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Been Quotes

Quotes tagged as "been" Showing 1-30 of 36
James C. Dobson
“19. Those who are the happiest are not necessarily those for whom life has been easiest. Emotional stability results from an attitude. It is refusing to yield to depression and fear, even when black clouds float overhead. It is improving that which can be improved and accepting that which is inevitable.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Deb Caletti
“I could forget that part, but it had to have been true.”
Deb Caletti, The Story of Us

“Those who don’t want to take risks in life end up been the losers.”
Sunday Adelaja

Akshay Vasu
“Of all the places I have been, your mind is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.”
Akshay Vasu

James C. Dobson
“For those of you out there today who have already been through hard times and are desperate for a word of encouragement, let me assure you that you can trust this Lord of heaven and earth. Remember that Scripture warns us to “lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“Si dalkiinu uu meel sare u gaaro, oo u noqdo mid mar kale horumar ku tilaabsada, ka bilaaba in aad doorataan hogaamiye wanaagsan. Ha ogolaanina in warbaahinta iyo kuwa danaha-gaarka ah lehi ay idinku qasbaan in aad doorataan dadka ay ayagu idiin xuleen, balse doorta dadka aysan ayagu xulan. Dadka dhexdiisa ka doorta hogaamiyaha, oo ah mid uu wado wadnahiisu, mid isu arka in uu matalo shacabka dalka, ogna waxa dalku u baahan yahay dhinac walba.
Ha dooranina hogaamiye lacag uun u socda, oo aan waxba ka ogayn shacabka, shacabkana aan xiriir la lahayn, balse kaliya og waxa shirkadahu u baahan yahiin. Doorta nabaddoon. Mid dadka mideeya, ee aan qaybin. Hogaamiye aqoon leh oo taageera dhaqanka iyo xoriyadda figrad-dhhiibashada; oo aan ahayn mid dadka afka qabta. Doorta hogaamiye maalgaliya iskuulada, oo aan joojin maalgalinta waxbarashada, una ogolaanayn in maktabadahu xirmaan.

Doorta hogaamiye wadahadal ka doorta in la dagaalo. Hogaamiye dadnimo leh, mid dhahaya waxuu aaminsan yahay, mid balanta ka soo baxa oo aan dadka been u sheegin. Doorta hogaamiye adag oo isku-kalsoon, laakiin aan kor isu qaadin. Mid caqli badan, laakiin aan dhagarow ahayn, hogaamiyo ogol kala duwanaanta oo aan cunsuri ahayn.

Doorta hogaamiye maalgalinaya dhisidda buundooyin la isaga gudbo, ee aan dhisayn darbiyo dadka kala xira. Buugaag, maya hub, Daacadnimo, maya musuq-maasuq. Xigmad iyo aqoon, maya jahli, Xasilooni, maya baqdin iyo argagax. Nabad, maya burbur. Jacayl, maya nacayb, Isu-imaatin, maya kala qaybin. Dulqaad, maya cunsuriyayn, Daacadnimo, maya munaafaqnimo, Wax ku oolnimo, maya wax kama jiraan, Dabeecad, maya maangaabnimo, Soo bandhigid, maya qarsasho, Cadaalad, maya sharcidaro, Run, maya been.

Ugu danbayn, doorta hogaamiye dadkiisu ay ku farxayaan. Mid dhaqaajinaya qalbiyada dadka, si ay wiilasha iyo gabdhaha qaranku ugu dadaalaan in ay ku daydaan sharafta hogaamiyaha qaranka. Markaas oo qura ayaa qaran si fiican kor ugu kici karaa, marka hogaamiye dhiirigaliyo, soona saaro muwaadiniin u qalma in ay noqdaan hogaamiyayaasha mustaqbalka, maamulayaal qiimo badan iyo nabaddoono. Waqtiyada hadda lagu jirana, hogaamiye waa in uu noqdo mid dhiiran. Hogaankoodu waa inuu ku adeego daacadnimo, mana aha inay u shaqeeyaan laaluush.

