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Research Day

scientists present their posters at Research Day

The annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day is a campuswide event to promote faculty and trainee development through the sharing of exciting research and conversation with colleagues. 

The 18th Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day

Save the Date for Research Day 2024: Thursday, September 12

Abstracts submissions for 2024 Research Day will open on July 25 and close on August 8 at 11:59 p.m.

Last year's event was held on Thursday, September 14 and featured more than 460 research projects submitted by faculty, students, trainees and staff. Craig Thompson, former president and CEO of Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, gave the keynote address and awards for excellence in research were presented. 

Read the news story
View List of Awardees



Poster Competitions & Awards

Research Day offers students and scientists at Feinberg a public forum for presenting their findings and an opportunity to receive valuable feedback from their colleagues. It also allows them to see how their research compares to that of their peers in a competitive arena. Learn about the prizes, eligibility and instructions for our poster sessions.

Each year, Research Day participants compete for awards in basic science research, clinical research, public health and social sciences research and women's health research by submitting their research in poster format for review and judging. See an archived list of all previous winners.  

The following awards are also presented on Research Day: Tripartite Legacy Faculty Prize, Faculty Mentor of the Year and the ARCC Award.

Please note:

  • Accepted abstracts will be publicly available online prior to the event and for a short period after Research Day.
  • Only one abstract per presenter is accepted.
  • Abstracts are accepted on first come-first serve basis until we reach capacity.

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