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Love Thyself Quotes

Quotes tagged as "love-thyself" Showing 1-30 of 38
Aaron Lauritsen
“The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about tomorrow.”
Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

Aaron Lauritsen
“It's in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that you will find the salt of the earth people who make you feel right at home.”
Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

Aaron Lauritsen
“Life's trials will test you, and shape you, but don’t let them change who you are.”
~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive”
Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

Aaron Lauritsen
“True friends don't come with conditions.”
Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

C. JoyBell C.
“It dawns on you one day... how precious your life is and how not okay it is for anyone, ever, to cause you any amount of suffering, ever. Then the next time you step out the door you look at everyone and you’re thinking, “My life is precious and you’re not allowed to hurt me.”
C. JoyBell C.

Aaron Lauritsen
“From this point forward, you don’t even know how to quit in life.”
~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive”
Aaron Lauritsen

Aaron Lauritsen
“Those who achieve the extraordinary are usually the most ordinary because they have nothing to prove to anybody. Be Humble.”
Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

“It is up to each one of us to immunize ourselves from any disabling bolts of anger and defend ourselves from the thunderstorms of hatred. No matter how maliciously anyone might act towards us, humankinds’ ability to express empathy, compassion, and mercy is the only life-sustaining panacea. Whenever we foster empathy and compassion and display mercy towards other people, we overcome the vilest actions and greatest atrocities committed by other persons. If we love everyone, we can never feel victimized or hate anyone. If we love ourselves, we will never act in a degrading manner.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Toni Morrison
“After situating herself on a huge flat-sided rock, Baby Suggs bowed her head and prayed silently. The company watched her from the trees. They knew she was ready when she put her stick down. Then she shouted, 'Let the children come!' and they ran from the trees toward her.

'Let your mothers hear you laugh,' she told them, and the woods rang. The adults looked on and could not help smiling.

Then 'Let the grown men come,' she shouted. They stepped out one by one from among the ringing trees. 'Let your wives and your children see you dance,' she told them, and groundlife shuddered under their feet.

Finally she called the women to her. 'Cry,' she told them. 'For the living and the dead. Just cry.' And without covering their eyes the women let loose.

It started that way: laughing children, dancing men, crying women and then it got mixed up. Women stopped crying and danced; men sat down and cried; children danced, women laughed, children cried until, exhausted and riven, all and each lay about the Clearing damp and gasping for breath. In the silence that followed, Baby Suggs, holy, offered up to them her great big heart.

She did not tell them to clean up their lives or to go and sin no more. She did not tell them they were the blessed of the earth, its inheriting meek or its glorybound pure. She told them that the only grace they could have was the grace they could imagine. That if they could not see it, they would not have it.

'Here,' she said, 'in this here place, we flesh; flesh that weeps, laughs; flesh that dances on bare feet in grass. Love it. Love it hard. Yonder they do not love your flesh. They despise it. They don't love your eyes; they'd just as soon pick em out. No more do they love the skin on your back. Yonder they flay it. And O my people they do not love your hands. These they only use, tie, bind, chop off and leave empty. Love your hands! Love them. Raise them up and kiss them. Touch others with them, pat them together, stroke them on your face 'cause they don't love that either. You got to love it, you! And nom they ain't in love with your mouth. Yonder, out there, they will see it broken and break it again. What you say out of it they will not heed. What you scream from it they do not hear. Flesh that needs to be loved. Feet that need to rest and to dance; backs that need support; shoulders that need arms, strong arms I'm telling you. And O my people, out yonder, hear me, they do not love your neck unnoosed and straight. So love your neck; put a hand on it, grace it, stroke it and hold it up. And all your inside parts that they'd just as soon slop for hogs, you got to love them. The dark, dark liver-love it, love it, and the beat and beating heart, love that too. More than eyes or feet. More than lungs that have yet to draw free air. More than your life-holding womb and your life-giving private parts, hear me now, love your heart. For this is the prize.”
Toni Morrison, Beloved

“When you're a beautiful person on the inside, nothing in the world can change that about you. Jealousy is the result of one's lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. The Lesson: If you can't accept yourself, then certainly no one else will.”
Sasha Azevedo

R.P. Heaven
“The distorted concept of 'loving thyself' in our times is the root of all evil. It leads to egotistical and narcissistic behaviour, and loss of touch with reality. 'Loving' yourself more than anything and anyone else leaves you disabled. Half-human. You sacrifice your empathy, tact, communication skills and dare I say, intelligence. You willingly cease your own spiritual growth and development of character (because you keep repeating to yourself that you're perfect just the way you are). The consequences are stagnation and later on, decay.”
R.P. Heaven, Awakening Ignited

“You keep tabs on the victories of others but failed to notice that you just crossed yet another milestone. How do you hold up the light for others but turn it out when it gets to you.”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Abhijit Naskar
“In love lies liberation – in love lies emancipation – in love lies absolution. Love yourself, love your fellow beings, love your brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, beyond all uncivilized, sectarian citadels of barbarian discrimination and prejudices.”
Abhijit Naskar, Saint of The Sapiens

“In order to learn how unreservedly to love other flawed people we must first learn to accept the tattered flag of the self. Self-love begins with crucial self-examination. To know oneself we must make a valiant attempt at living, we must create a record of sincere effort, and we must know our history.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Knowingly accepting oneself is the quintessential mission of every person. We each must fix ourselves, make ourselves right with the world we were born into, and construct a satisfactory existence out of our very own scarf. I am my personal healer, diagnostician, etiologist, psychiatrist, and neurologist.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Self-love and compassion for other people commences with accepting responsibility for the harm caused by our own misconduct and by forgiving other people for their individual trespasses. Self-improvement begins with rejection of destructive and malicious behaviorisms. Our behavior reflects our character, which we develop by studiously examining and reflecting upon the consequences of our actions and by integrating the entire accumulation of life experiences into a comprehensive living philosophy.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

R.P. Heaven
“The distorted concept of 'loving thyself' in our times is the root of all evil. It leads to egotistical and narcissistic behaviour, and loss of touch with reality. 'Loving' yourself more than anything and anyone else leaves you disabled. Half-human. You sacrifice your empathy, tact, communication skills and dare I say, intelligence. You willingly cease your own spiritual growth and development of character (because you keep repeating to yourself that you're perfect just the way you are). The consequences are stagnation and later on, decay. Ultimately, you lose your soul.”
R.P. Heaven, Awakening Ignited

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