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Our Materiality Analysis

Our materiality analysis Process and material topics

As part of our materiality analysis, we continuously identify and assess the expectations and requirements of relevant internal and external stakeholders. Developing an understanding for the organisation and its context is the starting point of this process. Our materiality analysis enables us to identify opportunities and risks for our core business activities at an early stage and translate them into concrete entrepreneurial actions. The results of the materiality assessment determine the scope of the non-financial statement in our annual report. 

Our materiality analysis is based on a 4-step approach which combines quantitative and qualitative analysis approaches:

A) Desktop research
We conduct a preliminary analysis in order to narrow down and cluster topics. This includes four steps:

  1. The main topics from our last materiality analysis form the basis. 
  2. These are compared with relevant and current market standards. 
  3. Afterwards, feedback from our most important ESG-rating agencies is incorporated. 
  4. Finally, a comprehensive benchmarking against peer reports is conducted. 

The result of the desktop research is a shortlist with possible topics, which builds the basis for the subsequent stakeholder interviews.

B) Initial verification
The topics of the shortlist are evaluated through interviews with internal and external stakeholders. The stakeholders are selected along our most important entitlement groups. Our materiality analysis follows a double-materiality approach. Meaning that on one hand the impact of the relevant topics on our company is assessed. On the other hand, the company’s impact on others i.e., on people, society and the environment is evaluated.

For the interviews, appropriate guidelines are prepared. During the interviews the stakeholders are asked:

  • to rank the materiality of the selected ESG-topics, 
  • to assess the impact of Deutsche Börse Group on these topics and 
  • to identify opportunities and risks resulting from these topics. 

Afterwards, the results of the stakeholder interviews are compiled in an overview. 

C) Assessment
Subsequently, these results are validated and then confirmed by our Group Sustainability Board.

D) Final verification
Finally, the Executive Board is informed about the results and the materiality analysis is confirmed by our auditor. 

Here you can find the results of our materiality analysis from 2021 and 2022

Based on the materiality analysis results, Deutsche Börse Group has identified certain ESG-indicators for the group-wide sustainability strategy. These indicators have been translated into five main fields of action: "Economic situation," "Employees", "Customers and markets" and "Social environment" which are monitored and measured with specific KPIs.