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Eradication Quotes

Quotes tagged as "eradication" Showing 1-20 of 20
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Just as the unwanted pregnancy, there are unwanted people in your life you should strive to abort, and such abortion is not sin, nor harm, but the eradication of a destructive foetus.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Your ultimate reason for staying in this crooked world is not to imitate its devastating physique, but trying do something about its ugly appearance.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“Amateurs are fond of advising that all practical measures should be postponed pending carrying out detailed researches upon the habits of anophelines, the parasite rate of localities, the effect of minor works, and so on. In my opinion, this is a fundamental mistake. It implies the sacrifice of life and health on a large scale while researches which may have little real value and which may be continued indefinitely are being attempted… In practical life we observe that the best practical discoveries are obtained during the execution of practical work and that long academic discussions are apt to lead to nothing but academic profit. Action and investigation together do more than either of these alone.”
Ronald Ross, Researches on malaria

T.K. Naliaka
“How to spell Aedes aegypti,the world's one-stop, viral-disease-transmitting mosquito: T-R-O-U-B-L-E.”
T.K. Naliaka

“Recognizing its importance, Aedes aegypti should be studied as a long-term national, regional, and world problem rather than as a temporary local threat to the communities suffering at any given moment from yellow fever, dengue or other aegypti-borne disease. No one can foresee the extent of the future threat of Aedes aegypti to mankind as a vector of known virus diseases, and none can foretell what other virus diseases may yet affect regions where A. aegypti is permitted to remain.”
Fred Lowe Soper, Building the Health Bridge: Selections from the Works of Fred L. Soper

“Aedes aegypti, which transmits yellow fever, is one of the feeblest species in its ability for flight and it is at once blown away and destroyed when it gets into a breeze. It therefore seldom wanders from the house in which it was bred.”
William Crawford Gorgas, Sanitation in Panama

“Havana, Cuba, in which city yellow fever had not failed to make its yearly appearance during the past one hundred and forty years... Havana was freed from yellow fever within ninety days. Dr. Walter Reed, 1902
Walter Reed

“In one respect New Orleans has set an example for all the world in the fight against yellow fever. The first impression was the complete organization of the citizens and the rational and reasonable way in which the fight has been conducted by them. With a tangible enemy in view, the army of defense could begin to fight rationally and scientifically. The... spirit in which the citizens of New Orleans sallied forth to win this fight strikes one who has been witness to the profound gloom, distress, and woe that cloud every other epidemic city. Rupert Boyce, Dean of Liverpool School of Tropical Diseases, 1905
Rupert Boyce

T.K. Naliaka
“Despite 4,000 years of proven usefulness, quarantines seem to be to modern international public health experts as garlic is to a vampire.”
T.K. Naliaka

“Eradication represents a complete change of philosophy and a recognition of the equal rights of all citizens to protection from infection, no matter where they live. Eradication, by its very nature, is public health with a conscience. The public health control officer can sleep tranquilly, salving his conscience with the thought that most of his responsibility has been discharged – that he did not have enough money to do any more. The eradicator knows that his success is not measured by what has been accomplished but, rather, is the extent of his failure indicated by what remains to be done. He must stamp out the last embers of infection in his jurisdiction. His slogan must be: ANY IS TOO MANY.”
Fred Lowe Soper, Building the Health Bridge: Selections from the Works of Fred L. Soper

“The use of vaccine in the control of yellow fever should occupy more or less the same place that typhoid fever vaccine has in the control of typhoid fever. No sanitary authority would desire to substitute typhoid vaccine for the supply of pure water and food, so we must not accept the yellow fever vaccine as a substitute for the elimination of Aedes aegypti. The vaccine provides individual protection for the person who cannot be protected by more general measures.”
Fred Lowe Soper

M.H. Rakib
“برائی کو ختم کرنےکے لیے کوئی مقررہ وقت نہیں ہوا کرتا،یہ آپ پر مُنحصرہے،جب آپ چاہیں”
M.H. Rakib, The Cavalier

M.H. Rakib
“Omens don't influence the eradication of a evil from a society. it's all upto you when YOU want.”
M.H. Rakib

T.K. Naliaka
“Les pelles ne sont pas élégantes, certes, mais elles ont tout de même réussi a libérer des communautés entières du paludisme durant les 5 000 derniers ans.”
T.K. Naliaka

“But why does it matter what we call it, as long as there is concerted action to respond to and prevent such crimes? It matters because if we really want to fix something that is broken, if we want to heal these fractures in our society, then we need to understand their causes. If we do not, then we will forever continue to place giant sticking plasters over the wounds left by this violence, trying to bandage over losses that can never be replaced. As long as this violence continues, it is obviously the case that we do have to address the symptoms, but my argument is that we must also address the causes if we want a long-term reduction or even, perhaps, the eventual eradication of male violence against women.”
Finn Mackay

T.K. Naliaka
“Eradicating mosquitoes is a means to an end. An uninfected mosquito is harmless to humans - just a nuisance. An infected mosquito is a danger.”
T.K. Naliaka

“We must eradicate ignorance and illiteracy from our nations and continent to the nearest minimum for us to have a national development.”
Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance

“We have to make it a personal responsibility to eradicate ignorance from our society.”
Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance

“Eradicating ignorance through the establishment of information centers.”
Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance

Stellah Mupanduki
“Being an Author who writes and advocates about tough things people go through in life; the Holy Spirit encourages me to encourage all people to be persevering in-spite of whatever hardships they are going through, or whatever horror they feel they are facing in their lives.

He says; “Read and go with the flow, with that belief of success printed in your heart and things will take good shape soon and you will praise the Lord with tears of joy instead of tears of misery…I am with you and everything will be fine…”
Therefore; if you feel you are hanging on a cliff, in terms of vulnerability and affliction, trials and tribulations; keep reading the Stellah Mupanduki healing and mouldding, cleansing and protecting books breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God and you will be lifted up to the top and you overcome. Don’t panic, don’t look at time, just read and you will overcome, go with the flow in reading even though deep down you are crying, screaming and you feel hopeless and disintegrated in everything. You will be fine, everything is working for the good in Christ for you…Remember, salvation and peace come from the Lord God Almighty...Sacred writing…For Sacred Readers…Divine Healing.”
Stellah Mupanduki, Know Yee Are Little Kings: Above And Not Beneath
