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Great tools for idea capture

Great tools for idea capture

- [Instructor] So you need a place to capture your ideas. The best notetaking tool is the one you actually use, but that won't stop me from sharing some good tools for capturing and organizing your ideas. That way you have some options to experiment and see what works for you. Of course, there's always the trusty pen and paper, but while that's a great method and one I love, you'll likely have your mobile device on you more often. So let's look at some apps. The easiest path is the note taking app on your mobile device. That's probably always going to be with you and easily accessible. I have some direct experience with Apple Notes and that's probably good for most people. You can organize notes into folders, quickly capture ideas with shortcuts, and then sync to iCloud. There is an equivalent on Android and other devices. If you're looking for something with more muscle, there are apps like Notion, Obsidian and my…
