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Inner Work Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-work" Showing 1-30 of 57
Marianne Williamson
“As long as we remain vigilant at building our internal abundance—an abundance of integrity, an abundance of forgiveness, an abundance of service, an abundance of love—then external lack is bound to be temporary.”
Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace

Sanjo Jendayi
“Who you want to be is already inside of you waiting for you to confront who you are and tag them in to help you win the battle of the mind.”
Sanjo Jendayi

“The more we see ourselves as victims who need to be saved, the more we’ll attract people offering to help. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, but it keep us depending on others and hence, stuck in the disempowering cycle of the victim mentality.

Truly, once you save yourself the universe will somehow conspire to help you out. But the work must be ignited from within. A the very end, we are our own victim as well as our own saviour... the rest are mere excuses.”
Omar Cherif

Matthew  Perry
“And like a baby, I didn't want to do the inner work for so long, because if a pill fixes it, well, that's easier, and that's what I was taught.”
Matthew Perry, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing

Frank LaRue Owen
“Make the sunrise a temple.”
Frank LaRue Owen, The School of Soft Attention

“Make the sunrise a temple. - from "The Old Code of Good Travelers," The School of Soft-Attention”
Hawk of the Pines (Frank LaRue Owen)

Frank LaRue Owen
“And maybe, just maybe, you'll see yourself now through your childhood eyes and you'll stand forgiven and realize...the magic you had then never left you; you just forgot how to listen.”
Frank LaRue Owen, The School of Soft Attention

Frank LaRue Owen
“Ponder for a moment that there is, in fact, a world beyond saving; that it is here, now, cascading swiftly toward its predictable end. Alongside it, also here-now, is another world, bright, eternal. Be part of that one.”
Frank LaRue Owen, The School of Soft Attention

Frank LaRue Owen
“The soul is not a land-locked entity. It can grow feathers.”
Frank LaRue Owen, The School of Soft Attention

Frank LaRue Owen
“Sometimes the soul knows of an impending shift before the shift arrives.”
Frank LaRue Owen, Temple of Warm Harmony

“When you become fully and openly yourself, living your own truth, you will inspire certain people to do the same. You may likely also trigger the discomfort and insecurities of others who are still trying to find a way to become their true selves and to live their truths. This defensive, projective reaction has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them and where they are in their journey. For it is a mere egoic reflection of their own emotions, perceptions, and experiences — which often occurs on the subconscious level, without them noticing. Down deep inside, you see, most know the inner work must be done. Yet their egos usually stand in their way; by making it a habit to constantly keep looking for excuses, in order to justify their inability, inaction, or lack of courage. If some will occasionally take it out on you, reckon that it’s their story they’re mirroring, not yours. We should actually be kind and compassionate to them anyway. They need it the most. After all, Love is the way.”
Omar Cherif

“Healing is serious business, and it is painful business. How do we give up everything we’ve known for an unimagined future, worse yet, an unimagined us? Healing takes imagination, but it also takes guts.”
Relebone Rirhandzu eAfrika, Broken Porcelain

Robin S. Baker
“Follow the urge to transition from one phase of your life to the next. Whether this is inside or outside work, it’s time for intentional transformation to take place.”
Robin S. Baker

Aletheia Luna
“By doing shadow work, we learn that every single emotion and wound that we possess has a gift to share with us. Even the most obnoxious, ugly, or shameful parts of ourselves provide a path back to Oneness.”
Aletheia Luna, Mindful Shadow Work: Exercises For Befriending Your Dark Side, Healing Trauma, and Finding Joy

“The Yoga is in the in-between. 
It’s between each breath, each posture, each experience. It’s in the growing, the learning, the doing, and, often, the waiting. We can grow more when we lean into the in-between and see the beauty in the process.”
Raegan Robinson

Paul Brunton
“What we were in the past is not important. What we are now is important. What we intend to make of ourselves in the future is vitally important. The unity between our character and our destiny is inseparable; the connection between our way of thinking and the course of events is unerring.”
Paul Brunton, Perspectives, Vol. 1: The Notebooks of Paul Brunton- A Survey of Categories 1-28