Suzy Kassem, waana gabar qoraa Mareykan ah kana soo jeeda Masar, waa na faylasuuf.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

James C. Dobson
“18. Your life is before you. Be careful of the choices you make now that you could regret later. This regret is the subject of an old poem whose author has been forgotten. I hope you’ll never have reason to apply it to yourself.

Across the fields of yesterday,
He sometimes comes to me
A little lad just back from play—
The boy I used to be.
He looks at me so wistfully
When once he’s crept within;
It is as if he hoped to see
The man I might have been.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

James C. Dobson
“Even if you have been having sex for years with many people, you can still become a "secondary virgin." That occurs when you repent of previous sexual sins and then determine not to be intimate with anyone until you are married. It will require discipline to stay in the hallway of doors, but it still bring the sweet benefits of healthiness, greater self-respect, and above all, harmony with the King. He will honor you for doing what is right.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: A Young Adult's Guide to a Meaningful Future

James C. Dobson
“Abraham Lincoln quoted the Scriptures in an 1858 speech to the Illinois Republican Convention. He said, “ A house divided against itself cannot stand.” That, I fear, is where diversity leads. If by that term we refer to love and tolerance for peoples who are different from one another, it has great validity for us. But if by diversity we mean that all of us have been given reason to resent one another. Having no common values, heritage, commitment, or hope, then we are a nation in serious trouble.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Christina Engela
“Time did exist here, in small amounts (well some of the time) – and there were feint eddies and currents of time here, things that were barely tangible. Feint forces of the universe they were, nearly indiscernible from the nothingness like a warm breeze on a hot summer night. How long he had been here, he knew not – but he was slowly learning to master these barely tangible waves like a new surfer with one foot on the sandy beach and the other on a shiny new board of Hatred. Revenge splashed around his feet like the cold waves of the ocean of Time. Nearby, two other inmates collided with each other, bounced apart spread-eagled and spiraled off into the distance in infinite slowness. The Wetsuit of Insanity clung to his spiritual body, isolating him from the timelessness that seemed to exist here. A wind of Change blew at him from behind and he pushed off from the beach with iron determination and a mental clarity hereto before unknown to him. Something in the microcosm that didn’t even have a name went ‘bling’ and against all the laws of probability, Brad Xyl opened his eyes.”
Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency

Christina Engela
“We got to see a Corsair ship up close – all matt black, no markings, no lights – and practically invisible out here in the dark! What a sight to behold! Most people don’t get to see those bastards up close. That is, for very long! Anyways, the ship was just floating there, no sign of life. Our hails weren’t being answered, and so we assumed the ship was dead in space. Captain Mulligan, gods-rest-his-soul, told me to form a boarding party of security and medics from the sickbay and that we were going over there. We weren’t a military ship, and we’re not Star Marines, so we were lightly armed and quite nervous. I mean, this wasn’t just some of my security section being called out to break up a fight at one of the bars on the promenade, this was serious life-and-death shit! So I said ‘okay’, and told my assistant supervisor, Lisa Garfner, to get them all together. Seven of us shifted over to the other ship with the transmatter (you still use those things, I take it?) not knowing what to expect. It could’ve been anything… and it was. It was crazy.”
Christina Engela, Space Vacation

Steven Magee
“There has never been a time in human history where so many people routinely carry recording and surveillance devices.”
Steven Magee

Christina Engela
“Villainessa Tittel was a hired killer, an assassin by trade. She had enjoyed the best education and had been trained by assassins who had (until then at least) been considered the best in the business. She had turned to ‘cleaning’ as an occupation because she really enjoyed endings more than beginnings – and anyway, she didn’t need to know her mark’s entire pedigree or life’s story, or to have some kind of facetious moral justification just to collect her fee. Unsurprisingly, when she did read – on those rare occasions – her books were always dog-eared from the back.”
Christina Engela

“When people cannot use you,
They will call you selfish and mean,
They don’t know your struggles,
They don’t know where you have been”
Charmaine J Forde

