From the course: Introduction to Career Skills in Data Analytics

Finalizing dashboards

From the course: Introduction to Career Skills in Data Analytics

Finalizing dashboards

- [Instructor] Visualization tools give us so many features, including some that we really need to pay attention to, like automatically creating titles and built-in tool tips. These features are so nice, but they don't always really make sense to the users that are not involved in the back end of the data. Changing titles should be an overall part of your process. And when you're ready to finalize your dashboard, it should be one of the final things you check. You can change them at any time, but you certainly want to make time for it. Let's look at our SalesManagerDashboard here. There's definitely a few titles we can change to make things more meaningful. For example, we have TotalAfterDiscount by Last Name and Company Name, and really what this does is shows each salesperson and the total for each of their customers. Also, there's a couple of other little things that are not too meaningful, like this company name in the legend. It's really small, and there's a lot of different customers here. Okay, so I'll choose that option. I'll go to my format Visual, and I can look at the Y and the X axis. So first of all, I'll turn that Title off the Y axis. And you'll notice that the last name here on the left disappears. I'll go to the X axis and I'll turn the Title off here and it will disappear from the bottom. And then I really don't think I need a legend for this. There's other ways I can work with that information. So I'll turn the Legend off. Okay, now I'll go to General and I'll go to Title. Right now, the Title is turned on, but it's not really meaningful. So let's do Total By Salesperson For Each Customer. And I'll go ahead and center align this. Perfect. I'm going to bring it down just a little bit. And then I have my card up top. Let's go ahead and expand that. If I make it just a little bit bigger, I can see that it has a TotalAfterDiscount. Okay, that's called its category label. I've got that selected. I'll go to its format and I'll turn off that Category label. Okay, I'll work with this call out value. First of all, it's really big. So I'll go ahead and make it a size 30, make it a little bit smaller. But I want to change the way it displays, like I want the whole number there. I can go ahead and choose that. I'll go ahead and leave it for Auto 'cause these numbers get large when I remove the filters. And I'll go to General and then I can turn on its Title and have to supply that title. And we'll do Total Sales here. And again, we can make that just a tad bit bigger, and then let's center it. Okay, perfect. Now there's no question that that's the Total Sales and then underneath that is the Total By Salesperson For Each Customer. Okay, also notice that we have different slicers across the top. This is the perfect opportunity to provide some instructions. So I'll go ahead and click on Year and Month, I'll go to the format, I'll go to my Slicer settings. I want to leave it as Multi-select because I want people to be able to select multiple criteria, but I also like the Select all option, so I'll turn that on. Can take a look at the header. And then notice the title text. Here, I can change this to read Select Year and Month. Just the word select tells people, hey, this is something I can select. I'll go to a Last Name. Because I was on that area, it will automatically update. Okay, and I can do Salesperson. Company name is fine, but I'll go ahead and put Select Company Name. Now, I want to be consistent. So I'll go back to my Salesperson and tell it to be Select Salesperson. Looks much better. And then I'll go to my ShipCountry, and I'll change to Select Shipping Country. Now because we have two countries, the country that the customers' in and the shipping country, it is probably important to specify. Now, these changes are minimal, but they've already made a big difference. Okay, let's go here to our table here. Let's go to General. It's Title is turned off, so let's turn it on, and let's call those Sales Order Records. Fantastic.
