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Johnny Depp Quotes

Quotes tagged as "johnny-depp" Showing 1-15 of 15
Johnny Depp
“I think everybody's weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it.”
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp
“Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you.”
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp
“One of the greatest pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten in my life was from my mom. When I was a little kid there was a kid who was bugging me at school and she said “Okay, I’m gonna tell you what to do. If the kid’s bugging you and puts his hands on you; you pick up the nearest rock...”
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp
“I think everybody's nuts.”
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp
“I don't pretend to be captain weird. I just do what I do.”
Johnny Depp

“There's a hole in the world like a big black pit who are filled with people who are filled with shit.”
Stephen Sondheim, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Amy Tan
“Whenever I'm with my mother, I feel as though I have to spend the whole time avoiding land mines.”
Amy Tan, The Hundred Secret Senses

Shannon L. Alder
“When you’re in love with two people, always choose the second. The fact that you are constantly thinking of the second person makes it obvious that the first will never fulfill you, unless the second person did not fulfill you either. At this point, you have to choose the third person because God is getting a little tired of your inattention and indecisiveness, and is planning on sending a fourth person into your life just to slap you around with the bible for not entering the promised land.”
Shannon L. Alder

David B. Lentz
“New York City is where specks of dust aspire randomly with all their cunning to become grains of sand.”
David B. Lentz, The Fine Art of Grace

Gary Ghislain
“Let me just say it out loud so we can laugh together: You're going to find Johnny Depp, take him back to Vahalal, and put him in a zoo?”
Gary Ghislain, How I Stole Johnny Depp's Alien Girlfriend

Johnny Depp
“If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second”
Johnny Depp, Life

Nigel Goodall
“This is a rumour-filled society and if people want to sit around and talk about whom I've dated, then I'd say they have a lot of spare time and should consider other topics. Or masturbation. - Johnny Depp”
Nigel Goodall, The Secret World of Johnny Depp: The Intimate Biography of Hollywood's Best-Loved Rebel

Stewart Stafford
“Johnny's Sh*temare by Stewart Stafford

Amber did sh*t in Johnny's bed,
She did it while he was sleeping,
Right by Johnny's head.

Stank awake on a mattress lumpy,
He saw what Amber had left him,
A hot, steaming grumpy.

Browned off, he leapt to his feet,
No dogs stained his manhood,
Or crapped on the sheet.

Now he's sued her for defamation,
And they call her Amber Turd,
For her reckless defecation.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

“Let’s talk about the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial! I’m trying to keep on open mind about other people’s opinions on the case but I still believe that it can be prevented with a simple no. Amber has done so much damage to Johnny’s career. It seems to me that an old fling of mine is mirroring what went on with Johnny and Amber in their home. He is with someone who people only knows because of him. This person is a person of color but that doesn’t mean that she can’t abuse someone and their dog. I’ve spoken to someone who thinks that she is abusing him. Abuse can be done mentally, emotionally, or physically. Grooming can also be done the same way too. And deleting evidence of conversation is a crime, it’s also known as tampering with evidence so that the guilty party remains free. I’m sick and tired of those who are trying to speak up get silenced by “successful” people. People don’t see the truth because of the things people are hiding from the public. This brings me back to my post about standing up from myself and speaking up about grooming. And honestly, I do have a history with Tom Hiddleston. He was someone who I’ve met when I was 7 or 8 years old in Scotland. This is true because I’ve lived it and I can tell you the things he said. But back to the trial, I am glad that someone with mental issues (Winona Ryder) is standing up for a friend. I, too, have mental issues and I’m also standing up for a friend. Abuse is something that can be lethal and can also be prevented. Amber lied to everyone about what happened in 2016. I believe that Zawe will also lie about what happened at home with Tom and his dog when the time comes. I have a friend who also thinks that Zawe is like Amber Heard. I’m saying this because enough is enough. I stand with those who have been abused by someone.”
Laika Constantino

Stewart Stafford
“I Once Was A Bee by Stewart Stafford

I once was a bee,
All striped and dorky,
I got crushed underfoot,
By Amber Heard's Yorkie.

It mashed my wings,
I never sought money,
Even when it made me,
Poop out some honey.

As I flew to Bee Heaven,
In a mystical fog,
She made such a fuss,
Of that murdering dog.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford
