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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Wikistories for Wikipedia and the translation is 81% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Wikistories is a project, under development since July 2021 by the Wikimedia Foundation's Inuka team , that will let editors create short, visual and reliable knowledge from Wikipedia for quick consumption and easy sharing. It generates content in visual format to capture and distribute encyclopaedic knowledge that is less suitable for long form articles.


La Estrategia del Movimiento 2030 pone el énfasis en la necesidad de centrar la atención en la distribución equitativa de las oportunidades de intercambio de conocimientos entre las comunidades de Wikimedia en todo el mundo.

Wikicuentos es una de las iniciativas destinadas a cubrir esta necesidad; se centra en la representación visual del contenido disponible en los sitios de Wikimedia, y los flujos de trabajo que pueden contribuir a descubrir dicho contenido.

El contenido visual ha jugado un papel importante en la forma en que se consume el contenido del proyecto Wikimedia. Las imágenes, el audio y el video mejoran la experiencia de algo tan simple como leer un artículo de Wikipedia y contribuyen enormemente a preservar la memoria visual a través de los millones de contenido multimedia que crece cada día en Wikimedia Commons.

En Internet en general, el contenido visual se ha convertido en la forma principal de contenido que se consume.

El equipo de Inuka ha estado explorando cómo hacer uso del contenido de Wikimedia para una experiencia más visual, a través de experimentos de diseño y estudios de usabilidad que han contribuido a proyectos como Wikipedia KaiOS app y Wikipedia Preview . Wikistories es un paso más en esa dirección, y tiene la intención de hacer que la interacción con el contenido de Wikimedia sea más significativa e inclusiva para las audiencias en todas las regiones y las características demográficas y sus hábitos digitales.

Metas y objetivos

El objetivo de las wikistorias es: amplificar el contenido de wikipedia en formatos breves y visuales, impulsando la lectura entre nuevos públicos. La herramienta Wikistories puede:

  • allow users to engage with Wikimedia content both as consumers and creators in a way that matches contemporary internet experiences.
  • be visually appealing, easy to contribute to, and meet reader needs with visual knowledge and be shareable.
  • proporcionar una manera de contribuir y consumir rápidamente el conocimiento visual de una fuente de información fiable.
  • llegar a un público más amplio, nuevo y diverso, tanto en colaboradores como en lectores.

The objective of Wikistories is to: support contributions that require repackaging available long-form content in Wikipedia in an experience that is image/visual led.

This form of contribution takes into account the preferences of new audiences when contributing content, and makes it easier/more welcoming to contribute to knowledge successfully through mobile phones.

Wikistories aims to help achieve the objective of increasing short, visual content that positively influences contributor & reader engagement of new audiences with encyclopaedic content. Users can create, curate, contribute and consume our content in a visually-driven experience.


  • If we provide an easy way for contributors to create/curate wikistories through their phones, then we will see an increase in diverse contributors from regions, communities, and languages that have been underrepresented in digital spaces.
  • Increase in visual content led experiences will lead to increased reader engagement with encyclopedic content.
  • An easy way to contribute using Wikistories would motivate new GLAMs to get started in the Wikimedia movement.

Exploraciones iniciales

Ejemplo de cómo alguien podría resaltar el texto para Wikistories

A finales de 2020 se intentó una versión muy inicial de un concepto de diseño y, posteriormente, en mayo de 2021, de nuevo con más detalles.

Investigación de diseño

  • Wikistories Indonesia Concept testing research gathered feedback from Indonesian editor communities on early concepts and designs for Wikistories, focusing on the experiences of potential Wikistories creators coming from the editing community
  • Wikistories Africa Concept testing user research in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa with new/potential contributors investigated the behaviour of content creators and consumers in three African countries with distinct user behaviours and context especially relating to Wikimedia.
  • Early adopters survey feedback: In collaboration with Wikimedia Indonesia organised a series of workshops and trainings for Wikistories. These workshops took place in-person in five Indonesian cities (Yogyakarta, Bandung, Padang, Jakarta, and Denpasar) between July and October of 2022. This survey project gathered structured feedback from Indonesian Wikipedia editors who attended these workshops, all of whom were early creators of Wikistories.
  • Early adopters moderated research: In order to more effectively conduct research with the Indonesian community, we worked with FloLab, a Jakarta-based UI consultant to help us with this project. Our aim was to understand the experiences of early Wikistory adopters, both creators and readers, focusing on their motivations and experiences creating and sharing stories. We also wanted to understand what motivated current and potential Wikistories readers and creators to engage with this feature.

