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Healed Quotes

Quotes tagged as "healed" Showing 1-30 of 38
Shannon L. Alder
“Sometimes, you will go through awful trials in your life and then a miracle happens--God heals you. Don’t be disheartened when the people you love don’t see things like you do. There will be Pharisees in your life that will laugh it off, deny that it happened, or will mock your experience based on righteousness they think you don't possess. God won't deny you a spiritual experience because you are not a spiritual leader. He loves everyone equal. The only people that really matter in life are the people that can “see” your heart and rejoice with you.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sanhita Baruah
“It will be foolish not to get your heart broken, even once.
For having a broken heart makes you realize the immense capability it possesses to mend and heal itself and to love far more intensely,with every affixed piece of it that was once broken and torn apart..”
Sanhita Baruah

Jayne Higgins
“Taken from the dedication in my debut novel Exactly 23 days. To honour all women on International Women's day.

For women everywhere: When you know you are finally mended, spread the word, hold out your hand, share some love from your heart and some laughter from your soul and be there for a new member of the sisterhood who needs your help. Let's all help our sisters worldwide to stand tall and know, they can and they will recover, survive and thrive, to live the life they deserve.
To all the sisters who reached out and held my hand in whatever way you could, who cried my tears with me, and laughter my laughter too, I thank every one of you. I survived.”
Jayne Higgins, Exactly 23 Days

Alfred Hayes
“I made spasmodic efforts to work, assuring myself that once I began working I would forget her. The difficulty was in beginning. There was a feeling of weakness, a sort of powerlessness now, as though I were about to be ill but was never quite ill enough, as though I were about to come down with something I did not quite come down with. It seemed to me that for the first time in my life I had been in love, and had lost, because of the grudgingness of my heart, the possibility of having what, too late, I now thought I wanted. What was it that all my life I had so carefully guarded myself against? What was it that I had felt so threatened me? My suffering, which seemed to me to be a strict consequence of having guarded myself so long, appeared to me as a kind of punishment, and this moment, which I was now enduring, as something which had been delayed for half a lifetime. I was experincing, apparently, an obscure crisis of some kind. My world acquired a tendency to crumble as easily as a soda cracker. I found myself horribly susceptible to small animals, ribbons in the hair of little girls, songs played late at night over lonely radios. It became particularly dangerous for me to go near movies in which crippled girls were healed by the unselfish love of impoverished bellhops. I had become excessively tender to all the more obvious evidences of the frailness of existence; I was capable of dissolving at the least kind word, and self-pity, in inexhaustible doses, lay close to my outraged surface. I moved painfully, an ambulatory case, mysteriously injured.”
Alfred Hayes, In Love

Chimnese Davids
“Words are God’s gift to mend a broken soul.”
Chimnese Davids, Muses of Wandering Passions

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“A Scar is not your healed wound, a scar marks your identity”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Shannon L. Alder
“There is no amount of bad karma that can compete with a contrite spirit and God's forgiveness.”
Shannon L. Alder

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Being alone is that sense of abject isolation in the midst of our most grievous pain. Yet, if the former is swept away by the presence of God, then the latter stands ready to be healed by the hand of God.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Nitya Prakash
“I want to love you until we are healed and then until we become forever.”
Nitya Prakash

Sanhita Baruah
“I asked myself only when he needed my help, "How will the broken heal the wounded?”
Sanhita Baruah

Awdhesh Singh
“Our emotions overtake our reasoning mind when we are angry. Often we do something or say something that harms not only others but ourselves as well. We may repent our outbursts of anger later on but the scar created due to the harsh words, spoken in the fit of anger, does not get healed even in a lifetime.”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness

“Burning brains & broken souls are only healed first by kneeling down on the floor to speak to your creator & in that moment everything is okay!”
F.M. Sogamiah

Alan Cohen
“When you can laugh about something, you know it is healed.”
Alan Cohen

Avijeet Das
“The wounds have been healed with time. Why do you want to reopen them?”
Avijeet Das

Stellah Mupanduki
“Being an Author who writes and advocates about tough things people go through in life; the Holy Spirit encourages me to encourage all people to be persevering in-spite of whatever hardships they are going through, or whatever horror they feel they are facing in their lives”
Stellah Mupanduki, Dear Baby Be Healed From Terminal Illness: Cutting through soul and spirit

Stellah Mupanduki
“The divine work of my hands will soak you, cleanse you and wring out all impurities from your body, soul and life. It touches with powerful healing, cleansing and protection in every area of your life, physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, socially, economically, politically and globally. By God’s Spirit, you overcome, you breakthrough.”
Stellah Mupanduki, Baby Be Healed From Cancer

