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Wellness Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wellness-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 108
Jack Freestone
“Words such as kindness, wellness, green, united, world, peace, have all been hijacked by bad people. If you hear these words, run for the hills.”
Jack Freestone

Germany Kent
“Mental wellness is so important. Take care of your mind and the way you speak to yourself. Don’t let negative thoughts weaken you.”
Germany Kent

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Fun fact—fifteen minutes of walking per day has been shown to lower your risk of heart disease by 33 percent.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, The Habit Trip: A Fill-in-the-Blank Journey to a Life on Purpose

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Resting your attention on a single breath is a victory: one inhale and one exhale.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, The Habit Trip: A Fill-in-the-Blank Journey to a Life on Purpose

Sarah Hays Coomer
“You don’t even have to lift your head from between your knees to take a breath, and you know you can manage that much, even with poison in your veins.”
Sarah Hays Coomer

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Breath puts a sliver of light between impact and reflex. That’s the endgame of all that meditation-breathing stuff: interrupting knee-jerk impulsivity.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, The Habit Trip: A Fill-in-the-Blank Journey to a Life on Purpose

Sarah Hays Coomer
“You can’t strangle stress to death. You can try, but all that effort only increases its ferocity until it shatters your ability to contain it.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, The Habit Trip: A Fill-in-the-Blank Journey to a Life on Purpose

Sarah Hays Coomer
“With our physical bodies at ease, we are better able to serve, to function, and to show up when we are needed, fists raised in unison in nonviolent protest over a sea of living, breathing bodies—wide- awake and as loud as we damn well please.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“The choice to be in our bodies without shame is the most important thing each of us can do to facilitate being feminists, caretakers, geeks, revolutionaries, tree huggers, experts or advocates.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“With our physical bodies at ease, we are better able to serve, to function, and to show up when we are needed, fists raised in unison in non-violent protest over a sea of living, breathing bodies—wide-awake and as loud as we damn well please.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Following the 'rules' of fashion... binds our bodies.
It knits our legs together and prevents us from taking up space. It compels us to obey.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“No more starving.
No more challenges. No more fasts.
No more pills.
Food is not the enemy,
and fighting it is making us sick.
Food is the remedy that will make us well.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“We can't deny the suffering that comes with loss, but we can bend with the pain, arch our backs, and return to standing.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Our bodies are everything. They are the tools our mothers and their mothers used to end wars. Women have used their bodies to demand the right to vote, the right to work, the right to birth control, the right to safe working conditions, the right to choose, the right to equal funding for sports and education, and the right to say NO. Our bodies are agents of change.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Each step and every healthy bite takes us closer to well-being, closer to raw, unrepentant liberty at home, at work, in our neighborhoods, and within the confines of our own minds.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
Sarah Hays Coomer

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Before we can make seismic professional, economic, and sociological changes, we have to squeeze out of our Spanx and remember how it feels to breathe—with sweat in our eyes, air in our lungs, and music pouring boldly from our speakers.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“When we find new, powerful, healthy ways to be in our bodies —
large or small — 
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Patience is not a lack of action. It’s a tactical technique.”
Sarah Hays Coomer

Sarah Hays Coomer
“We can turn off the twenty-four-hour coverage and take a walk and a deep breath and return home to wrap our arms around our kids, pets, lovers, or friends.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“ We can turn off the twenty-four-hour coverage and take a walk and a deep breath and return home to wrap our arms around our kids, pets, lovers, or friends.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“We need to listen for distress signals from our own bodies, as well as from those around us, and have systems in place to ease the pain.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Malebo Sephodi
“although there are many factors that contribute to women's body-image issues, we cannot ignore the role that society plays in the aesthetics of what we represent and how we should be viewed. many believe there is a single standard for what a woman should look like, they end up feeling inadequate if they do not conform to that standard”
Malebo Sephodi, Miss Behave

Dr.Purushothaman  Kollam
“Having a role model is a smart and easy way to do well”
Dr.Purushothaman Kollam

Dhayana Alejandrina
“Love yourself enough through the hard times, good times, and weird times.”
Dhayana Alejandrina

Lee Papa
“Nourish yourself mindfully, Give from the overflow.”
Lee Papa

Janani Srikanth
“I always believe that the time to relax is when you feel you lack the time to do so.”

Harjeet Khanduja
“A creative side hobby can improve wellness and productivity.”
Harjeet Khanduja, The Storytelling Leader and other stories

Sophie Kinsella
“And now I have my steps for the rest of the afternoon all planned out: 1. Drink wine. 2. Eat crisps. 3. Consume ice cream. 4. Read about celebrities until my brain addles. 5. Repeat.

I’m not sure these steps will lead to a “better me”, but they will lead to a “happy me”. “Better me” can just wait for a bit. In fact, I’m tempted to tell “better me” to sod right off.”
Sophie Kinsella, The Burnout

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