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Awakening Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "awakening-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 77
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
“We Are All a Part of God
"Recently I was sitting in an airport lounge full of people waiting to board a flight. For a few moments my eyes were opened, and I saw how each person was full of His presence, how there was nothing other than He, His light, His love, His beauty. And in the same few moments I also saw that these people did not know it. In this experience I realized that the real mystery is not that we are all divine, are filled with His substance, but that we do not know it. We do not know that we are a part of God. This experience filled me with wonder, the wonder that part of the mystery of creation is that we have been allowed to forget Him. It is His will that in us He forgets Himself, just as it is His will that He allows us to remember Him."
— The Circle of Love”
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, The Circle of Love

John de Ruiter
“Awakening is remembering to enjoy. The more delicate the enjoyment, the greater the awakening.”
John de Ruiter

John de Ruiter
“Focus your entire energy very quietly, very softly, on awakening and realization.”
John de Ruiter

John de Ruiter
“Peace isn’t a feeling to relate to. It’s a higher quality of beingness to return to.”
John de Ruiter

Ulonda Faye
“Awaken to your purpose. Why are you here? Life is ready to live through you. When will you give in. Give in, to her love and teachings. Be the sun, be the moon, be the stars and be it all. Dearest child, who we love, you know you have come far-
Arrival is here.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Rise above all pain. Open your eyes, and awaken my love. Life is wishing to be expressed through you as its very own creation. Wait not for perfection. Death, the perfected state, brings us back from all wars with this life. Here, we are to live.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Awakening to Dawn

Dawn is near
Here I meet you
Here I greet you
In this sacred, infinite space
Oh, how I feel your embrace
It is to taste the greatness
of your mistakes-
Your sweet songs of joy
Of a love
To which I awe;
For, with such a love
Nothing is a loss

Lessons learned, journeys that burn
with the flame, which is the only truth

The unspoken word.

I see you, I feel you
Inside my Soul, we meet
You walk with me, guide me
To the gate of our wisdom
our truth
Where love has always overcome
We burn with the light of infinite skies, nights
Songs, poems

Together, we open the wisdom gate

Heart, Soul, Spirit
Connect me
Unite me
To the infinite space
Of infinite Oneness
I love you
We meet-
Embrace, taste

Infinite Oneness
Open the door, the sacred gate
Have faith
For, it is never too late
to wake up
Dawn is near.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“One day it was crystal clear,
the purpose of this life
and She awakened.
The awakening brought forth
new gifts, always there
yet never before seen and
Maybe it's not about the length
of the journey
But the intensity of its content.
Awakening to wisdom is
awakening to an inner
Voice and power.
Life is not to be spent
in Soulless places nor
with people who
merely have
It's meant to be spend in
Ulonda Faye

Russ Kyle
“Maintaining a state of joyful expectancy and positive anticipation about our desires significantly influences their manifestation into reality.”
Russ Kyle, Manifestation Mindset: The 12 Universal Laws of Creation

Mwendwa Mbaabu
“Everything you are living is a story, and stories can be changed”
Mwendwa Mbaabu

Ora Nadrich
“Is it that you just prefer being led, rather than leading yourself, so that you needn’t take responsibility for the decisions you make?”
Ora Nadrich, Time To Awaken

“When the Devil sees that the Church does nothing about his activities, he finds a Comfort Zone.”
Benjamin Suulola

John de Ruiter
“The way to realize is to open. The more you open, the more you know, and soften, and
John de Ruiter

“Fall in love with Emotional Reason. Be objective. Make sense of things when you can and use meditation moments when you can't. The consciousness of Earth is based on shared beliefs. Those beliefs can change any time and at any moment because the Universe is always buzzing with curiosity wondering, “What am I, what am I?” Align yourself with that again. You are so much more than you think. You have a wealth of powers within you, so let’s wake them up and learn how to use them. The knowledge comes from within. This is an incredible time to be alive, the transition from sleep to awake.”
Erin Dinsmore, How to Be A Human Being

