[go: nahoru, domu]

Day-ahead Aggregated Bidding Curves

Day-ahead Aggregated Bidding Curves are based on aggregated bidding data from all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) in a bidding zone or cluster of bidding zones. The curves published by Nord Pool now include realized block order volume (supply & demand); and net import and export values.

For more information on how price curves are formed, please see https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/en/trading/Day-ahead-trading/Price-calculation/.

Clusters represented in these curves are:

  • Norway (NO1+NO2+NO3+NO4+NO5)
  • Sweden (SE1+SE2+SE3+SE4)
  • Denmark (DK1+DK2)
  • Baltic region (EE+LV+LT+LBE+ERI+LRI+LRE)
  • Germany-Luxembourg

The Data Fee is a pre-determined access fee charged annually to allow access to a given data feed.

This fee grants the customer access to 1 API account, and any additional accounts will have a cost.

✓ Realized block order volume (supply & demand)

✓ Net import and export values

✓ Block Bid file included


History available since Oct 2021. Additional API account – €250/year/account.

✓ Realized block order volume (supply & demand)

✓ Net import and export values

✓ Block Bid file included


History available since Oct 2021. Additional API account – €250/year/account.

✓ Realized block order volume (supply & demand)

✓ Net import and export values

✓ Block Bid file included


History available since Oct 2021. Additional API account – €250/year/account.

✓ Realized block order volume (supply & demand)

✓ Net import and export values

✓ Block Bid file included

Contains Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania


History available since Oct 2021. Additional API account – €250/year/account.

✓ Realized block order volume (supply & demand)

✓ Net import and export values

✓ Block Bid file included

20% discount for new customers in 2023


History available since Oct 2021. Additional API account – €250/year/account.

✓ Realized block order volume (supply & demand)

✓ Net import and export values

✓ Block Bid file included


History available since Oct 2021. Additional API account – €250/year/account.


                     The general terms and conditions for all our data products can be found here.