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Ricardoderosequotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ricardoderosequotes" Showing 1-30 of 40
“We always tend to take comforts for salvation
If everything easy is supposed to be the solution
One would never reach enlightenment; in isolation.”
Ricardo Derose

“Mistakes help one grow to surety.
Evolving is to grow to Maturity.”
Ricardo Derose

“Mature men look into the ladies' heads & hearts.
Immature men constantly mention their body parts.”
Ricardo Derose

“If we can love and protect…
Even the smallest living beings
We can manage to love and respect… 
Our fellow Earthlings”
Ricardo Derose

“In The Land Of The Free
One gets gunned down in hospitals, churches, and schools

This Land Of The Free;
is definitely, run by a bunch of fools.”
Ricardo Derose

“Religions teach; that one does not question God.
Military recruits are taught; not to reason or question orders
Like slaves would be severely punished for disobeying their masters

Depriving anyone of their free will is mad.
Any system stripping one from having an opinion
Is controlling one's minds through coercive Manipulation”
Ricardo Derose

“A hero is always Reasonable
takes actions in what is logical

A hero leads and does not follow
A hero is always on the side of the people

Never kills innocent, but protects the weak
Manipulation of any kind makes them sick.”
Ricardo Derose

“Maturity comes from making mistakes.
Learn not to repeat them; that is what it takes.”
Ricardo Derose

“In the world, there are only two kinds of people
Good & Bad
They can be of any sub-race, from any country, 
of any religion, nationality, gender, or Ethnicity…
If I may add
As one evolves, be wiser, and learn to be in the middle.”
Ricardo Derose

“You do not have a wife or a husband.
If that person you are with is not your best friend.”
Ricardo Derose

“Branding companies use Psychology
To manipulate and play with people's insecurity

Wearing a Brand name product does not make you better.
In reality, you are just suffering from Social Comparison disorder.”
Ricardo Derose

“Do not let your status, background, education, or size determine your strength.

To reach its objective, even an ant will courageously travel to great length.”
Ricardo Derose

“They say the people; are the country
But to run the country, the people are too lazy
They say the people; are the country
But to run the country, the people are too lazy
So they elect any unqualified clown as presidents
And put them in charge of the countries' governments.”
Ricardo Derose

“They say the people; are the country
But to run the country, the people are too lazy
They say the people; are the country
But to run the country, the people are too lazy
So they elect any unscrupulous crooks as presidents
And put them in charge of the countries' governments.”
Ricardo Derose

“A manifestation of love, from deep admirations,
Enhancing some intimate connections.
Takes special ones.”
Ricardo Derose

“You can survive violence 
by reacting more violently 
But you cannot escape ignorance 
by continuing to act ignorantly ”
Ricardo Derose

“What does the right hand give to someone in need
The left hand does not have to know
It defeats the meaning of doing a good deed
If the intention is to boost one ego.”
Ricardo Derose

“If one sole purpose is to live comfortably
One will miss the opportunity to live usefully
If one purpose only concerns their tiny little existence 
One will live and pass by with no meaningful significance.”
Ricardo Derose

“Anything related or made political...
It is never to the advantage of the people.”
Ricardo Derose

“It is not wrong to have guns and gun handling as a skill.
The issue is; when one's mindset is not to protect but to kill.”
Ricardo Derose

“My daily posts are not about you,
Even though they might have served you.
They are the thoughts of a mad man with a writing hobby
Compiling in his daily Public Diary”
Ricardo Derose

“Reputation is what others think of you
Those who do not truly know you
Character is what makes you
So, make sure it defines you.”
Ricardo Derose

“Do not underestimate or underappreciate 
The beauty and the power of the Blackness

With time, the sun, and the stars, will dissipate.
But still await and remain, everlastingly, the Darkness.”
Ricardo Derose

“Anyone talking to you, 
and avoiding your sight
Is someone that towards you, 
their intentions aren't right.”
Ricardo Derose

“There will be obstacles in everything we do.
Always thrive on finding the best ways to get thru.”
Ricardo Derose

“Keeping a small circle
It will keep your life simple.

Walking alone; is walking true.
Life is amazing with just a few.”
Ricardo Derose

“Expectations from others always lead to deception.
Expectations for self will lead to self-materialization.”
Ricardo Derose

“What one man can do
The next man can too

Your only limits are those you set to yourself
Do not live your life like a book on a shelf

Experiment, research, and find out how it is done
Learn and Invest your time towards your passion.”
Ricardo Derose

“Monty is so invincible
And unstoppable
That not even a storm can stop him
From exploring.”
Ricardo Derose

“Words without a soul...
...are just cold.
Emotions take their toll
When heartfelt words unfold.”
Ricardo Derose

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