Aspectos destacados

Wikistorias en el flujo de usuarios de Wikipedia
Wikistorias en el flujo de usuarios de Wikipedia

Estado actual

  • Starting July 2022, Wikistories has been in pilot under beta cluster in the Indonesian wiki ( link ).
    • So far, 800+ stories have been created by idwiki members + GLAM professionals from Indonesia.
    • To date, 200+ new editors have signed up on Indonesia Wikipedia & created at least 1 wikistory.
  • On June 30, 2022, the very first version of Wikistories for Wikipedia with minimal features focused on story creation, discovery and story consumption, was deployed in Bahasa Indonesian Wikipedia.
    • Following the deployment, there were several community and GLAM engagement activities that acted as channels of feedback on user experiences including early adopters survey & moderated research .
  • On October 5, 2022 we shared with the Indonesian community our plans to move out of beta to make stories created by contributors accessible to readers.
    • The feedback here entailed feature related improvements, product related improvements and policy related feedback. From this conversation; 6 votes agreed, 6 votes disagreed and 3 votes opposed having Wikistories on Indonesian wiki completely.
  • El 6 de abril de 2023 se inició la votación de Wikistorias para la política editorial de Wikipedia.
    • On April 19, 2023 the voting came to an end with 11 votes agreeing with the proposal.
  • Inuka team reviewed the feedback provided by the community members on Indonesian wiki and began the definition and development of Wikistories editorial moderation features as proposed by the community. 
    • This work is currently in progress and anticipate release by End of June, 2023.


  1. Storytelling with Paperclip:
    • In December 2022, the Inuka team collaborated with Indian media company The Paperclip, during which time The Paperclip created four stories relating to football and history, sourced entirely from knowledge available on Wikimedia projects. The stories were shared by The Paperclip on their website, Twitter feed, and other social media channels. You can see the stories as Twitter threads here: 1, 2, 3,4.
    • Learnings from this collaboration have been summarised in this diff blogpost.

Vinculación y actividades

ACTIVACIÓN (julio 2022-diciembre 2022)
Comunidad El equipo de Inuka colaboró con Wikimedia Indonesia con un alcance de 14 comunidades locales de Wikimedia en Indonesia fueron el objetivo. La WMID organizó actividades en línea y fuera de línea para llegar a los miembros de la comunidad, incluidos cinco talleres fuera de línea, un taller en línea, una sesión de Instagram en directo. A continuación se presentan los detalles de las actividades. Ver informe completo aquí

Actividades en línea

  • : Published the Wikistories landing page in Meta.
  • : An Instagram live session introducing the Wikistories
  • November 4, 2022: Online workshop introducing Wikistories (10 participants).
  • December 26-30: Giveaway for participants who created Wikistories (7 participants).

Actividades fuera de línea

We invited the community members to attend the Wikistories workshop. The participants were existing contributors in the Wikimedia project.

  • : Socialization to Wikimedia Yogyakarta Community (13 participants).
  • : Socialization to Wikimedia Bandung Community (8 participants).
  • : Socialization to Wikimedia Padang Community (10 participants).
  • : Socialization to Wikimedia Jakarta Community (11 participants).
  • : Socialization to Wikimedia Denpasar Community (7 participants).

Portal del blog

A couple of blog posts were published about Wikistories in Indonesian:

  1. Wikistorias: Una nueva forma de compartir el conocimiento
  2. Wikistories: Un nuevo formato de contenido visual en la Wikipedia indonesia

Historias creadas

There are 357 stories created by the community members from July–December, 2022. Below is the top three contributors.

  1. Yasanto Lase: 22 stories created
  2. Aliyya talida: 17 stories created
  3. Nafisathallah: 16 stories created
GLAM El equipo de Inuka se asoció con Wikimedia Indonesia para presentar Wikistories a varias instituciones GLAM y comunidades GLAM en cuatro ciudades, a saber, Medan, Yogyakarta, Makassar y Banjarmasin. La elección de las ciudades se basó en las ubicaciones de las entidades GLAM con las que se ha asociado el WMID y también en las nuevas ciudades que visitar como parte de la participación de las nuevas instituciones GLAM. Wikistories también se socializó en línea a través de Zoom y YouTube "Bincang GLAM" transmisión en vivo para llegar a más entidades que no se pueden visitar en persona. Más de 50 personas participaron en todas estas actividades de divulgación y se han creado más de 400 nuevas Wikistorias.

Concurso GLAM

A Wikistories contest for GLAM was held as a way to enrich Wikistories on the topic of GLAM institutions in Indonesia. 386 stories were created by GLAM competition participants; below are the top 3 contributors:

  1. Triwahyuni.o: 195 stories created.
  2. Hernawanwan : 105 stories created.
  3. Faa.story : 54 stories created.

Conferencia de GLAM

La introducción terminó en la Conferencia GLAM Abierta de Indonesia 2022, que se celebró durante dos días en noviembre. Read the full report here.

