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Occultism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "occultism" Showing 1-30 of 121
Joris-Karl Huysmans
“Worshiping the Devil is no more insane than worshiping God...It is precisely at the moment when positivism is at its high-water mark that mysticism stirs into life and the follies of occultism begin.”
Joris-Karl Huysmans

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't call anyone a devil, because within you, you can experience hell and the devil, and the devil is nothing, but you!”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Michael W. Ford
“Black Magick is the process of self-transformation through an antinomian initiatory structure, Black meaning the hidden wisdom, power of darkness, dreams and staging the reality you wish and Magick being the process to ascend, become immortal in spirit.”
Michael W. Ford, Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick

W.B. Yeats
“I was dancing with an immortal august woman, who had black lilies in her hair, and her dreamy gesture seemed laden with a wisdom more profound than the darkness that is between star and star, and with a love like the love that breathed upon the waters; and as we danced on and on, the incense drifted over us and round us, covering us away as in the heart of the world, and ages seemed to pass, and tempests to awake and perish in the folds of our robes and in her heavy hair.

Suddenly I remembered that her eyelids had never quivered, and that her lilies had not dropped a black petal, or shaken from their places, and understood with a great horror that I danced with one who was more or less than human, and who was drinking up my soul as an ox drinks up a wayside pool; and I fell, and darkness passed over me.”
W.B. Yeats, Rosa Alchemica

Franz Bardon
“Life is not a fairground, but a school. -- Franz Bardon”
Franz Bardon

Dacha Avelin
“Magick is an art; using reality and the world as its canvas.”
Dacha Avelin, Old World Witchcraft: Pathway To Effective Magick

Aleister Crowley
“Light, Life and Love are like three glow-worms at thy feet: the whole universe of stars, the dewdrops on the grass whereon thou walkest!”
Aleister Crowley, The Vision and the Voice: With Commentary and Other Papers

Joséphin Péladan
“Those very superficial sensualists and profligates who lead the dance of Latin decadence have not seen, among their dancing girls and their pennies, that the disappearance of symbols was a precursor to the ruin of a people; communities only have abstract reasons for existing...”
Josephin Peladan

Joséphin Péladan
“Covering oneself, surrounding oneself with shapes and colors that correspond to a plan, mean that that plan is beginning to be realized.”
Josephin Peladan

Joséphin Péladan
“The absence of symbols in our life debases it as much as any government can...”
Josephin Peladan

Kenneth Grant
“Now, more than ever before, it is evident that man must find his centre, his 'soul', or perish as a self-conscious entity.”
Kenneth Grant, Outside the Circles Of Time

Dacha Avelin
“If you are drawn to the path of Witchcraft, it is because you've had some kind of life experience that has shocked you … and awakened you”
Dacha Avelin, Old World Witchcraft: Pathway To Effective Magick

Adolf Hitler
“The old beliefs will be brought back to honor again.... The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, the demonic.... We will wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race.”
Adolf Hitler

Margot Adler
“I have noticed that many intellectuals turn themselves off the instant they are confronted with the words witchcraft, magic, occultism, and religion, as if such ideas exert a dangerous power that might weaken their rational faculties. Yet many of these people maintain a generous openness about visionaries, poets, and artists, some of whom may be quite mad according to “rational” standards. They are fascinated by people of diverse professions and lifestyles who have historical ties with, let us say, the Transcendentalists or the Surrealists, as long as the word occult is not mentioned. If Neo-Paganism were presented as an intellectual and artistic movement whose adherents have new perceptions of the nature of reality, the place of whose adherents have new perceptions of the nature of reality, the place of sexuality, and the meaning of community, academics would flock to study it. Political philosophers would write articles on the Neo-Pagans’ sense of wonder and the minority vision they represent. Literary critics would compare the poetic images in the small magazines published and distributed by the groups with images in the writings of Blake and Whitman. Jungian psychologists would rush to study the Neo-Pagans’ use of ancient archetypes and their love of the classics and ancient lore.
But words like witch and pagan do not rest easily in the mind or on the tongue. Although reporting on Paganism and Wicca has improved in the last decade, pop journalists often still present a Neo-Paganism composed of strange characters and weird rites.”
Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America

“Among the sufis, one attains purity not by ritual ablution, not by faith and worship, not by deed or merit, but by direct knowledge, experience, certainty, the drunkenness of ecstatic realization. Only this intoxication truly purifies the soul, because with this "wine" one becomes lost, and finds oneself, within the heart. One loses all separative delusions, the dirt of a muffled consciousness, and attains the One. This is to wander nude in the bazaar, like a naked Qalandar. But if the bazaar is shocked, then scandal belongs to the bazaar, not the dervish. Like a drunkard, the suf loses his reputation in the world because the world has lost its reputation with him. The petty bazaar stands accused of hypocrisy; the naked man stands before God.”
Peter Lamborn Wilson, Scandal: Essays in Islamic Heresy

