From the course: C Programming Basics: Flow Control, Variables, and Pointers

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Sending text to output

Sending text to output

- [Instructor] A program has to do something. That something involves taking input and generating output. Input and output form the famous computer duo I and O, and it's what programming is all about. This is how a typical C program works. It's a machine that accepts input, does something to it, then generates output. If the program doesn't do anything, then it's basically plumbing. What goes in, comes out. The C library offers a host of output functions. Of the lot, three are the most popular. They are pronounced printf, putchar, and puts. Each function sends one or more characters to the standard output device, which is the screen or terminal. Each is declared in the standard I/O header file and these functions are part of the standard C programming library. The traditional first C program is called hello world. It outputs the text hello world. In fact, it's the default skeleton that Code::Blocks produces when you…