ADOPCIÓN (a partir de enero de 2023)
Políticas y directrices El 6 de abril de 2023, se inició la voting for Wikistories for Wikipedia Editorial policy; con 11 votos de acuerdo con la política propuesta para ser implementada.
Herramientas de moderación El equipo de Inuka revisó los comentarios proporcionados por los miembros de la comunidad wiki indonesia para informar sobre la definición y el desarrollo de las funciones de moderación editorial de Wikistories propuestas por la comunidad.
  • 13 tickets relacionados con este trabajo se desplegaron en junio de 2023.
Característica de compartir Parte de la retroalimentación de la comunidad recibida incluyó la adición de una función de Compartir que permite que los Wikistories sean compartables para que los lectores los consuman.

Las conversaciones comunitarias y las sesiones de co-creación comenzaron el 20 de mayo de 2023 para orientar las fases de alcance y desarrollo.

  • The 1st version of this capability was deployed in June, 2023.
RETENCIÓN (de enero de 2023 a la fecha)
Comunidad Inuka team partnered with Wikimedia Indonesia affiliate to re-engage the community members in various online and offline meet ups beginning end of May, 2023. These activities focus on shedding light to all enhancements and capabilities added between April-June, 2023 following community feedback and early adopters research i.e.

A wikistories campaign was scheduled at the end of these engagements to commemorate Indonesia’s Independence Day.

[WIP] Upon completion of these activities, Inuka team will run product evaluations through surveys and analytics to determine its impact on engagement and retention of the tool (currently in progress)

Actividades de reincorporación Número de inscripciones y participantes Número de historias creadas
"Prueba Wikistories": 14-24 de septiembre de 2023
  • 86 Inscripciones
  • 35 participantes
  • 2.148 historias
Taller de Wikistorias del Día de la Independencia de Indonesia: 21-27 de agosto de 2023
  • 2' inscripciones/ 2 participantes
  • 2 historias
Wikistorias en persona y campañas en línea:
  • 6 de agosto y 24 de junio de 2023 (en línea)
  • Eventos presenciales
  • 14 participants (online)
  • 10 participants (in-person event)

  • 7 stories (online event)
  • 10 stories (in-person event)


Wikistories has been in pilot under beta cluster in the Indonesian wiki since July, 2022 and the team continues to improve and maintain the tool for the purposes of testing these initial assumptions:

  • If we provide an easy way for contributors to create/curate wikistories through their phones, then we will see an increase in diverse contributors from regions, communities, and languages that have been underrepresented in digital spaces.
  • Increase in visual content led experiences will lead to increased reader engagement with encyclopedic content.
  • An easy way to contribute using Wikistories would motivate new GLAMs to get started in the Wikimedia movement.
July,2023 - June,2024 Notes
Contributions (story creations) 2441 253
  • The spike in numbers seen in Q1 are attributed to the Wikistories Re-engagement activities mentioned in the Retention section above.
Contributors (new editors) 22 14
Consumption (story views from share) 50 10
  • Wikistories is still in beta.
  • Share feature was deployed at the end of June, 2023
July,2022 - June,2023 Notes
Contributions (story creations) 431 428 32 55 946
  • Next fiscal year (2023/24) efforts focuses is on organic adoption and retention of the tool by editors through various re-engagement activities with the idwiki community.
  • 82 new editors have signed up on Indonesia Wikipedia & have created at least 1 wiki-story.  
Contributors (new editors) 146 57 18 23 244
Consumption (story views from share) feature is still in beta

Product Feedback

Summary of the feedback received across various channels


  • Feature Improvements;
    • image and text formatting
    • image availability, selection, and contributions
    • mobile experience
    • story builder experience
    • attribution
  • Deploying to new wikis;
Out of Beta RFC


  • Editorial guidelines and Policies for Wikistories;
    • application of neutrality and trusted sources
    • vandalism by anonymous
    • deletion proposals
    • outdated/irrelevant information
  • Feature Improvements;
    • support for audio, video
    • add the "Like" feature
  • Separate Project;
    • Have the feature developed as a separate project.
Early Adopters

Survey Feedback

  • Editorial guidelines and Policies for Wikistories;
    • Gather feedback from the community around administrative burdens that may accompany Wikistories.
  • Feature Improvements;
    • Improve and prioritise development of image editing options.
    • Include references/footnotes as a feature of Wikistories.
    • Provide the option to upload new images when creating a Wikistory.
    • Find ways to improve the process of finding and selecting images.
    • Prioritise the ‘out of beta’ discussion in the community.
    • Improve and prioritise development of more text editing options.
    • Help Wikistory creators see the impact of their work on readers.
    • Provide easy share options
    • Continue to improve both feature depth and breadth until greater parity is achieved with similar features on other platforms.
Early Adopters

