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Revision as of 10:09, 16 May 2016 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
PD Pastaba: redaguodami šį puslapį, sutinkate, kad Jūsų indėlis būtų susietas su CC0 licencija. Daugiau informacijos apie tai rasite Viešosios srities pagalbos puslapiuose. PD

Bendra informacija

Kas yra VisualEditor?
Visual Editor - tai programa sukurta Wikimedia Foundation iniciatyva, kuri leis žmonėms redaguoti puslapius esančius MediaWiki be wikitext sintaksės žinojimo. Puslapių formatavimas naudojant VisualEditor vyks panašiai kaip ir formatavimas naudojant rašykles. Redaguojant, tekstas atrodys taip, kaip po išsaugojimo.
Kodėl buvo atlikti pakeitimai?
Didžiausia kliūtimi sėkmingai atlikti pirmąjį redagavimą ir tuo pat metu kliūtimi pradedant kelią link produktyvaus, patyrusio visuomenės nario yra wikimarkup žymėjimų rinkinys, reikalingas norint atlikti redagavimą senajame redagavimo lange. Norėdami padidinti sėkmingų pirmo redagavimo bandymų skaičių - mums reikalinga geresnė redagavimo sistema. Prašome perskaityti mūsų išsamesnį paaiškinimą norint surasti daugiau informacijos.
Kur aš galėčiau sužinoti daugiau apie VisualEditor naudojimą?
Prašom skaityti VisualEditor naudotojo gidas.
Kada VisualEditor bus įjungtas mano wiki?
Dabartinis tvarkaraštis (gali keistis):
  • Birželio 24:A/B bandymai angliškoje Wikipedijoje. VisualEditor įdiegtas maždaug 50% naujai registruotų vartotojų.
  • Liepos 1: VisualEditor įdiegtas angliškoje Wikipedijoje ir tampa prieinamas visiems registruotiems vartotojams.
  • Liepos 15: VisualEditor įdiegtas angliškoje Wikipedijoje ir tampa prieinamas visiems anoniminiems ir registruotiems vartotojams.
  • Liepos 24: VisualEditor įdiegiamas de, es, fr, he, it, nl, pl, ru, ir sv.wikipedia, prieinamas registruotiems vartotojams.
  • Liepos 29: VisualEditor įdiegiamas de, es, fr, he, it, nl, pl, ru, ir sv.wikipedia, prieinamas registruotiems vartotojams.
  • Rugpjūčio antroji pusė: VisualEditor įdiegiamas visuose likusiuose Wikipedijose ir prieinamas prieinamas visiems vartotojams, išskyrus kaikurias wiki (kaip kinų Wikipedija), kur VisualEditor dar neįdiegtas visai.
Šiuo metu planuojama pirmiausiai dislokuoti Wikipedia puslapius, o giminingus projektuos - vėliau, apie 2013m. gruodžio pabaigą, dėl tam tikrų pakeitimų reikalingų atlikti prieš dislokavimą. VisualEditor is available as an opt-in Beta Feature to almost all logged-in users at all Wikimedia Foundation projects except Wiktionary and Wikisource.
Why are you deploying the software even though development is not finished?
The software has features to be added and issues to be resolved. Ultimately, the best way to detect bugs and identify missing features is to have as many people as possible using the software and playing with it. While we know that bugs are disruptive in the short term, they will be fixed, and the current use is what lets us identify things that need fixing.
Aptikau problemą susijusią su VisualEditor. Kaip galiu apie tai jums pranešti?
Jeigu turite noro ir esate pajėgūs, prašome pranešti apie problemą bugzilloje [$bugzilla "VisualEditor" gaminyje]. Daugelis Wikipedios vartotojų taip pat turi puslapius skirtus atsiliepimams ir skundams susijusiems su VisualEditor;pažiūrėkite sąrašą Wikidatoje. Yra sukurtas ir pagrindinis atsiliepimų puslapis, kurį galite rasti adresu mediawiki.org
How do I disable VisualEditor?
To continue to edit the wikitext directly, simply click the "Redaguoti vikitekstą" button instead of "Keisti". On section edit links, you can open the classic wikitext editor for that section by clicking "redaguoti vikitekstą" instead of the regular "keisti" link. On wikis where VisualEditor is still a Beta Feature, you can simply uncheck its box in the Beta tab of your Preferences; on the other wikis, you can check the Temporarily disable VisualEditor while it is in beta box from the Editing tab instead.
A feature is missing in VisualEditor. How do I ask you to add it?
Some features are currently being developed or planned. The Roadmap, the Wikimedia Engineering goals pages for 2015–2016 and the Phabricator workboard provide some additional information as well. If you can't find any reference to the new feature you'd like to suggest, please submit it using the same process used to report an issue.
Will it still be possible to edit using wikitext after VisualEditor becomes the primary editing interface?
Yes. While VisualEditor will eventually be offered to all users by default, a method for editing the underlying “source” text will continue to exist. There are no plans to remove wikitext editing.
Can I use familiar wikimarkup like [[ ]] and {{ }} in VisualEditor?
No. Currently, those shortcuts will trigger the link and the template tool respectively. If you use wikimarkup in the article, a warning message will appear. See VisualEditor User guide for more about how to use VisualEditor.
Why is my browser not supported?
Building a modern editing interface for Wikipedia and its sister wiki is a technical challenge, but it's possible using modern web technologies and standards. Unfortunately, some browsers don't support many of the features we need for VisualEditor. We're doing our best to support the most common browsers: VisualEditor works well with recent versions of the most popular web browsers: Firefox 15 and up; Iceweasel 10 and up; Safari 7 and up; Chrome 19 and up; Opera 15 and up; Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11. Support for Internet Explorer 9 is planned. Trying to work around the limitations of older browsers would divert resources from improvements that would benefit the majority of users. We encourage you to upgrade to a supported browser and, if you can't, to continue to edit using the source wikitext editor. (See VisualEditor/Target browser matrix for specific details.)
Does VisualEditor work with Wikisource's ProofreadPage, or Wiktionary's templates, and other features that Wikipedia doesn't have?
VisualEditor is flexible enough to be adapted to all Wikimedia sites. However, Wiktionary's heavy reliance on templates will require significant work by community members to provide TemplateData to their users, and Wikisource's ProofreadPage tool will require some additional work to integrate VisualEditor smoothly.
Can I install VisualEditor on my personal wiki outside Wikimedia?
Yes, at your own risk. VisualEditor and Parsoid extensions are available for download but they're still experimental; note that Parsoid requires nodeJS. If you do install and use them, please let us know what worked and what didn't in Phabricator.
Does VisualEditor make automatic fixes to pages?
In most cases, VisualEditor will not make changes to formatting on lines that are not being directly edited. In cases where markup already on the page is handled incorrectly (for example, with tables that are not closed), it may attempt to correct these.
My question isn't here. Where do I ask?
You can ask on the VisualEditor feedback page on your wiki (see the list on Wikidata) or on the central feedback page on mediawiki.org.
