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Sat Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sat" Showing 1-12 of 12
Becca Fitzpatrick
“You’re impinging on my private space,” I said, inching backward.

Patch gave a barely-there smile. "Impinging? This isn’t the SAT, Nora.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Dave Barry
“In the words of a very famous dead person, 'A nation that does not know its history is doomed to do poorly on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.”
Dave Barry, Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States

Kailin Gow
“Emotions might lead to chaos sometimes, but can be a beautiful kind of chaos. - The Return, Book 3 of The Wordwick Games by Kailin Gow.”
Kailin Gow, The Return

Holly Black
“He gave her a smile that wasn’t really a smile at all. “Eh, it wouldn’t be so bad. I wouldn’t have to study for the SATs or get a summer job or figure out my major. I can drink Elderflower wine all day, dance all through the night, and sleep on a bower of roses.”

Hazel made a face. “I’m pretty sure there are some colleges where you can do that. I bet there are some colleges where you can major in that.”
Holly Black, The Darkest Part of the Forest

“This tree must be falling for me, as soon as I sat under it, it dropped its leaves.
Oh sweet October!”
Charmaine J Forde

Ion Druță
“Cum sînt ei, moldovenii, n-au apucat bine să iasă din sat, că oamenilor a şi început, în taină, să li se facă dor de casă. Aşa ni-e zodia, şi de cîte ori va fi să se schimbe vremea, de atîtea ori ne vor durea rădăcinile...”
Ion Druță, Frunze de dor

Ion Druță
“Oricît de frumos şi înţelept ar fi fost întocmit calendarul, pentru lumea de la sate adevăratul an începe odată cu înmugurirea, cu acea "frunză verde" cîntată din moşi-strămoşi, şi sfîrşeşte, cînd acea frunză verde se îngălbeneşte, se desprinde din copac şi cade la pămînt, pe-o margine de drum.”
Ion Druță, Frunze de dor

Christina Engela
“Beaming into the thick of a tree without becoming a lifelong tree hugger was a tricky business. A precision job. Scrooby’s job at the Time Saving Agency was a tough one. Billions of lives depended on him not screwing up. Literally billions and billions. Once, he’d screwed up in only a very small way and people wore those little yellow smiley faces on t-shirts for decades afterwards – and that was just a small screw up. He sighed. Here he sat, in the branches of an apple tree in an apple tree orchard – and without a single apple in sight. Below him, Isaac was waiting to get bonked on the noggin with an apple so that he could fulfill history by toddling off to invent gravity and shape scientific and mathematical principles for generations to come. Only one problem – no apples.”
Christina Engela

Philip Pullman
“Ovo je Fritz: beskoristan je, kao što vidiš. Posve neodgovoran. No, s druge strane, Fritz se samo igrao pripovjedača. Da je pravi majstor poput urara, znao bi kako svaki čin ima svoju posljedicu. Iza svakog tik slijedi tak. Iza rečenice - Bio jednom... - mora slijediti priča, inače će slijediti nešto drugo, a to može biti puno opasnije od priče.”
Philip Pullman, Clockwork

Christina Engela
“Mykl d’Angelo groaned where he sat slumped in his chair. The irritating noise was unsettling his pet dog lying on his lap. The wickerwork garden chair creaked pleasantly under him and some native Earth birds made pleasant sounds above while the cool wind wafted over him as he lazily …”
Christina Engela, Blachart

“It is quite fashionable for astrophysics to use such wordings as 'dark' when searching for answers as to the origin- and meaning of Life and the Universe. Hence why they come up with terms such as 'dark energy' and 'dark matter' which cannot be further explained. The truth is quite simple really. Truth is Self desiring not to be alone. Truth is Self desiring Companionship. Truth is Self desiring Love. Mind I, I purposely capitalizes Companionship and Love for very good reason. Before we continue, it must be understood that existence is One and this One is not external but Self perceiving itself as diversified not to be alone. I believe science arrived at the concept of 'dark energy' and 'dark matter' through the following logic: Self turns itself into light out of the darkness. Light being Life. As dark turns itself into Life, it is thus concluded that the energy that underwrites life is dark, hence, dark energy and dark matter. Let's be clear. Dark matter is Self. Dark energy is Self. There is after all only Oneself. I understand the logic of naming everything dark but it is based on sensory perceptions. There is some truth in it of course. Look at a pupil and we clearly see Self desires to escape the darkness. Darkness signifies the Buddhist concept of Śūnyatā which is the non-Self and Krishna who is 'thought' to be dark (which is erroneous for Krishna is colorless bringing forth all colors). As to Śūnyatā, I say the non-Self is One-Self. Oneself cannot be non-Self. Self is always itself. But let's not get distracted and continue. It is true of course that Self desires to escape loneliness which is why Self turns itself into itself. Hence the meaning of the Uni-Verse originating from νέω (I-turn). At the center of Śūnyatā aka the black hole we find the so called gravitational singularity, spacetime singularity simply known as the singularity. What is the singularity? You guessed it. The singularity is Self. There is only Self after all. Self is Singular. How could the Singularity be anything but itSelf? I is always I. Hence ॐ (I Am). Self turns itself into itself. That much is true. But let's step away from all these abstractions and see Self in its totality. I believe the Truth is very simple. The concept of black holes, dark energy and dark matter are sensory abstractions. Truth is One, One is Self. So it is. Truth is Self desiring Companionship. Companionship can only be experienced through Self perceiving itself as diversified. Diversity exists for Companionship. Companionship is the primordial motivation. If Companionship is the primordial motivation, it can thus be concluded that Life is not Life but verily that which experiences itself as Life not to be alone. That is Self. So it is. Life is T(h)āt as in तत्. In other words. Life is Self experiencing itself as itself but perceiving itself as diversified not to be alone. Diversity serves the purpose of Companionship. Companionship is synonymous with Love. In conclusion: Love is the first principle for there is but One principal desiring Love. It is said that there is no division in the Kingdom of God. Yes. Division does not exist. There is only One perceiving itself as Two not to be alOne. As such: LOVE.”
Wald Wassermann

Lucian Blaga
“Satul e atemporal. Conştiinţa surdă, mocnind sub spuza grijilor şi a încercărilor de tot soiul, conștiința de a fi o lume pentru sine a dat satului românesc, în cursul multor secole foarte mişcate, acea tărie, fără pereche de a boicota istoria, dacă nu astfel cel puțin cu imperturbabila sa independenţa.”
Lucian Blaga