Stellah Mupanduki
“Justice prevails as a necessary and essential code of conduct on itself upon every area of your life, because God is justice…God is peace…God is love…If you are ill, get healing books…if you are sad, get books of happiness…it you are touched with injustice and you are fighting against strongholds, get the books of peace and justice…if you want salvation, get all the Stellah Mupanduki healing and moulding books breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God who is mighty to save and protect you quickly…Hey Readers, do not suffer alone and in silence…the Stellah Mupanduki healing books given and written by the Finger of God himself through a vessel; are your voice and you will overcome against all odds, you will break all strongholds in truth and in spirit…So, get books and be healed…Sacred Writing …For Sacred Healing”
Stellah Mupanduki, Be Healed From HIV/AIDS

Stellah Mupanduki
“In the work of my hands, breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God, every beautiful word that speaks to your heart is living and active…Journalize everything you see, all that you go through, and all changes and feelings that you have as you read the work of my hands for your healing, peace and salvation. There is a hope and a future for you and your family…Awesome Books…For Sacred Healing”
Stellah Mupanduki, I Am A King In Christ: Healed From Terminal Illness

“To be healed is forgive the one hurt you.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“I'm not perfect, but I'm a child of God. I have now healed inside out. It's a call for a Celebration, because I am now, a New Creation.”
Marge Castillon Di Blasio

“To heed is to be healed.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Verliza Gajeles
“Time is a real friend. God indeed is a great healer.”
Verliza Gajeles

“If you believe in the Holy Word with your heart, you are healed.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Oli Anderson
“We have to get over the fear of being seen in a certain imperfect light if we want to stand any chance of really shining and being real, healed, and whole again.”
Oli Anderson, Shadow Life: Freedom from an Unreal World - Reclaim Your Hidden Self, Practise Unconditional Self-Acceptance, and Live Real

Paramahansa Yogananda
“Medicines have limitations; the divine creative life force has none. Believe that: you shall be well and strong." [...]
Chronic dyspepsia had afflicted me since childhood. [...] Master's words instantly convinced me that I could successfully apply their truth in my own life. No other healer (and I had tried many) had been able to arouse in me such profound faith. Day by day I waxed in health and strength. Through Sri Yukteswar's hidden blessing, in two weeks I gained the weight that I had vainly sought in the past. My stomach ailments vanished permanently.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“There are others whose wounded hearts can only be healed by another wounded heart. So why not share yours?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Sarah J. Maas
“His smile became a bit wild, and before I could brace myself, he grabbed my arm. There was a blinding, quick pain, and my scream sounded in my ears as bone and flesh were shattered, blood rushed out of me, and then-

Rhysand was still grinning when I opened my eyes. I hadn't any idea how long I'd been unconscious, but my fever was gone, and my head was clear as I sat up. In face, the mud was gone, too. I felt as if I'd just been bathed.

But then I lifted my left arm.

'What have you done to me?'

Rhysand stood, running a hand through his short, dark hair. 'It's custom in my court for bargains to be permanently marked upon flesh.'

I rubbed my left forearm and hand, the entirety of which was now covered in swirls and whorls of black ink. Even my fingers weren't spared, and a large eye was tattooed in the centre of my palm. It was feline, and it's slitted pupil stared right back at me.

'Make it go away,' I said, and he laughed.

'You humans are truly grateful creatures, aren't you?'

From the distance, the tattoo looked like an elbow-length lace glove, but when I held it close to my face, I could detect the intricate depictions of flowers and curves that flowed throughout to make up a larger pattern. Permanent. Forever.

'You didn't tell me this would happen.'

'You didn't ask. So how am I to blame?' He walked to the door but lingered, even as pure night wafted off his shoulders. 'Unless this lack of gratitude and appreciation is because you fear a certain High Lord's reaction.'

Tamlin. I could already see his face going pale, his lips becoming thin as the claws came out. I could almost hear the growl he'd emit when he asked me what I had been thinking.

'I think I'll wait to tell him until the moment's right, though,' Rhysand said. The gleam in his eyes told me enough. Rhysand hadn't done any of this to save me, but rather to hurt Tamlin. And I'd fallen into his trap- fallen into it worse than the worm had fallen into mine.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

“Happy is he whose heart is healed.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Abhijit Naskar
“To heal is to be whole, to be whole is to be healed.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Niedria D. Kenny
“DAMAGE: Severe. Irreparable. Cat 5, Code Red, Level 10, Rector Scale, Broken. NO MORE”
Niedria D. Kenny

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