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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Quotes

Quotes tagged as "obsessive-compulsive-disorder" Showing 1-17 of 17
Lee Goldberg
“I had to stop him from arresting an old lady who let her dog urinate against the fire hydrant that was in front of Burgerville headquarters.
"You'll blow our cover."
"But what if there is a fire?"
"The fire department will come and put it out," I said.
"With what?"
"Water," I said.
"Not from that hydrant," Monk said. "It's inoperable."
"No, it's not," I said. "It can still be used."
"There is urine all over it," Monk said. "no fireman would dare touch it, nor would any other human being."
"Firefighters run into burning buildings," I said."They aren't going to care about some dog pee on a fire hydrant."
"They would if they knew," Monk said. "We should call and warn them. Call Joe right now. He can get the word out faster than we can."
"Every fire hydrant in the city has dog pee on it, Mr. Monk. It's how dogs mark their territory. I can guarantee you that every male dog that has passed that hydrant has pissed on it."
He looked at me, wide eyed, "No."
"It's what dogs do," I said. "The firefighters knows this."
Monk swallowed hard. "And they still use the hydrants?"
"Of course they do."
"They are the bravest men on earth," Monk said solemnly.”
Lee Goldberg, Mr. Monk in Outer Space

Ann Patchett
“Catholicism is an obsessive-compulsive faith.”
Ann Patchett, Run

Abhijit Naskar
“Someone asked me recently, what it is like to live with OCD. I paused for a while and said, imagine watching your sibling getting run over by a truck in front of your eyes, not once, not twice, but repeatedly like in a looped video, or your child getting beaten up at school, or your partner getting abused by strangers on the street - and the only way you can stop that event from happening is to keep on repeating the task that you were carrying out when the vision first appeared in your mind, until some other less emotionally agonizing thought breaks the loop of that particular vision and replaces it - and though you know, it's just a thought and not the destiny of the people you love, you feel it excruciatingly necessary to keep repeating the task until the thought passes, so that nothing bad happens to your loved ones - and that's what it is like inside the head of a person with OCD, every moment of their life.”
Abhijit Naskar

Stewart Lee Beck
“I've googled OCD about 45 times so far today.”
Stewart Lee Beck

Karl Wiggins
“They’re excessively orderly in the workplace, almost to the point of being OCD. Whatever industry you work in, these people will always fail to see the bigger picture. They will exaggerate their insignificant, paltry roll to others, kidding on that they’re an actual leader in the team, yet their work is very often meaningless and inconsequential. They have an almost ritualistic compulsion to ensure things are in the right place, striving for flawlessness, setting high performance standards for others, even though it’s probably none of their business, and they can be very critical regarding their evaluations of others. In short, they’re a pain in the arse.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Izey Victoria Odiase
“Avoid perfectionism. It often leads to decision-paralysis and excessive procrastination.”
Izey Victoria Odiase, 99 Quotes and Affirmations For Self-Love & Personal Development

Abhijit Naskar
“Many of the haters call me mental, which, by the way, is quite true, both metaphorically and clinically. It's true clinically because I am a person on the spectrum with OCD, and metaphorically, because I refuse to accept the sanity of unaccountability as the right way of civilized life. I am not going to glorify the issues of mental illness by saying that it's a super power or that it makes a person special. On the contrary, it makes things extremely difficult for a person.

But guess what! Indifference is far more dangerous than any mental illness. Because mental illness can be managed with treatment, but there is no treatment for indifference, there is no treatment for coldness, there is no treatment for apathy. So, let everyone hear it, and hear it well - in a world where indifference is deemed as sanity what's needed is a whole lot of mentalness, a whole lot of insanity, insanity for justice, insanity for equality, insanity for establishing the fundamental rights of life and living for each and every human being, no matter who they are, what they are, or where they are.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Reformist or Terrorist: If You Are Terror I Am Your Grandfather

John Green
“I couldn’t escape the spiral of my thoughts, and I felt like they were coming from the outside.”
John Green

Angelo Marcos
“So what came first, do you reckon, the horrible thoughts forcing you to carry out rituals like a junkie, or the need to make people laugh? Or maybe they’re two sides of the same coin. The vivid imagination causing thoughts which make you want to cry is the same imagination that can find humour in situations other people would call ‘mundane’…”
“It’s occurred to me, yes.”
“Oh, it’s more than occurred to you, Nicky boy. You’re an intelligent man who has an affliction which affects your mind, so you’ve definitely thought about it. A lot, I bet. I’d like to tell you something Nicky, but I want to make sure I’ve got your full attention. Do I?”
“Yes,” I replied in spite of myself.
He leaned even closer, as if we were either co-conspirators in some scheme or lovers about to kiss.
“We’re all victims. All of us. Victims of our own minds...”
Angelo Marcos, Victim Mentality

Lidia Longorio
“One, two, three
I think they call it OCD
Eleven fifty-nine
Fear freezes me in time
Say these words just right
And maybe you’ll win the fight”
Lidia Longorio, Hey Humanity

“Exposure and Response Prevention (E&RP) encourages participants to expose themselves to their obsessions (or to situations that will bring on the obsessions), while they prevent themselves from using compulsions to get rid of the resulting anxiety.”
Fred Penzel Ph. D.

K. Webster
“Lane, I will become attached to you. It happens with everyone. Something about my personality makes me latch on to people. First, it was my friend Tina, then Liam, and now you. I’m sorry, but I know it will happen. It already is happening. Now that we’ve had sex, I don’t want you out of my sight.”
K. Webster, Apartment 2B

Angelo Marcos
“A doctor once told me about a patient with OCD who’d been stopped from using the sink as a way to prevent him washing his hands all the time. He’d ended up kneeling over a toilet bowl, dunking his hands in the filthy water in a bid to keep them clean. That’s OCD in a nutshell – rituals which are illogical even to the person doing them, but which we find impossible to stop.”
Angelo Marcos, Victim Mentality

Nancy Rubin Stuart
“Today Lucy would probably be considered a victim of an obsessive-compulsive behavior disorder, a psychological means of reducing anxieties through the numbing repetition of an activity.”
Nancy Rubin Stuart, Defiant Brides: The Untold Story of Two Revolutionary-Era Women and the Radical Men They Married

Abhijit Naskar
“Our brokenness is our greatest strength. I've been broken all my life, for my life is one on the spectrum with OCD to make things worse. But have you ever heard me whine about my brokenness - no – never! For no matter how broken you are, till you give in to your brokenness, it can never break you.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family

“Better isn't always a feeling.”
starbeyy, frankenstein's monster

“Sometimes, safety concerns are not just about staying safe. They often have more to do with our personal responsibility in the world. It's not just that we don't want bad things to happen, it's that we don't want them to happen on our watch.”
Chad LeJeune PhD