“If you're tired of shouldering heavy weight: off-load what isn't vital and begin what it is. - from "The Old Code of Good Travelers," The School of Soft-Attention”
Hawk of the Pines (Frank LaRue Owen)

“Place the Heart-Mind's Trustworthy Light onto the Old Code of Good Travelers: The antidote to depression is devotion. - from "The Old Code of Good Travelers," The School of Soft-Attention”
Hawk of the Pines (Frank LaRue Owen)

“When the soul becomes unburdened it's like a new saddle on a fresh horse. Suddenly the trail feels right again, and the strong horizon line in front of you as your turn becomes its own form of soothing medicine. Something of the sting and burn of the old poison may linger, but having crossed over from the Shadowlands into new open territory, one can almost pick up the scent of blooming flowers within. - from "The Bouquet of the Last Direction," The School of Soft-Attention”
Hawk of the Pines (Frank LaRue Owen)

“When the soul becomes unburdened it's like a new saddle on a fresh horse. Suddenly the trail feels right again, and the strong horizon line in front of you as you turn becomes its own form of soothing medicine. - from "The Bouquet of the Last Direction," The School of Soft-Attention”
Hawk of the Pines (Frank LaRue Owen)

Frank LaRue Owen
“Place the Heart-Mind's Trustworthy Light onto the Old Code of Good Travelers: The antidote to depression is devotion.”
Frank LaRue Owen, The School of Soft Attention

Frank LaRue Owen
“When the soul becomes unburdened it's like a new saddle on a fresh horse. Suddenly the trail feels right again, and the strong horizon line in front of you as you turn becomes its own form of soothing medicine.”
Frank LaRue Owen, The School of Soft Attention

Frank LaRue Owen
“Who's keeping score? Fade over the horizon, anonymous!”
Frank LaRue Owen, The School of Soft Attention

Frank LaRue Owen
“Ascension is not arrival. Ascension is making it back.”
Frank LaRue Owen, Temple of Warm Harmony

Ioan Petru Culianu
“Omul este fiinta care aspira catre Arta prin vis. Unica si ultima lui implinire este aceea de a i se permite sa traiasca in launtrul propriului sau vis. (...) Insa exista si foarte multi oameni care nu-si pot gasi pacea niciodata. Visul lor personal este tulbure, plin de teroare, de resentiment fata de ceilalti ori fata de ei insisi. A-i face sa traiasca intr-o asemenea realitate ar echivala, pentru ei, cu o condamnare la pedepsele infernului. Un infern pe care fiecare il duce cu sine oriunde se invarte. Prin Arta, ei pot fi salvati de infern, dar nu vor cunoaste niciodata adevarul. De aceea trebuie lasati sa traiasca in interiorul lumii. Lumea insasi a fost intotdeauna si a ramas o fictiune a Artei, aparuta ca sa-i salveze intr-un fel pe condamnatii la infernul personal. Din cand in cand, prin moarte, acestia se recufunda in ei insisi, iar Arta, rabdatoare, ii aduce inapoi.”
Ioan Petru Culianu, Hesperus

Michael Brant DeMaria
“Music is sound with a soul.”
Michael Brant DeMaria, When All Is Lost: Finding Heart In The Dark

Lidija Stankovikj
“A denizen since birth, I liked to think I knew the city in every way. It bore my shadow so gracefully, that living here almost suited me. It took me a long time to understand that, which was fully irredeemable—it was people I was finicky about. The drawbridge between my soul and the world barely ever lowered. Friends mocked my academic bearing; colleagues disliked my logorrhea; and what to say of women—they mostly found me irrelevant. In the language of the alchemists, I stood at the point of nigredo, the center of my own darkness.”
Lidija Stankovikj, Alexander's Infinity

Robin S. Baker
“In my personal life, learning more about my inner workings has given me confirmation that there are higher sources of power that exists among us. And because we are created in the energetic and spiritual image of them, we can experience nourishment and growth on their level of existence as well.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

“If I shine in the light of sun then will I be visible after the sunset? One thing I learnt very early... Because life had decided to hit me hardest. I made a conscious choice to face my own darkness and deep dive because below there swam some dots of light..”
Ramesh Sood, Untitled Life’s Random Lessons : A tapestry of anecdotes on life, mindset, leadership, communication and relationships.

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