Mat Auryn
“I have come to know witchcraft as the art of connection and relationship, and working with that connection and relationship through cause and effect to create inner and outer changes.”
Mat Auryn, Maîtriser la magie: Le manuel complet pour augmenter la puissance de votre magie

Aleister Crowley
“I slept with Faith, and found a corpse in my arms on awaking; I drank and danced all night with Doubt, and found her a virgin in the morning.”
Aleister Crowley

Manly P. Hall
“[W]e must have the courage to break with traditional law, establish ourselves in our own way of life. We must do so harmoniously, cooperatively, and courageously. We must do so with the full conviction that those who are selfish, those who are ignorant— and they are not necessarily uneducated, but those profoundly ignorant—will be unhappy about the whole thing.”
Manly P. Hall

“The Bohemian Grove has held secret meetings for the global elite since 1873 in a redwood forest of northern California. In addition to Republican presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, members have included James Baker, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, David Rockefeller, William Casey, and Henry Kissinger. Each year, the members don red, black, and silver robes and conduct a ritual in which they worship a giant stone owl.”
Craig Unger, House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties

Umberto Eco
“Pero entonces, si el ser es tan frágil e insustancial como para sostenerse únicamente por la ilusión de quienes buscan su secreto, , entonces, como decía Amparo en la tenda, después de su derrota, entonces realmente no hay redención, somos todos esclavos, y lo único que merecemos es un amo...”
Umberto Eco, El péndulo de Foucault -2da parte-

Kathleen Raine
“Let my body sweat
Let snakes torment my breast
My eyes be blind, ears deaf, hands distraught
Mouth parched, uterus cut out,
Belly slashed, back lashed,
Tongue slivered into thongs of leather
Rain stones inserted in my breasts,
Head severed,

If only the lips may speak,
If only the god will come.”
Kathleen Raine, The Collected Poems of Kathleen Raine

Margot Adler
“I have noticed that many intellectuals turn themselves off the instant they are
confronted with the words witchcraft, magic, occultism, and religion, as if such
ideas exert a dangerous power that might weaken their rational faculties. Yet
many of these people maintain a generous openness about visionaries, poets, and
artists, some of whom may be quite mad according to “rational” standards. They
are fascinated by people of diverse professions and lifestyles who have historical
ties with, let us say, the Transcendentalists or the Surrealists, as long as the word
occult is not mentioned.
If Neo-Paganism were presented as an intellectual and artistic movement
whose adherents have new perceptions of the nature of reality, the place of
whose adherents have new perceptions of the nature of reality, the place of
sexuality, and the meaning of community, academics would flock to study it.
Political philosophers would write articles on the Neo-Pagans’ sense of wonder
and the minority vision they represent. Literary critics would compare the poetic
images in the small magazines published and distributed by the groups with
images in the writings of Blake and Whitman. Jungian psychologists would rush
to study the Neo-Pagans’ use of ancient archetypes and their love of the classics
and ancient lore.
But words like witch and pagan do not rest easily in the mind or on the
tongue. Although reporting on Paganism and Wicca has improved in the last
decade, pop journalists often still present a Neo-Paganism composed of strange
characters and weird rites”
Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America

Mat Auryn
“Occultists throughout time have emphasized the inner plane, the place where our inner faculties touch the astral realm. It is here that we can meet and work with spirits on a sort of middle ground and perform magick purely with our psyche.”
Mat Auryn, Mastering Magick: A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch

Mat Auryn
“In witchcraft, we have a term called "the Mysteries." The Mysteries are great truths that you come to actualize through experience. You can sort of intellectually understand the Mysteries to some degree but can't fully come to know them as truths until you experience them directly.”
Mat Auryn, Mastering Magick: A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch

Mat Auryn
“Our task as readers in the modern age is to pan through these older texts, sifting through the rubbish of problematic personal and cultural biases and ideologies of their time period and find the golden nuggets within them and what applies to us now.”
Mat Auryn, Mastering Magick: A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch

“The greatest battle in life is between letting go and holding on.”
Brandon LeMar Bass, How to Overcome Apocalyptic Events

Tiziano Terzani
“So wie mir der Sinn einer Reise der Weg und nicht das Ziel zu sein schien, so zählte im Bereich des Okkulten allein die Suche: es zählte das Stellen von Fragen und nicht die Antworten aus den Rissen in einem Knochen und den Handlinien. Die Antwort geben im Grunde immer wir selbst.”
Tiziano Terzani

“The Devil´s palace is just a door with no hinges. If you try to open it by force, it falls on you and crushes you, but if you knock on it, you get invited inside”
Eib Shocky, Lost Seeking Dreams

“The following morning, Gary and Colby returned once more to Balanced Rock, hoping to dig up evidence of last night's sighting. An argument was taking place in my head: I'd seen diddly to suggest that Bigfoot resided in the Berkshires. What I'd experienced instead was the intoxicating power of belief, a power that's in all of us. At the same time, one need not be kissed before falling in love. Bigfoot may or may not be real, I thought, but either way, there's something profoundly true about the feeling it evinced.”
John O'Connor

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