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Transgression Quotes

Quotes tagged as "transgression" Showing 1-30 of 44
Erik Pevernagie
“Does it make sense to boycott ourselves? Does it hold water to boycott the fluid course of our life? Is it consistent to commit self-sabotage by destroying wittingly our corporeal and mental structure?
Those are the questions thousands of people may ask as they are confronted with the schizophrenic dilemma on the point of smoking, boozing, doping, sexual transgressing or environmental polluting. Many seem to be aware of their problem. Many have decided to stop from tomorrow on. But when tomorrow and after tomorrow come many tend to let slip their vow and their self-sabotage goes on to rule their life. Their dissonant behavior transforms them into social losers or hopeless patsies and depresses them into the class of forlorn pariahs. They realize, as such, that self-handicapping makes no sense, but are not able to protect themselves from themselves since they haven’t got the muscle to live down the spell of addiction.
Thousands of people may feel having set the bar too high and recognize they are are failing to find the right angle and are missing sufficient insight to steer their life.
If, however, they decide to give it a try they should be aware that the road may be very bumpy and that they have to be prepared for disappointments and regressions, that they might have to deal with very slowly crescent improvements, that they shouldn’t take themselves for a ride and that they could only possibly succeed by focusing painfully on the path to breaking free from the hornet's nest they have got themselves into.”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“If we don’t counter the onslaught of the insidious triviality of transgression in our daily environment and if we gradually lose grip on the pervading taint of apathy and disrespect, we need irrevocably restructure our thinking and adjust the mechanism of our action. Taking everything for granted and accepting anything uncontested, might generate disjunction, arouse extreme heartbreak and, finally, turn our living into a scourge. ("Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me" turn into )”
Erik Pevernagie

William S. Burroughs
“O death where is thy sting? The man is never on time...”
William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch

Jodi Picoult
“But Katie knew it was a sin, had known from the moment she made the decision to lie with Adam. However, the transgression wasn't making love without the sanction of marriage. It was that for the first time in her life, Katie had put herself first. Put her own wants and needs above everything and everyone else.”
Jodi Picoult, Plain Truth

“Most people, if they know they have done wrong, foolishly suppose they can conceal their error by defending it, and finding a justification for it; but in my belief there is only one medicine for an evil deed, and that is for the guilty man to admit his guilt and show that he is sorry for it. Such an admission will make the consequences easier for the victim to bear, and the guilty man himself, by plainly showing his distress at former transgressions, will find good grounds of hope for avoiding similar transgressions in the future.”
Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander

Toba Beta
“Smartass Disciple: Does stupidity a sin?
Master of Stupidity: No stupidity, no sin.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Claire-Louise Bennett
“…the impulse for transgression and a taste for abasement is not so difficult to locate and arouse. Because of course it is thrilling to be astutely defiled. To have every revered trait and inimitable asset compromised, undermined, and subverted.”
Claire-Louise Bennett, Checkout 19

Dean Koontz
“His base sins were envy - of beauty, of happiness - and pride, bending the whole world to his view of creation, and these were the greatest sins of all, the same transgressions over which the devil himself, once an archangel, had stumbled and fallen a long way out of Heaven.”
Dean Koontz, Intensity

Philip Roth
“In human society, thinking’s the greatest transgression of all.”
Philip Roth, I Married a Communist

Neda Aria
“How sure are you that it is your decision? You’re conditioned to think you need to have a child to be happy. But my dear, what if you don’t? Would you feel incomplete?”
Neda Aria, Feminomaniacs

Arthur Rimbaud
“To arrive at the unknown through the disordering of all the senses, that's the point. The sufferings will be tremendous, but one must be strong, be born a poet: it is in no way my fault.”
Arthur Rimbaud , Illuminations

Suzanne Brøgger
“Det var liksom helt riktig at han ikke hadde spurt. At han bare hadde tatt sjansen og at han nå ville få blod på sin eggeskallfargede silkesofa. Den slags overraskelser får bare de helt selvtilfredse og autistiske.”
Suzanne Brøgger, Creme fraiche

Georges Canguilhem
“Une norme, dans l'expérience anthropologique, ne peut être originelle. La règle ne commence à être règle qu'en faisant règle et cette fonction de correction surgit de l'infraction même. Un âge d'or, un paradis, sont la figuration mythique d'une existence initialement adéquate à son exigence, d'un mode de vie dont la régularité ne doit rien à la fixation de la règle, d'un état de non-culpabilité en l'absence d'interdit que nul ne fût censé ignorer. Ces deux mythes procèdent d'une illusion de rétroactivité selon laquelle le bien originel c'est le mal ultérieur contenu. À l'absence de règles fait pendant l'absence de techniques. L'homme de l'âge d'or, l'homme paradisiaque, jouissent spontanément des fruits d'une nature inculte, non sollicitée, non forcée, non reprise. Ni travail, ni culture, tel est le désir de régression intégrale. Cette formulation en termes négatifs d'une expérience conforme à la norme sans que la norme ait eu à se montrer dans sa fonction et par elle, ce rêve proprement naïf de régularité en l'absence de règle signifie au fond que le concept de normal est lui-même normatif, il norme même l'univers du discours mythique qui fait le récit de son absence.”
Georges Canguilhem, The Normal and the Pathological

Christos Ikonomou
“...power is synonymous with its own corruption, which is to say power equals corruption – and in the same way, truth is synonymous with its own transgression. Which means that in order to see the whole truth, you need to transgress it. In order to see truth in its entirety you have to get some distance, just as in order to see all of Earth, you have to travel thousands of kilometers into space.”
Christos Ikonomou, Το καλό θα 'ρθει από τη θάλασσα

“Simplicity has the strongest power to possess, obsess and transgress.”

