From the course: React Native Essential Training

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Exploring components and APIs

Exploring components and APIs

- [Instructor] The React Native repository on GitHub under the Facebook organization here has a few really good reference examples and packages that you should explore. But let me point your attention to one particular package that is very helpful. And you can find that under packages here, and I'm talking about this rn-tester package. This package is basically a demo of all the available React Native views and modules. Let me show you. There are some instructions here that you can do. Basically we clone the React Native repo, all of it. So we just paste the same command to clone the React Native repo. Then we go into the new created directory and run npm install in here, and then we need to run npm start here. And keep this running in a terminal. And from another terminal, let's go into packages, and then rn-tester. And in here, we run npm install as well. And we can follow the directions here to install the…
