From the course: Introduction to Google Slides

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Business challenge overview

Business challenge overview

- [Instructor] Now it's time to put everything you've learned into practice. Before you get started, let's remind ourselves of the business challenge. Thomas Omar and Ceroga Malone met with On the Rise Store owner Yousef Amadi on a recent visit to the store's Fort Lauderdale, Florida, location. Over dinner after the meeting, Yousef discussed his ideas about improving how On the Rise bakeries share their successes, their challenges, and their lessons learned. He said, "I'd love to find a way to learn about how other stores are set up, how they entice their customers to try new products and services, and how they make their bakeries most efficient." This idea resonated with Thomas. He noted that he recently received a similar presentation from the Manila store named On the Rise Bakery Best Practices Sharing. He asked whether Yousef would be willing to build off of this presentation by adding a new section about what is…