“It appears that the paradigm of the modern Church has mainly been based on some fragments of the truth rather than the comprehensive totality of understanding God and His Kingdom”
Sunday Adelaja

“I had always been appalled by the variation of the gospel of prosperity”
Sunday Adelaja

“It is almost an unbearable pain, to suddenly recognize the value of what you had being ignorant of which had been your possession”
Sunday Adelaja

Deyth Banger
“If people start looking from the small stuff up to the bigger once, they will find stuff which they haven't know that they have been there or never imagined that they had them!”
Deyth Banger

James C. Dobson
“Now I need to speak directly and with compassion to those who have already pushed open the door of premarital sex. The monster has been released. You've lost your virginity and may have been sexually active for years. Perhaps you've been carrying a load of guilt for doing what you knew was wrong.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: A Young Adult's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Christina Engela
“For Commander Ripley Jones, it was becoming more and more troublesome. It had been said that nothing is infallible, Antares apparently being the proof. After hastily recalling all crew and leaving Spacedock 7 thirty hours ago, there had been nothing but problems. Breakdowns in the sensors and telemetry, system failures of a wide variety and finally – the Last Straw: a coupling seal in the stardrive engine failed. Fortunately the cut-out worked, or the whole of engineering would’ve disappeared in a flaming ball of anti-matter. Five crewmen were seriously injured as it was. Commander Smith, the Chief Entech, had the offending unit stripped down and under repair. They were currently on conversion drive - which could only propel them at sub-light speeds – and Ripley was currently in an elevator with a very pissed Captain Falconer.”
Christina Engela, Blachart

Christina Engela
“He’s dying!’ Doctor Cove, one of the ship’s two medical officers told me, looking at his med-scanner as he kneeled at the broken body of the only living Corsair on the black ship. I remember the look on his face as he told me – which seemed more to be puzzlement than actual concern. The man was a Corsair after all, and had injuries I could see, but he was conscious, and none of them looked fatal. But then, I’m no doctor. I never was any good at healing anything – and my job was doing the opposite, and I admit I’m pretty good at it. Always have been.”
Christina Engela, Space Vacation

Christina Engela
“Captain Harald Biscay rubbed his graying temples, staring deep in thought at the vast star field showing on the large navigation display on the bridge. It had been a pretty rough few days for him. Of all the things he’d seen in his travels through the universe, not many rated worthy of being remembered. Of the few examples of items Captain Biscay rated that highly, when he was a young man, his uncle would often play the bagpipes at strange hours of the night – shortly before being put in a ‘home’. That rated a mention.”
Christina Engela, Dead Man's Hammer

Steven Magee
“The 'Smart' radio frequency (RF) utility meter program is a known biologically harmful system that has been implemented by evil people.”
Steven Magee

Christina Engela
“Tracey hurriedly shut the door behind her to prevent the flames that had been licking hungrily at her caboose all the way down the corridor, from following her inside. Then, almost falling into one of the gravity couches, she hurriedly strapped herself into it before punching the emergency release. She hoped the escape system still worked. It did. The explosive dead-bolts fired, shaking the pod loose, dislodging it from the rapidly disintegrating wreck, just about shaking the crap out of her on its bone-jarring way into the great wide open.”
Christina Engela, Prodigal Sun

Deyth Banger
“So yeah… I got beat up… then went in some kinda cell… THE SYSTEM HAS NEVER BEEN FAIR!”
Deyth Banger, Bridge Of Writing

Steven Magee
“If you have been engaging in fraud with your workers, then you should be concerned about your future.”
Steven Magee

Christina Engela
“Humans, on the whole, are intelligent and resourceful and always have been. If our species has been around a million or more years, why are we so disinclined to believe that our ancestors could have built cities 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 or even more years ago?”
Christina Engela, Pearls Before Swine

Steven Magee
“Have I been lobotomized or am I in a parallel universe?”
Steven Magee

Anthony T. Hincks
“I can see where you're coming from. It's just that I don't like where you've been.”
Anthony T. Hincks

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