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Joe Biden Quotes

Quotes tagged as "joe-biden" Showing 1-24 of 24
Joe Biden
“Right now, you know, everyone one is going to be there for you." I explained. "Everyone will surround you with love and you'll be busy and have things to keep your mind off the worst. And then in six weeks, or may be twelve weeks, everybody else's life is going to start to get back to normal. But your life isn't going to be normal again. As a matter of fact, as you probably understand already, it's going to get harder for you. And after a while you're going to start feeling guilty because you're going to be going to the same people constantly for help, or just to talk. And as their lives get back to normal, you going to start to worry about leaning on them too much. There might come a time when you think, I'm asking too much. I've got to stop complaining. So when you're down and you feel guilty for burdening your family and friends," I said, "pick up the phone and call me.”
Joe Biden, Promise Me, Dad - A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose

Andrew Shaffer
“Need a hand?”

I peeked at the figure on the horse’s back through cracks in my fingers. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light emanating from the horse, and the figure came into focus. It was Barack Obama, clad in a white toga.

He pulled me to my feet.

“Thanks,” I said. “You wouldn’t believe the dream I’ve had.”

“Try me.”

“You came to me one night, and said my friend had been hit by a train…and…is that a unicorn? I asked, squinting at the curled horn sprouting up between the horse’s ears.

“I call her Little Beast.”

I ran my fingers through the unicorn’s silken hair, which left rainbow glitter on my hand. The headache that had plagued me off and on all weekend was gone. There was no pain in my knee, or anywhere else in my body. “Is this heaven?”

“No,” Barack said. “It’s Iowa.”

And then suddenly we weren’t in the cemetery anymore. We were on a baseball diamond at the edge of a cornfield.”
Andrew Shaffer, Hope Never Dies

Joe Biden
“For the world to follow, we must do more than rattle our sabers and demand allegiance to our vision simply because we believe we are right. We must provide a reason for others to aspire to that vision. And that reason must come with more than the repetition of a bumper-sticker phrase about freedom and democracy.”
Joe Biden, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics

Joe Biden
“I hear the voice of the people calling for a future in which every American is more secure in life and liberty and more able to pursue happiness. I hear the voice of people willing to make sacrifices today to achieve that kind of tomorrow. It's time for a president to listen to that rising voice and to amplify it. It's time for a president who can point the American people to the future within their reach, tell them what it will take to get there, and vigilantly remind them why it's worth fighting for. It's time for a president to stand up and remind the American people that we have promises to keep -- promises to the world, promises to one another, promises to our children and to our grandchildren. In rededicating ourselves to to the hard work of fulfilling those promises, we restore America as the hope of the world and the vision of a brighter future.”
Joe Biden, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics

Joe Biden
“I thought I’d died and gone to Yale.”
Joe Biden, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics

Joe Biden
“When Seagull droppings landed on my head at a campaign event, I chose to read it as a sign of a coming success.”
Joe Biden, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics

Dmitry Dyatlov
“Jordan B. Peterson says self-esteem doesn’t exist… and that SE training mostly results in narcissism. Jack Canfield says he wrote his first book about it. And guess what? They’ve BOTH been to Harvard! What are we to do in this confusing world? I started going to AA meetings and people there tell you to find a loving God… and then to get a job at the Kroger… Something’s wrong with this picture. If self-esteem exists, and I pray to God that it does, I cannot possibly find a job that will pay me enough money without undermining the dignity of my work, after all this Spirituality, and Sobriety, and Self Esteem & Therapy I've accumulated.... don't make me laugh. And I’m a bright guy, too. Officially.”
Dmitry Dyatlov

“It's pretty simple: If we don't unite behind Biden, Trump wins. Biden may not be everything we want, but Trump is nothing we want.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, How to Defeat the Trump Cult: Want to Save Democracy? Share This Book

“The current American political scenario is not about the Left vs. the Right; it is about the Left vs. common sense.”
Lakshya Bharadwaj

Kaitlyn Greenidge
“The whole nature of how ppl respond to this coup would change if ppl, knew the full history of Reconstruction--and learned it as "white identity based mobs regularly overturned elections whenever a Black person or someone perceived as a Black ally was elected"

(12/12/2020 on Twitter)”
Kaitlyn Greenidge

Joe Biden
“I trusted him as far as I could throw a piano.”
Joe Biden, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics

Joe Biden
“What makes the partisanship so debilitating is that it's not confined to one party and, despite what so many pundits say, it's much more than a political tool to win elections. It has shaped our culture and our national dialogue. We've lost our ability to disagree without being disagreeable, and to argue substance without questioning the basic decency of the people on the other side of the line. The partisanship rips at the bonds of affection that tie the country state to state, political party to political party, citizen to citizen.”
Joe Biden, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics

Dmitry Dyatlov
“well I did get one good line out of Joe Biden... "undermine the dignity of work" = Unless you pay me a shitton of money so I can finally buy a goddamn Yacht, YOU're fucking undermining the dignity of MY work. There. Fixed it.”
Dmitry Dyatlov

Joe Biden
“And yet there was an eerie stillness on Capitol Hill--like a moment of prolonged equipoise between inhalation and exhalation.”
Joe Biden, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics

“its my favorite thing. it is literally... its like saying honey its date night, we need a sitter for the kids. there's only two babysitters to choose from. a pedophile and a meth head.”
Graham Elwood

Stewart Stafford
“November 22nd, 1963, was the day of John F. Kennedy's assassination. It was also the last day that America had a Catholic President until the election of Joe Biden in 2020. The gap will officially end with his inauguration in January 2021.”
Stewart Stafford

Abhijit Naskar
“The United States of America is not the responsibility of merely the President, the Vice President and their administration, it is the responsibility of each and every one of us whose veins carry the spirit of liberty and whose nerves carry the torrents of bravery.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sleepless for Society

Jimmy Dore
“a lot of those people probably have felonies because of the drug laws that Joe Biden passed and they can't get a job... but Hunter Biden... he can get jobs with his drug past. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL SORRY FOR HIM!”
Jimmy Dore

“I couldn't wait for my vote to help evict that ne'er-do-well scoundrel Donald Trump from the White House. He was easily the worst president in all the history of this great country. I am overjoyed that his attempted tyranny is at an end and can't wait to welcome our duly and fairly elected 46th president, Joseph R. Biden!”
Terry Hurlbut

“Not trying to steal Joe Biden's thunder here but the truth is...Trump LOST in 2020 way more than Joe Biden won anything in 2020.

ie If by some strange circumstance a potato had been nominated to run for president against Donald Trump in 2020, the potato would have won.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
“I need my colleagues to understand that...their base is not the enemy

(11/2020 in New York Times)”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

“People were upset about Trump's win in 2016 because he ran a campaign promising to implement policies that targeted racial and ethnic minorities with state violence (and he did) not simply because he was mean or rude. In no sense is Biden's campaign comparable. Sorry!

Biden won't be banning Christians, arbitrarily revoking the status of white immigrants here because of natural disasters, trying to sell off white populated parts of the country or encouraging police brutality against white people. Your disappointment is not oppression.

(11/9/2020 on Twitter)”
Adam Serwer

Steven Magee
“After seeing Joe Biden give Hawaiian Electric $95,000,000 after their involvement in the destruction of Lahaina, I will not be voting Democrat in the next election.”
Steven Magee