Amrou Al-Kadhi
“I was desperate to present as transgressive, but also to be entirely accepted within spaces that were anything but that.”
Amrou Al-Kadhi, Life as a Unicorn: A Journey from Shame to Pride and Everything in Between

“When the term universal comes up, ask: Whose universe? When the term timeless: Who can stand outside of time? When transcends categories: Why not transgress? I don’t want to transcend. I want to sing about living in a tangle of histories and dreams. Embrace that song, I’m reminding myself.”
Chen Chen

Neda Aria
“I am the revolution. I am a social change!”
Neda Aria, Feminomaniacs

Neda Aria
“You are not a reproductive machine. Do you get it? I saved you from slavery.”
Neda Aria, Feminomaniacs

Neda Aria
“I lost everything. My social value, my child, and my husband.”
Neda Aria, Feminomaniacs

Neda Aria
“To all ignorant women who see their worth in their bodies. In having a husband. In the number of the children they bear. To Mandana Saberi a woman who sacrificed her meaningful being for the sake of a fake social value.”
Neda Aria, Feminomaniacs

Neda Aria
“Death is not scary, it’s where we end up that is.”
Neda Aria, Feminomaniacs

Neda Aria
“I’m sorry but this place is promised to be the last destination for the guests who willingly want to die.”
Neda Aria, Feminomaniacs

Neda Aria
“Humans are more complex than that. You never know. What if there are some people who don’t literally wish to disappear? They just assume they want… or what if they just show up here in desperation… looking for someone to come and find them before they die?”
Neda Aria

“Every relationship that’s thriving from an erotic point of view is built on and fueled by a sense of transgression to some degree, I don’t care how holy or godly a couple claims to be.”
Lebo Grand

“That sense of transgression that comes with your sinful nature is good for your marriage. You don’t need deliverance from it because it‘s key to stimulating sensual imagination and keeping the chase alive. It is erotic.

Not everything needs deliverance. I’m talking to my Christian ladies.”
Lebo Grand

Raduan Nassar
“[...] foi um milagre descobrirmos acima de tudo que nos bastamos dentro dos limites da nossa própria casa, confirmando a palavra do pai de que a felicidade só pode ser encontrada no seio da família; foi um milagre, querida irmã, e eu não vou permitir que este arranjo do destino se desencante, pois eu quero ser feliz, eu, o filho torto, a ovelha negra que ninguém confessa, o vagabundo irremediável da família, mas que ama a nossa casa, e ama esta terra, e ama também o trabalho, ao contrário do que se pensa; foi um milagre, querida irmã, foi um milagre, eu te repito, e foi um milagre que não pode se reverter: as coisas vão mudar daqui pra frente, vou madrugar com nossos irmãos, seguir o pai para o trabalho, arar a terra e semear, acompanhar a brotação e o crescimento, participar das apreensões da nossa lavoura, vou pedir a chuva e o sol quando escassear a água ou a luz sobre as plantações, contemplar os cachos que amadurecem, estando presente com justiça na hora da colheita, trazendo para casa os frutos, provando com tudo isso que eu também posso ser útil [...]”
Raduan Nassar, Lavoura Arcaica

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...no line crossed shall leave a break from which to go back.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“The encroachment of government surveillance is a blatant transgression of our right to privacy, with ramifications that extend far beyond the legal framework. The emotional toll inflicted by the constant awareness of being monitored is a corrosive force that undermines the very foundation of trust between citizens and their government. Instances of surveillance excess, whether historical or contemporary, underscore the potential for abuse, showcasing the urgent need to curb such practices to preserve the emotional well-being of individuals and the societal trust essential for a thriving democracy. Unlawful surveillance is not just a breach of legality; it is a betrayal of the principles that define a free and open society.”
James William Steven Parker

Adania Shibli
“Desde que tive ciência da minha incapacidade consumada de me mover de acordo com os limites, resolvi, finalmente, permanecer dentro dos limites da minha casa, tanto quanto possível. Agora, uma vez que a casa tem muitas janelas, e, portanto, não custaria nada aos vizinhos e seus três filhos me verem transgredindo os limites, mesmo dentro da minha casa, instalei cortinas, muito embora soubesse que, algumas vezes, me esquecerei de fechá-las.”
Adania Shibli, Minor Detail

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