From the course: Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Recommendations

Set up environment

- [Instructor] To work with the code examples in this course, we need to download and install the Python 3 programming language and the PyCharm development environment. First we're going to install Python 3. We're at the website, and at the top of the page, click on downloads, and we'll see the newest version of Python 3 available for our operating system. I'm using Mac, so I'm going to download the Mac version, but Python 3 is also available for Windows and Linux. Click to download Python 3, great it's done. Now click on the download file to launch the installer. We can accept all the default options, so just click continue, and agree, and install. Great, the installation is complete. Now we need to install PyCharm. PyCharm is an integrated development environment for Python, let's go to, and here we're going to click download now. Since I'm on a Mac, I'm downloading the Mac version of PyCharm, but PyCharm is also available for Windows and Linux. We have the choice of downloading either the community edition or the professional edition, but the community edition has all the features we need and it's free, so it's the one we'll download. Click download. When the download completes, click on the file to install it. Now, to install PyCharm, just drag it to the applications folder, and now we can open PyCharm from the applications folder. And click open. Now we're ready to create our first project in PyCharm. Click create new project, for the location, we're going to choose the exercise files for this course, if you have them available. I have them on my desktop, so I'll click there, click open. For the interpretor, we want to make sure that we use the version of Python 3 that we just installed, here I've selected Python 3.6, and click create, and yes. Okay. And as soon as we try to open one of the exercise files, in this case I'll open up vectors part one, PyCharm'll tell us that we're missing some of the package requirements, these are the machine learning libraries that we'll use in this course. We need numpy, pandas, and scipy. To install them click install requirements, and click install. And you can watch the progress in the installation bar at the bottom, and they should install pretty quickly. And it's complete.
