Computer Science

Degrees Offered: Ph.D. and M.S.

The Ph.D. program in Computer Science presents both advanced instruction and opportunities for independent research. The Ph.D. degree is the highest academic degree offered, and graduates typically find employment as researchers in government or industry laboratories or as university faculty. Earning a PhD. degree requires initiative and responsibility, and the student is expected to make a significant contribution to computer-science knowledge by investigating a topic that is recognized as significant.

The M.S. in Computer Science program combines computer science fundamentals with practical knowledge and technical excellence in the most advanced technologies. Research is funded by agencies including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. Air Force, the National Security Agency, the Naval Oceanographic Office, National Science Foundation and among others. The research interests of the faculty include software engineering, information assurance, secure software engineering, artificial intelligence, computational science, distributed systems, multi-agent systems, computer security, trustworthy cloud computing and high performance computing. In addition to a general track”, five additional tracks are offered in Software Engineering, Computational Science and Engineering, Information Assurance, Secure Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.

Ph.D. Program Additional Admission Requirements:

  • Bachelor of Science in computer science with a minimum GPA of 3.5 over the last 60 course credit hours of the undergraduate degree or Master of Science degree in Computer Science with a minimum GPA of 3.25.
  • GRE test scores

M.S. Program Additional Admission Requirements:

  • Unconditional admission requires a BS in Computer Science


Contact Information

College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Graduate Ccoordinator: Dr. Huiming (Anna) Yu
Phone: 336-285-3699

Department Chair: Kaushik Roy
Phone: 336-285-3693

Program Website