profile Image for [ J o ].
1,962 reviews508 followers
November 3, 2019
Usually I am dead against dressing up animals in clothing because the indignity is unbearable and the smugness of their owners is incredibly punch-worthy (and I do not need any more persuading for that, thank you), but since my fondness of cats is barely in existence I would say if you vote for me, your party candidate, I will make it law for all cats and kittens alike to be dressed up like Tom Kitten.

Blue, frilly shorts; a waistcoat that barely fits and a wee straw hat; with their little paws sticking out like furry caterpillars: this shall be law and all shall obey. And it will be so fucking cute I might explode.

The story is almost inconsequential again, as with a lot of these little stories. They are there to help those with little academic prowess to build the world inside their heads, whereas those with little imagination have the drawings to help them colour that world.
Profile Image for dianne b..
668 reviews149 followers
August 21, 2023
A tale of misplaced and unrealistic parental expectations. How common. And sad.

Also a reminder to hang on only to clothing that (as Marie Kondo has implored) "spark joy".
Better to give these past-due items in our closets to Puddle Ducks who will truly enjoy them.
Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 26 books258 followers
April 23, 2024
3.70 stars (4/10 hearts). Of course, these illustrations are FANTASTIC. I love Mrs. Tabitha Twitchet’s home and garden… and ducks are beautiful and so are cats… clearly, Beatrix Potter knew those animals well, because they act so realistically! Yeah, I just love these images. The story isn’t my favourite—the children are not well behaved, and their mother is not a very good example—but the dialogue and the stylistic choices of the text are so quaint and fun and enjoyable reading aloud. Also, it brings good discussion with kids. 😉 Also, I love the little tidbit about the ducks looking for something in the pond “ever since”… oh, and the dedication is epic!
199 reviews155 followers
March 25, 2012
Does someone remember the movie Despicable Me made by Disney. One fine movie and it had an adorable scene of the 3 girls being read a book by their despicable and conniving (adopted) father.
The story that was read to them had three little kittens who were forced to go to bed by their mother. Let me reproduce the little poem here.

3 little kittens loved to play,
They had fun in the sun all day,
Then their mother came out and say,
Time for kittens to go to bed.

3 little kittens started to brawl,
‘mummy we are not tired at all’
Their mother smiled and said with a purr,
‘fine, but at least you should brush your fur’.

3 little kittens with fur all brushed,
Said we can’t sleep, we feel too rushed.
The mother replied with voice like silk,
‘fine, but at least you should drink your milk.

3 little kittens with milk all gone,
Rubbed their eyes and started to yawn.
‘we can’t sleep, we can’t even try’
Then their mother sang a lullaby.

‘Good night kittens, close your eyes,
Sleep in peace till you rise’
‘Though while you sleep we are apart,
But your mommy loves you with all her heart’

Despicable Me

It seemed as if this poem was inspired by this book of potter.
The book reminded me of the above scene barring the fact that in the movie more than the kittens I found the girls more adorable.

3 little kittens are all dressed up by their mother to put up a good show before her friends. They got dressed well but started losing their clothes as soon as their mother stopped dressing them. In the end they had to put into bed before the friends arrive because they have lost all the clothes.

They are cute, mischievous and adorable. I loved it!
Profile Image for Gerry.
Author 42 books110 followers
November 5, 2022
This edition of Tom Kitten is different in that the illustrations are not by Beatrix Potter but have been created for the 1990s TV series 'The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends'. This does not detract from the tale or its visual appeal, for the illustrations have their own charm and suit the book perfectly.

In this story there were three little kittens, Mittens, Moppet and Tom Kitten who used to roll about and play in the dust and dirt. One day their mother, Mrs Tabitha Twitchit, was expecting friends to tea so she decided that the kittens should be washed and well dressed before her guests arrived.

She scrubbed and brushed them and dressed the two girls in pinafores and tuckers and dressed Tom in a smart new suit and matching hat. They all looked delightful, so, while she prepared for her guests, Mrs T unwisely allowed them to go out into the garden so as to be out of her way.

What a mistake that was for all three of them got into mischief and ended up with their nice clean clothes almost ruined. Not only that but three puddle-ducks came along and donned some of their clothes that they had discarded. The kittens thought this hilarious and helped the ducks to put on the rest of the clothes.

It was all good kitten fun - that is until Mrs T went down the garden only to discover her kittens with no clothes on. 'Just look at you, you are not fit to be seen,' she told the kittens and took them in and sent them upstairs to their bedroom.