Research Feedback

  • Editorial guidelines and Policies for Wikistories;
    • Administrative impacts of stories
  • Feature Improvements;
    • Image availability, selection, and contributions
    • Image and text formatting
    • Saving story drafts
    • Sharing stories and understanding impact
    • Authorship, attribution, and ownership
    • Story personalization
    • Knowing what a ‘good’ story looks like
    • Additional media types
    • Collaboration and the relationship between stories and articles
Wikistories assessment survey report A survey report that presents the Indonesian Wikipedia admin's feedback about the Wikistories tool to help us understand:
  • the quality of content created with the tool
  • their pain points, if any in tracking stories
  • concerns with the tool's usage from admins perspective
  • any trends in the stories created.

Community Conversations

Please visit the Office hours page

Learnings [part 1]

CO-CREATION/ COLLABORATION: by partnering with the Indonesia affiliate and community members, we were able to uncover 2 dynamics:

  • Speed of Testing: experimenting and testing the new content format at different stages took time to reach a consensus with the community; working with them unfolded other unexpected needs for the tool. One of them which was a must-have, was to have an approved, editorial guideline in place, a process that we had to navigate at the community's pace.
  • Targeted approach towards editors: identifying different types of editors/creators that preferred snackable content formats would have helped with editor motivation along with adoption & retention strategies. Wikistories Indonesia Early Adopters Research (Creators/Editors Segment) by FloLab highlighted 5 personas who we could have identified within the idwiki community to better understand editor motivations.

STORY CREATION PROCESS: by partnering with Paperclip, we aimed to understand how:

  • Long-form, encyclopaedic content can be made into bite-sized content i.e. through curation.
  • Repurposing content can happen with proper attribution.
  • Content sourced & curated exclusively from wikipedia sources would be perceived by readers.

This case study uncovered 3 things:

  • Curation: Curating from multiple article sources takes time and effort to dig deep and put together a compelling storyline; in comparison to a single sourced article. Curation was not heavy in the single-sourced thread (Indian roller) as compared the multiple-sourced thread (Football unheard series).
  • Story creation: We saw that story creation could also take a text-first approach with images being used later in the creation journey to complement the narrative. Wikistories tool has taken an image-first approach similar to how most social platforms are designed.
  • Reader Engagement: Stories that were relatable to readers received better engagement levels on Twitter.

CONSUMPTION/ READERSHIP: by hosting wikistories on Indonesia Wikipedia under beta cluster, we were able to uncover how testing readership would look like.

  • Speed of Testing: pursuing different approaches to evaluate readership and consumption while still in Beta would have been an ideal strategy to ensure quick learnings. One possibility could have been, performing a controlled experiment with readers as soon as the product was launched.

Learnings 2023-2024

After 1 year of Wikistories being in use, Indonesian Wikipedia (idwiki) carried out a series of re-engagement activities between June-September 2023. Inuka team continued to monitor the uptake of the feature using data and surveys with learnings drawn from these exercises.

Lessons learnt [part 2]

T351384: Wikistories Editors Analysis

1. Campaign vs Non-campaign Behaviour

a. Non-campaign period : 1106 stories

  • In total, 281 users made at least one edit or created at least one Wikistories from July 2022.
  • On average, 255 users created 3.4 stories and made 1.2 edits.
  • 15 users created at least 1 Wikistory in the last 8 weeks, and 22 users were active in Wikistories in the last 8 weeks.

b. GLAM campaign (Sep-Oct 2022) : 386 stories in 3 weeks

  • 35 users participated in the campaign.
  • 15 new users registered, 5 of them came back to edit or create stories after the campaign.
  • On average, every editor created 13 stories and made 4 edits.

c. Try-Wikistories campaign (Sep 2023) : 2148 stories in 10 days

  • 31 users participated in the campaign.
  • 4 new users registered, 2 of them came back to edit or create stories after the campaign.
  • On average, every editor created 62 stories and made 1 edit.

a. Experience levels

  • 81 (29%) are new editors who registered less than 30 days before their 1st story edits/creations.
  • 63 (23%) of the editors made their 1st WS edit/creation on the day of registration.
  • 200 (71%) are experienced editors who registered over 30 days before their 1st story edits/creations

b. Wikistories Creation vs Editing activity

  • 176 (64%) of editors only created new stories but never edited stories.
  • 34 (12%) of editors only edited but never created stories.

c. Engagement with other WP projects

  • 76% of editors made both WS edits/creations & edits on idwiki. Few of them are new editors.
  • 24% of editors made WS edits/creations only & never made any other edits on idwiki. Majority being new editors & were active only during the campaigns; average active days is 1.6 days.


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