Caroline Hurry
“I began, as you do, by rubbing sleep from my eyes. Bafflement had become my default mode. Okay, fine, permanent abode – scoffing pickled cod on cabbage in Oslo hotels and penning airline reviews one minute; plunging Alice-like down a rabbit hole into a dystopian realm the next. Whoosh!”
Caroline Hurry, Reign: 16 secrets from 6 Queens to rule your world with clarity, connection & sovereignty

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“When you stay in your lane, walk at your own comfortable pace, and let them overtake you without a frown on your face - that’s the beginning of your transformation, and you will play an important role in the spiritual awakening.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“The world you see out there is everybody's dream.”
Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, PhD, MBA

Dhayana Alejandrina
“I have never been afraid of wearing my vulnerability as a shield.”
Dhayana Alejandrina

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“You’re already in the territory of the flowers. It’s only a matter of time before you blossom.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Lidija Stankovikj
“That is what enlightenment is all about. It never happens gradually. Just like love, it takes you by surprise. If you want to understand, you’ll need to give up the futility of that infinite bug-walk, to dare fall off the cliff into the abyss, to be ready to either perish or ascend to something radically new. You know very well that many before you have tried and failed, but although the hollow pillars of all the monasteries, ashrams, and tekkes of this world conceal the whispers of those who have fallen and crashed, you choose to listen only to the prayers, hymns and chants of those who have succeeded to elevate above this finite world of infinite struggle.”
Lidija Stankovikj, Alexander's Infinity

Bikramjit Konwar
“Out of his fear suns rise, out of his fear, universes rise and fall, out of his fear death continue his work….
He is good to the good, he is bad to the bad
He is a terror to the ignorant
He is pure love to the knower, to the devotee…
He is the one and only.
People speak of him by different names.”
Bikramjit Konwar

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The word Renaissance was just another name to represent a new civilization in the world. Because the flame of awakening is always protected against being extinguished in each generation.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Sacrifice is necessary in times of need, which means that necessity must outweigh any of your choices.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Enric Mestre Arenas
“Parents aspire for their children to excel academically and develop their talents, but mainstream celebrities often encourage them to prioritize drug consumption and mindless entertainment over educational pursuits. Parents hope for their daughters to maintain their purity and innocence, yet idols continuously promote looseness and self-objectification as virtuous behaviors.
Parents also want their children to prioritize their health and to lead a wholesome lifestyle, yet modern music celebrities often glamorize drug use, portraying it as a masculine and cool pursuit. Alternatively, parents often aim to instill a growth mindset and a strong work ethic in their children. Yet, the musical icons often glorify hedonist pursuits and short-term gratification.
In light of these toxic messages incessantly inundating the airwaves, it is hardly surprising to see so many individuals leading self-destructive lives or harboring toxic misconceptions about life’s true essence. They have unwittingly followed the wrong role models, heeded the wrong idols, and are now grappling with the consequences of such misguided influence.”
ENRIC MESTRE ARENAS, THE MODERN WORLD AGAINST THE HUMAN SOUL: Exploring modernity's impact on the human spirit and well-being

Enric Mestre Arenas
“Most individuals still hold the belief that as long as they are not physically coerced by external forces, their decisions are entirely their own, driven by their own volition. However, this belief couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that through sly marketing and other manipulative techniques exploiting both our moral compasses and pleasure centers, humans can indeed be manipulated, often without them being aware of it.”
Enric Mestre Arenas, THE MODERN WORLD AGAINST THE HUMAN SOUL: Exploring modernity's impact on the human spirit and well-being

“Being awake is a blessing and a curse—seeing truths others can't see can be lonely, but the clarity it brings is invaluable.”
Jen Alvares

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Only in political affairs is a flexible mentality necessary, while it is not needed in religious matter.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Enric Mestre Arenas
“if nowadays many people feel so unhappy, this is likely a result of their profound disconnection from themselves. The frenetic, overstimulated nature of this human-made society has overwhelmed and entranced their senses to such an extent that they have overlooked the needs and ambitions of their inner selves”
Enric Mestre Arenas, THE MODERN WORLD AGAINST THE HUMAN SOUL: Exploring modernity's impact on the human spirit and well-being

“It's never too late to question everything.”
Bert McCoy, A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt: Words and Wisdom for Daily Life

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