Her guests arrived and while they were having tea there were extraordinary noises overhead (the kittens were creating havoc in their bedroom) and this disturbed the tea party but Mrs T told her guests a little white lie - she said the kittens had measles. Meanwhile the ducks had lost their newly acquired clothes as the buttons had come off and they were last seen looking for their ill-gotten attire.
Profile Image for Adriana Scarpin.
1,514 reviews
April 24, 2024
Incrivelmente The Tale of Tom Kitten é meu primeiro livro da Beatrix Potter, mas certamente não será o último. Conta a história de três gatinhos que têm suas roupas roubadas por patos e ainda apanham da mãe gata por isso. Esses vitorianos são selvagens, hahaha
Profile Image for Christy.
Author 2 books183 followers
November 18, 2016
Firstly, I love the names of Mittens, Tom Kitten, and Moppet. I also like words like "pinafores" that take me back to author Potter's time. As for the puddle-ducks, well aren't they clever, only Mr. Drake puddle-duck is cheeky to put Tom's clothes on himself rather than on Tom. Oh what fun to revisit these books that I loved as a girl :)
Profile Image for Lorellie.
649 reviews20 followers
July 26, 2023
A beautifully illustrated tale of rambunctious young kittens, as charming for mom as it for the little one. There's this one illustration where mom peeks around the bush at the kids doing exactly what she asked them not to, it's absolutely meme worthy xD
Profile Image for S3ija404.
4 reviews
December 21, 2021
Wspaniała lektura. Zmieniła moje życie, pomogła mi znaleźć sens istnienia, wyleczyła moją depresję, umożliwiła mi osiągnięcie nirwany, przyniosła mi fortunę, sprawiła, że moja żona z dziećmi do mnie wróciła, a mój kot przemówił ludzkim głosem. Uważam, że jest to nie tylko obowiązkowa pozycja dla każdego we wszechświecie, ale też powinna przez każdego oceniona na 5★ i dodana do kategorii ulubione. Polecam~(・ω<)☆
Profile Image for Prabhani .
198 reviews10 followers
January 1, 2022
It’s a lovely story of naughty kittens who lost their clothes. Beautifully told and illustrated the scenes. Beatrix potter uses natural behaviors of these animals to tell a story and it feels so easy to imagine. Her wonderful illustrations gives so much details background which makes people to imagine a whole story.
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,933 reviews1,050 followers
June 4, 2022
Mrs. Twitchit isn’t too smart when she dresses her three kittens in their finest and sends them out of doors to ready for the company. What you’d expect happens. The kittens clothes are soiled… but not without some chuckles.

Though the kittens are quite notty, Potter isn’t humanizing them as children - merely portraying what kittens do, so I don’t mind the ‘bad behavior as much.

Ages: 3 - 8
Profile Image for Calista.
4,743 reviews31.3k followers
July 8, 2017
A cute story about the kids getting all messy while waiting for their mom to have friends over for a dinner party. Very cute story. Enjoyable.
Profile Image for DD.
171 reviews9 followers
July 20, 2017
One of the books I will be teaching this year.
Profile Image for Aldon Rau.
22 reviews2 followers
March 31, 2012
It is not always easy to find something to read at our house. Reading material is plentiful, but oftentimes immediately after I settle upon a book, some family member discovers that he or she is in dire need of that exact volume. Hence, I have been forced to adopt some stealthy methods of getting my fair share of literary diversion.

For example, today my sister was sitting on the couch, having The Tale of Tom Kitten read to her by our mother. These small volumes are favorites of my sister; as she is not often inclined to share, I decided to employ my signature technique, which I term the Lightning Grab, to learn for myself what all the fuss is about.

Slowly I crept toward the couch, my approach unnoted by my oblivious relatives. Soon I was within arm's reach (my reach being quite disproportionate to my size, as many have discovered to their chagrin). Then...quick as lightning, my arm flashed out and the book was in my hand!

My mother and sister immediately set up a clamor, my sister bellowing her concerns about my bending the pages; my mother lamenting that she had not yet finished reading the book. Knowing that I had only a few seconds before the book was wrested from my grasp, I scanned the page, endeavoring to capture the gist.

Much to my surprise, upon the page I saw anthropomorphic kittens, cavorting about in an idyllic springtime garden. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. Before I could use any further clues, be they pictorial or textual, to construct some sort of sensical gestalt out of this, the book was retrieved by my mother.

I suppose it will be years before I have another opportunity to delve into the perplexing tale of this enigmatic Mr. Kitten. Until then, kittens, peonies, pinafores: all will haunt my dreams.
Profile Image for Sam.
295 reviews10 followers
December 9, 2018
With his two siblings, the cat Tom Kitten dirties clothes and otherwise frustrates mother Tabitha Twitchit before a dinner party at the family home. This is the second appearance of Miss Moppet (see: The Story of Miss Moppet) and Tabitha Twitchit too (see: Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan). Equally interesting is the mystery of the absent father character, like in Peter Rabbit's family and the Good Rabbit's family. Readers seeking a story about children's manners and their parents should be amused.
Profile Image for Galy.
762 reviews46 followers
March 13, 2024
So fun!

Tom Kitten and her sisters are all dressed up and their mother asks them to stay in the garden waiting and not ruin their clothes. But these three kittens don't know how to stay put.

I'm pretty sure this was a reread. I have a book of stories by Beatrix Potter in Spanish that I loved as a little kid and I've read it so many times. As I was reading this one it felt familiar and I knew the ending so I've definitely read this one before. It was nostalgic.

It was as fun and light as I remembered. These stories are really cute.
Profile Image for Michelle.
817 reviews14 followers
March 5, 2012
Those poor little kittens, expecting to walk on their hind legs in fancy clothes outdoors and stay clean! More than they can handle.

I chuckled when I realized what her explanation was for why ducks put their heads under the water with their tails up in the air.

I love how Potter's different stories connect in unexpected ways, carrying characters from one to another, here and there, popping up like old friends where you don't expect them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 344 reviews

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