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Political Ideology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "political-ideology" Showing 1-16 of 16
Victor Hugo
“Protect the workers, encourage the rich.”
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Andy Ngo
“Both the extreme left and right seek to undermine liberal democracy and the rule of law, whether through the use of violence or other means. They have differing political visions and goals, but both would result in the destruction of the liberties we value.”
Andy Ngo, Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Andy Ngo
“At the moment, the threat of the far right is understood by the American public and actively countered by government, academia, media, and civil society. No comparable resolve or mass organization exists to counter the far left. Why? One explanation is the cultural dominance of the left. The political homogeneity in popular culture, academe, and urban centers of influence (e.g., New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, etc.) has produced a populace with severe blind spots.”
Andy Ngo, Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Andy Ngo
“I’m angry at them, but I still see their humanity and don’t wish them ill. I actually feel sympathy for those pulled and brainwashed into antifa’s twisted ideology. They are often exploited and used by a movement that explicitly rejects the value of individuals in favor of the cause.”
Andy Ngo, Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Andy Ngo
“The BLM-antifa narrative that police are murdering black and brown people in epidemic proportions needs to be thoroughly debunked. It is not supported by the evidence or data. This should be the job of the media, but it has been they who fan the flames of racial division through one-sided wall-to-wall coverage. The unending distraction from real issues that can otherwise be addressed through evidence-based policy making has us chasing shadows.”
Andy Ngo, Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Andy Ngo
“While the Antifascist Action and all opposing groups were banned after Hitler became head of state, the antifa communist ideology never went away. From the ashes of WWII, it was absorbed and institutionalized in the official state ideology of what would become the German Democratic Republic, also known as East Germany. From 1949 to 1990, East Germany existed as a communist state carved out of the Weimar Republic by the Soviet Union, one of WWII’s victorious Allied leaders. For over forty years, the extremely repressive conditions in East Germany exemplified what “antifa” state-building actually looks like.”
Andy Ngo, Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Andy Ngo
“Some victims are valued more in the eyes of the American media than others.”
Andy Ngo, Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Andy Ngo
“Indeed, if the riots of 2020 prove anything, it’s that a sizable portion of Democratic politicians, intellectuals, academics, and journalists find riots and looting justifiable if committed in the name of “racial justice.”
Andy Ngo, Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Reinaldo Arenas
“If Cuba is Hell, Miami is Purgatory.”
Reinaldo Arenas, Before Night Falls

“Disparities in economic standing drive radical differences in Americans’ values, causing a pronounced and antagonistic political ideologically. Americans are progressively viewing members of the domestic opposition party as the greatest threat to their wellbeing. Instead of fearing a war overseas, Americans are increasing distrustful of other Americans. A great American cultural war between the rich and poor is inevitable, unless corporate America and its wealthiest citizens voluntary commence accepting a larger load of taxation and the government implements dramatic steps to shore up the disparity that continues to widen between the people on contrasting economic poles.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Amit Abraham
“There should be only one political ideology and that is good governance.”
Amit Abraham

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The advice of our parents will vary according to the country we are currently living in and the dominant political ideologies (politideos) of that environment.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

Abhijit Naskar
“All political parties are sick, but while some are like the common cold, others are like cancer. We may bear with common cold, but there is no toleration with cancer.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulldozer on Duty

“[US futurist and trans-humanism advocate Zoltan Istvan] argues libertarian cience advocates are needed in today's political environment, warning that technology-centric risk-takers are required as a reaction against the rise of ultra-conservative religious ideologies that threaten to stifle not just advances in AI, driverless cars, stem cell research, drones and genetic editing, but also immigration, women's rights and the environment. (p.112-3)”
Fleur Anderson, On Sleep

“[US futurist and trans-humanism advocate Zoltan Istvan] argues libertarian science advocates are needed in today's political environment, warning that technology-centric risk-takers are required as a reaction against the rise of ultra-conservative religious ideologies that threaten to stifle not just advances in AI, driverless cars, stem cell research, drones and genetic editing, but also immigration, women's rights and the environment.”
Fleur Anderson, On Sleep

Benny Morris
“To most Liberals, the concept of political ideology was both alien and abhorrent. Liberalism rejected the rule of dogma and absolutes in politics; it refused to believe that unswerving doctrine should or could be translated into policy. It therefore attempted, in the thirties, to dismiss the notion that Germany under Hitler was in fact governed by the ideology and precepts embodied in Mein Kampf. Even years of Hitlerite persecution at home and Nazi aggression abroad failed to convince many that here indeed was an ideology on the path of fulfilment. No doubt, the refusal of many Britons to admit this stemmed in some measure from a realization of the consequences if it were indeed true: if Nazi ideology was as malign as its detractors contended, and was being enacted, then the prospects for Europe were indeed bleak.”
Benny Morris, The Roots of Appeasement: The British Weekly Press and Nazi Germany During 1930s
