[go: nahoru, domu]


In conversation with the world

Why do we venture out into the world?

To educate ourselves – build our character, our knowledge, our CV, our network. All well and true. But venturing out into the world is not merely a box to be checked. It's the expression of an attitude. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin encourages curious minds in this attitude by positioning itself as a holistic space of diversity.


Internationality and diversity are integral to Humboldt-Universität's identity and experienced daily by our students, academics and staff. In addition to a vast network of high-level international partnerships, HU can offer flexible funding opportunities and individualised support services. Whether you are coming to us from abroad or want to go out into the world: You're in the right place.


    • Third round: Flex funds for co­op­er­a­tion with strate­gic HU part­ners

      Call for applications

      Researchers, teaching staff and administrative staff can now apply for internal HU funding to initiate collaborations with our strategic partner universities in Princeton, São Paulo (USP) and Zurich (UZH) as well as with our partners in London (KCL), Toronto (UofT) and Canberra (ANU)!

    • Aca­d­e­m­ic Free­dom Week 2024

      Academic Freedom

      In the first week of July, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin hosts the second Academic Freedom Week.

    • Cir­cle U. Seed Fund­ing Call 2024: ap­ply now!

      Call for applications

      Are you a student, researcher or administrative staff member within Circle U. looking to fund new collaborative projects? The Circle U. Seed Funding Call 2024 is your chance to bring innovative ideas to life and strengthen our international academic community


    • 03.07.2024

      18:00 — 20:00 ​


      Coun­try in Fever: France elects a new par­lia­ment

      The HU Vice-Provost for International and European Affairs discusses the French parliamentary elections with experts from the German Bundestag: How will the vote impact the country and Europe?

      Go to event page
    • 16.07.2024

      14:30 — 16:00 ​

      Room 1066e, HU main building, Unter den Linden 6

      Circle U.

      A Eu­ro­pean Cam­pus: Cir­cle U. in­tro­duces its new plat­form

      How can nine European universities bring their teaching offers together? What opportunities can a virtual European campus bring to half a million students? And what will it look like in practice?

      Go to event page
    • 16.07.2024

      17:00 — 18:30 ​

      Room 1066e, HU main building, Unter den Linden 6

      Circle U.

      Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence: Work­shop on the New Cir­cle U. Knowl­edge Hub

      Circle U. invites all colleagues at HU who work and conduct research in Artificial Intelligence: This workshop will lay the foundation for the new Circle U. Knowledge Hub "Artificial Intelligence" at Humboldt-Universität.

      Go to event page