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Sexual Temptation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sexual-temptation" Showing 1-11 of 11
Gary Rohrmayer
“Sexual temptations are lurking around every corner in our lives today! Resisting the temptation to gratify the flesh is a full-time job.”
Gary Rohrmayer

Katrina Kwan
“Never took you for someone so naughty."
"Looks can be deceiving."
"Ah, such a fucking smart mouth."
"Face it, you love my smart mouth."
"Just thinking about all the things I want to do to that smart mouth."
Her breath hitches in her throat. "You---"
"Tell me what I'm thinking right now. If you guess right, maybe we'll make it happen."
Eden's face fills with heat, her heart pounding in her chest. Her brain is about to melt. There are so many possibilities, so many scenarios. But one look from him, and she's a goner. Her tongue is a twisted knot. The fire pooling in the pit of her stomach has her unraveling at the seams. Alexander might have just broken her.
Alexander can sense her struggle and chuckles, tenderly kissing her cheek. "What are you being so shy for? You started it, sweetheart. Come on, venture a guess."
"What if I guess wrong?"
"I doubt you will." He presses his forehead to hers, the tips of their noses bumping up against one another. "Say it," he whispers against her lips. "Say it."
"I think..." Eden takes a deep but shaky breath. "I think you want to fuck me."
"Among other things."
She looks deep into his eyes and reads him like a book. "I think you want to fuck me hard. And then soft. All night, and then all morning. On my back. On my knees. You want to taste me. You want me to taste you."
"I think you want me to make you beg," he says, still soft and only loud enough for her alone to hear. "You want to be taken against a wall. In my bed. On the fucking floor. You want me to make you tremble. You want to be fucked so good, your voice gives out. You want to feel sore in the morning. Isn't that right, Eden?"
"Yes," she gasps, the word bubbling past her lips without a second thought.”
Katrina Kwan, Knives, Seasoning, & A Dash of Love

Sara Desai
“My company provides personal guarding services to foreign dignitaries, billionaires, politicians, sports teams, movie and Broadway stars---"
"Movie and Broadway stars?" Zara grabbed his tie and yanked him forward until they were almost nose to nose. "Names. Give me names. Who have you guarded? A-list? B-list? Anyone from Hamilton?" Her full attention was on him now and it was hard not to get pulled into the depths of her liquid brown eyes.
"Our client list is confidential."
"Did you work for Lin-Manuel Miranda?" She tipped her head back and gave the kind of groan he'd only ever heard from a woman between the sheets. "What was he like? Tell me. No. Don't tell me. We're in public and I can't be responsible for what might happen if you do."
His mouth opened but no words came out. He'd convinced himself there was no chemistry between them. But now, with her face only inches away, he was almost overwhelmed with the desire to taste the curve of her lips.
"C'mon, Jay." She leaned close, the gold flecks in her eyes sparkling, her voice a husky purr that he felt as a throb in his groin. Had he ever met a woman with eyelashes so long? He could swear that every time she blinked, they swept over her cheeks.
"Just one name," she pleaded. "One itty-bitty little name for me to fantasize about when I'm alone in bed tonight." She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, slow and sensual. "Or even better, an introduction. I'll make it worth your while."
Jay swallowed hard, loosened his collar. Need, tightly controlled, began to unravel. He knew he shouldn't ask, but the words came out just the same. "What do you mean worth my while?"
"What do you want, Jay?" Her breath whispered against his cheek. "What is your greatest desire? World domination? Ten glamor models in a limo? Your own island? An endless supply of samosas? Six blue silk ties? A perfectly balanced set of accounts? A night of hot sex, no strings attached...?”
Sara Desai, The Singles Table

Kristen Callihan
“You've called me Lucian from the start. It sounds right."
Warmth spread through me, slow like honey.
Our gazes collided and held as something simmered between us. Lucian's lids lowered in lazy perusal. Of me on the bed. I didn't miss the way his nostrils flared on a drawn-in breath, the way his dusky skin darkened. A pulse beat in my neck, steady, hard.
"Lucian..." It rolled over my tongue like cream.
Honey and cream. I wanted to pour both over those tight abs of his and just lick.”
Kristen Callihan, Make It Sweet

Alana Albertson
“She'd like that kiss. Actually, she'd loved the kiss. She wanted to kiss him again and again. She wanted him to want to kiss her back.
And not just her lips. She would let Enrique kiss her neck, sprinkling even more kisses on her breasts, and maybe even down her body, in between her legs. A shiver passed over her.
Yes, she was a virgin, but it wasn't exactly by choice. She most certainly was not saving herself for marriage, an institute she had no desire to partake in. Her virginity was not a prize for a future husband.
Maybe she wanted to have sex. Hell, a lot of sex.”
Alana Albertson, Kiss Me, Mi Amor

“If porn was difficult to find, expensive to buy, and impossible to view without being publicly outed and shamed, you wouldn’t be in bondage. A large part of your struggle is none of your making. You face more sexual temptations in a year than most Christian men faced in their lifetimes. This doesn’t excuse your sin, but it helps to explain it.”
Alan Sharpe, Make No Provision: 365 kicks in the pants for the Christian man who wants to conquer porn biblically

“View sexual purity as a walk, not a destination. You won’t find sexual purity on any map. So don’t expect to arrive at a place in your life where you experience zero sexual lust, zero sexual temptation or zero sexual fantasies. Your goal is to walk properly today (Romans 13:13). Don’t aim to eventually conquer your sexual urges and temptations and sexual sins. Don’t think that working your way through 12 steps of recovery will one day land you at your destination with a halo waiting for you. Sexual purity isn’t a destination you hope to reach tomorrow—it’s a walk you take with the Lord today.”
Alan Sharpe, Make No Provision: 365 kicks in the pants for the Christian man who wants to conquer porn biblically

“One vital truth to understand about sexual temptation is that you don’t resist. You flee. Temptation isn’t something you fight. It’s something you escape. This is what Paul commands you to do when he tells you to “flee sexual immorality,” and to “flee youthful lusts. Not, “stand and fight.” Not, “pray about it.” Not, “wrestle with the temptation.” What, then? Run away. As soon as you see a pornographic image, flee. When you feel lust building up inside, escape. When you hear a solicitation to sin sexually, run for your life. Don’t stay where you are. Don’t remain in the same spot, hoping to put up an adequate defense. Don’t stay and pray. Run. You quit porn by managing temptation. And you manage temptation by running away.”
Alan Sharpe, Make No Provision: 365 kicks in the pants for the Christian man who wants to conquer porn biblically

“Not a single sexual temptation is irresistible. No sexual craving is impossible to overcome. God promises that, in every temptation, in every trial, He always gives you a way out so that you do not have to sin. Here’s God’s promise to you: “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” God always provides a way of escape from sexual temptation. Always. Look around, and you’ll find it.”
Alan Sharpe, Make No Provision: 365 kicks in the pants for the Christian man who wants to conquer porn biblically

“If you want to quit porn, stop asking God for strength to quit. Stop asking God for what He has already given. Read 2 Peter 1:3: “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.” If God “has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,” why do you need to ask Him for anything else that pertains to life and godliness? You don’t. So, stop asking, and start receiving. Stop asking for help, and start using the help that’s already at hand. God says you already possess the divine power that you need to quit porn. It is already yours for the taking. You just have to take it.”
Alan Sharpe, Make No Provision: 365 kicks in the pants for the Christian man who wants to conquer porn biblically
